Powerful Intention Quotes & Lessons for Effective Manifesting

Intention quotes are a fantastic way to inspire you and help you send positive energies to the Universe. Your intentions are what sets your manifestations in motion…

They are your soul’s GPS, so taking the time to set positive intentions for whatever you do is an incredible energetic investment!

In this post, we’ll take a look at my favorite intention quotes from various thought leaders to help you become the master of your energy. Everything starts with energy, and the following intention quotes are designed to help you become more intentional about your goals, desires, and daily actions.

So, take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to stay inspired.

After reading this post, ask yourself: “What is my main intention for today? Can I envision it, feel it, and state it through affirmations?”.

Inspirational Intention Quotes for Positivity & Authentic Living

#1 “Honor thy error as a hidden intention.” – Brian Eno

The way I see this quote is: stop beating yourself up and see everything as a lesson in disguise. Yes, sometimes we may unintentionally manifest what we didn’t want. But, we can re-align with our best intentions and consciously look for what we learned.

There’s no such thing as failure. You succeed, or you learn!

You were not rejected. You were redirected.

Your point of power is now, in this present moment. And you can intentionally choose to stop beating yourself up, release shame/guilt and do the best you can now, in this moment. That’s the power of reclaiming your intention!

#2 “The world is awaiting your gift – all you have to do is show up with the right intention!” – Lewis Howes

So often, we get too caught up in overthinking the best way or strategy to do something or achieve a goal. While developing the right plan can be essential to manifesting our desires, overthinking and overdoing it is NOT. After all, we don’t know what we don’t know.

As Tony Robbins says: “Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach.”

Let’s say you want to be a social media influencer or YouTuber. You can simply set an intention to show up, creating simple yet powerful content using your phone. And you can get started now. Today!

Many people start this way. The most important thing is to choose to show up with your best energy. This is way more effective than procrastinating and hiding using the excuse of “gathering more information” or “not having the right camera”.

Just go for it. Be You. Be authentic. Authenticity is your biggest power!

#3 “We either live with intention or exist by default.” – Kristin Armstrong

If you don’t set your intentions, what may happen is that other people will. But will their intentions align with your deepest desires? Probably not always. So…reclaim your power and start setting clear intentions for everything you do.

#4 “I think people generally have a good heart and the intention to help.” – Vincent Kompany

Quotes like this one help me embrace the feelings of safety and security (both inside myself as well as from the reality I am being surrounded by).

While I do believe in boundaries and protecting your energy…

And that some toxic individuals are best avoided…

If we constantly think about toxic or bad people, our intentions and how we show up in the world may become fear-based.

However, if we assume that we are safe and surrounded by people with good hearts, our reality starts to reflect such a belief.

My favorite affirmations to enhance this empowering belief are:

I attract kind and loving people into my life.

The people I work with are kind, respectful, and appreciative of what I do.

I choose to show up with love, kindness, and compassion.

I am safe, protected, and well taken care of by the Universe.

You may also enjoy these positive affirmations:

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

44 Affirmations for Happiness to Instantly Shift into Positivity

#5 “A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

This quote is an excellent self-reflection tool that makes us look at our true motivations. Are they love-based or fear-based?

To manifest effectively, ensure your actions are led by pure, love-based intentions. For example, if you want to manifest a new job, focus on the feelings of professional growth and your desired income rather than fear-based motivations such as: “not being a loser”.

If you desire to manifest a new home, unleash positive motivations behind your desires, such as: feeling worthy and deserving of living in a beautiful home in a nice and safe area (rather than trying to manifest a new home because you feel ashamed of your current one).

The bottom line is: love-based intentions lead to beautiful manifestations. Try it for yourself. Start auditing your motivations, beliefs, and intentions.

You can make them love-based through inner work because you can always choose your focus!

#6 “In centering prayer, the sacred word is not the object of the attention but rather the expression of the intention of the will.” – Thomas Keating

It’s safe to ask the Higher Power to help you.

Manifestation prayer is a great way to create a sacred space to express your desires and clarify your intentions.

Discover the power of manifestation prayer in my other post:

Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

#7 “This is how to avoid re-creating painful situations: Take the time to discover your real intention before you act. If it is to change someone or the world so that you will feel safe or better about yourself, don’t act on it, because it is an intention of fear and can create only painful consequences.” – Gary Zukav

This quote beautifully summarizes the power of conscious and intentional manifesting. Give yourself all the time and space you need to get clear on your desires and why you want them.

Eliminate any limiting beliefs and negativity around them, and you will manifest with so much joy and ease!

#8 “Are you motivated? Are you coherent? Is your intention aligned? Are your feet, tongue, heart, and wallet congruent? That intention shines through.” – Peter Guber

Powerful intentions are all about alignment. To manifest effectively, make sure that your thoughts, words, and actions are coherent.

For example, it’s hard to receive abundance if, at the same time, you’re stuck waiting, and your thoughts and actions are not abundant.

A much better way would be to ask for abundance and stay positive about your intention. At the same time, be proactive about how you act (learning more about money is a great step to manifest more abundance) and speak about money.

Read more about money mindset & energy:

The Law of Attraction and Money- What They Don’t Want You to Know…

5 Ways to Align with the Energy of Money Fast (to Manifest More of It)

#9 “There’s no way to become great overnight, but in the marathon of success, it takes a lot of intention to see you through each day of the journey.” – Lewis Howes

See every day as an opportunity for mini-manifestations. Whatever you have scheduled, have an intention for it going well and look forward to it. For example, you can have the intention to enjoy coffee with friends, have a great walk, or make a trip to the supermarket.

Aside from applying the power of intention to everyday errands and