How to Manifest Faster with the Law of Assumption

Are you ready to unleash the hidden power of the Law of Assumption to manifest faster?

What if there was a missing piece of the puzzle that could amplify any manifestation method you’ve been doing so far and take your Law of Attraction journey to the next level?

Would you want it? This is exactly what you’ll discover in this post.

Even though the Law of Assumption has been around for a really long time (thanks to Neville Goddard’s teachings), very few people truly understand how to fully unleash its potential or how to combine it with any Law of Attraction technique to manifest faster and feel good about your desires…

The reason for that is simple- before learning what to do, we also need to understand what not to do.

Very often, we can speed up our manifestation journey just by letting go of whatever it is that is holding us back…

That being said, let’s have a look at the most common manifestation block…

Mistakes to Avoid When Manifesting (This Blocks the Law of Assumption)

Whatever it is that you desire to manifest, the first question you need to ask yourself is:

-What is really holding me back from turning my desire(s) into reality?

For example, maybe you want a dream career, business, new home…or amazing relationship.

Maybe you want to manifest the love of your life or beautiful and loving clients who value your work, really appreciate it, pay on time and recommend your services to others.

You need to ask yourself what your current state is.

And there are only 2 options.

You can be in a state of having or not having what you desire.

Most people remain in a state of not having, and they just keep on “wanting” their desires.

Even if they choose to do manifestation or Law of Attraction techniques, they often remain in a state of still not having and “trying to manifest.”

This is a state of separation. Yes, you can keep on doing more methods, but if you act from such a state, you keep separating yourself from your goal/desire/dream/wish…

You keep on wanting, and you keep on putting your desire on a pedestal…

And the way you think…well…you keep thinking that you want something because you don’t have it.

It’s like being in a state of a single person but at the same time wishing to manifest love.

And you can’t be both at the same time. You need to choose!

If you want to manifest something big to you, you can speed it up by becoming what you desire, therefore activating the Law of Assumption.

The Law of Assumption is one of the pillars of Neville Goddard’s manifestation methodology.

However, similar concepts have also been taught by others.

At the end of the day, the Essence of Manifesting is always the same. Different writers and teachers use different words to describe that Essence.

More on that at the end of this post. For now, I don’t want to confuse you with too much information.

But, I think it will be interesting to see that the Essence of Successful Manifesting comes from the same SOURCE.

And different teachers and writers use different words to describe this manifestation mechanism…

I think this is the best proof that this stuff works. You can find confirmation and evidence in so many books, success stories, and teachings!

So, back to using the Essence of the Law of Assumption to manifest your desires…

You want to become what you desire. You want to embody your desire.

You don’t want to be in the state of someone who doesn’t have and keeps wanting…

Instead, you want to be in a state of someone who has, is grateful, and really feels great in this new state of having and being…

In alignment with that, you want to become your:


-successful business

-unexpected money

-being debt-free

The question is…how to get into that state?

Well, as Neville Goddard says: FEELING is the secret.

This is where the Law of ASSUMPTION comes in, and it’s a real game-changer

First of all, you need to be 100% clear on what you really want.



Ok, so how much money do you want to manifest?

What do you desire? Be specific and write it down.

Let’s say your goal is:

A 20k/m business doing what you love

Now, here’s the most common mistake to avoid. It blocks the Law of Assumption (and pretty much any Law of Positive Manifestation).

You begin to think:

-“But, I don’t have the skills..”

-“Nobody will buy my stuff….”

-“I’m in a credit card debt…so how can I manifest a 20k/m business?”

-“I’m not good at business or marketing.”

This is normal for so many of us.

But here’s the thing, a little Law of Assumption hack…

Don’t think about how it will happen from your current limited 3D perspective.

By doing so, you separate yourself from your goal. And you’re in a state of not having.

Your obstacles don’t matter. It doesn’t matter what happened in your past.

Everything is possible.

Right now, you can unleash the power of the Present Moment…where all the possibilities exist…

Hold on to that thought.

So, what would your day look like as a 20k/month business owner?

What would it feel like?

You have so much free cash because now, you’re manifesting more money…you somehow created a new stream of income through a business you love and are passionate about!

Now you can book that holiday because you have all this surplus of cash.

You have freedom, you have choices.

You can put some money into your savings or pension account, you can invest some of it, you can use some of it to help your family, or maybe set a college fund for your children.

You can hire help for your business to enjoy more free time to indulge in self-care…maybe now, you can take afternoons off to spend more time with your family?

Oh, and your business keeps growing every month.

Your accountant calls you and says: “Listen, it’s time for you to incorporate. You need an LLC, come by my office. Let’s talk about the next step for you! Your business is way too big to run as a sole proprietor. I feel so happy to see you grow so fast! I mean, I have a lot of business clients, but your growth is really exceptional, especially for a new entrepreneur!”

And at the same time, you have all this surplus cash for you, your passions, hobbies, and just having a good time, so you no longer feel guilty about spending money on things you like.

Because you can still save, invest, donate and do everything…

You can finally buy your dream house…

You get the feeling, right?

So, that’s the state. To get deeper into that state, focus on your heart, especially if your mind starts interfering.

Let’s use another example:

You desire to manifest a significant pay rise at work…

Imagine your boss and his assistant. They’re now in their office talking about you.

They are so happy are grateful to have you on their team.

Offering you a better position and paying you more has been the best thing they have ever done. And now, thanks to your work, everything grows so fast!

In fact, they want to give you a company car too and a pension account. They definitely want to treat you well because you deserve it! New raise coming soon!

Now, getting into this positive state is not so much about any specific technique.

Although you could visualize, or script, or use affirmations, it’s really up to you.

You can also use a combination of visualizing, scripting, and affirming…

Use your imagination and be courageous!

The most important thing is the feeling.

Once again…

As Neville Goddard says: feeling is the secret!

And it’s the feeling, the state that will make any so-called manifestation method work for you!

For example, if your affirmation is:

“I’m so happy and grateful that I’m manifesting an extra 3k/month from my side hustle”, use it as a starting point to get into a state of already having achieved your goal.

Use your imagination…

You now have an extra 3k every month…

You can take your family to their favorite restaurant more often…without worrying if you can afford it…

You can go on that dream holiday…

You can have a pamper day…

You can invest and create a passive income and manifest even more money!

Imagine you call a friend and invite them for a fabulous weekend in a nice hotel, how would that feel?

It’s your imagination and feelings that activate the Law of Assumption so that you can become your desire and manifest faster!

This is what I personally like to call the Essence. And it’s hard to explain in words…

Sometimes I like to call it the Love of Attraction– being in a pure state of love, having, and feeling good…to manifest more of what we want.

As I already mentioned, other Law of Attraction & Self-development teachers also talk about this concept.

Bob Proctor often refers to it as the Law of Vibration (because when you use the Law of Assumption and get into a state of having, you automatically raise your vibration, and your new vibration matches your desires, therefore activating the Law of Attraction).

He also talks about how important it is to know how to imprint positive images in your mind.

He teaches this methodology both to people who desire to manifest their dreams and leaders who need to learn this methodology to inspire and motivate others.

This concept is also used in sales and marketing.

Instead of just talking about a product and its features, successful salesmen focus on the benefits that a given product can provide to their customers. They use concrete examples of how their customers can use a given product in their everyday lives to get closer to their goals…by imprinting positive images in their minds…

Now back to manifestation teachers and their interpretation of the Law of Assumption…

Rhonda Byrne says: ask-believe-receive…

Most people get lost on the second step, “believe”…this is why “acting as if” (using your imagination and feelings) to embrace the state of having is so helpful!

In her book, The Magic, Rhonda Byrne also teaches the power of gratitude, including being grateful for what you desire to manifest and imagining it’s already yours…

Esther Hicks also advocates the power of gratitude for your desires (even if they haven’t manifested yet).

She also recommends getting into a state of having by affirming: “it’s done, it’s done, it’s done.”

In his book, Reality Transurfing, Vadim Zeland recommends the “slide technique”- feeling and imagining your dream reality in detail while unleashing the power of positive thought to help you transition to a positive timeline that matches your dream reality.

He also advocates the principle of coordination: acting in alignment, and moving forward with confidence…

For example, if you want to manifest your dream business and attract your dream clients, but you take action from a state of not really believing, not feeling confident, and not being too sure what kind of clients you wish to attract…well…what do you think will happen in your business?

Now, imagine you get into this optimal state, and you affirm, visualize or script about having your schedule booked with your dream clients…

Having such a great time while helping your clients…

Being so busy and so-fully booked that you can now afford to hire an assistant…your dream assistant who takes care of client appointments, someone you love to work with.

You show up from this cheerful, high-vibe state, and you attract who you are…your dream clients!

Oh…and to give you more examples of why getting into a good state with the Law of Assumption is so powerful…

Tony Robbins, one of the biggest names in self-development today, is also a big advocate of changing your state…because you don’t attract what you want (especially if you’re in a state of not having).

You attract who you are! And how do you change your state?

You use feelings, imagination, and specific situations your mind can relate to and feel good about…

So, get into a state of someone who:

-is in loving relationships

-feels abundant in all areas of their lives

-is wealthy and successful

-is a respected expert who gets appreciated

-can manifest a fantastic holiday fast

Tune into what you want, use your imagination…

Even when you do something, act as if…

For example, you started a YouTube channel and have 10 subscribers, your desire is to have 10k subscribers and keep growing…

Well, get into a state of a YouTuber with more subscribers and create videos from that energy.

Imagine your stats…and positive comments on your channel.

Imagine you do a live video and thank all your beloved subscribers for supporting you.

You ask them if they have any questions and how you can help them through your new content, and it feels so good!

Before you know it, you hit 100k subscribers, and you get a letter from YouTube.

You feel so grateful. It’s ALREADY yours!

Time to shoot new videos acting as if…

Important – Law of Assumption Mistakes to Avoid…

Mistake to avoid- don’t do anything that doesn’t feel natural for you, just because you heard about someone else, do it and manifest it.

After all, everyone is different.

Stay true to yourself and your desires, but at the same time, don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone! I know you’re capable of much, much more than you think you are!

The Law of CHOICE…It’s Already Yours

The first step is to choose what you want.

And like I said in the beginning, there are only 2 options: you can choose a state of having or not having what you want.

Choose only one…stop contradicting yourself.

Feed your subconscious mind with positive images.

It’s fun, it shouldn’t feel like a chore, and it will make you feel good!

If you want to manifest wealth, get into a state of wealth.

If you want to manifest love, get into a state of love, loving, and being loved!

Your imagination is more powerful than you think.

So, use it to your advantage and make it work for you to manifest faster and live an amazing life.

Give it a go. Share it with others.

And if you already know this information…well, use it as a reminder to practice it more!

The ladder of positivity is endless, and the process of climbing it up and learning more about ourselves, as a result, can be the best destination!

I can’t wait to hear about your success and positive manifestations with this methodology!

Until next time we meet,

Much love,


PS. I feel you’ll also enjoy my other articles designed to help you speed up your manifestations:

Are You Overlooking These 3 Spiritual Manifestation Techniques?

Scripting Manifestation Method – The 3 Mistakes to Avoid…

The Best Manifestation Method? Here’s the Secret Ingredient You’re Probably Missing!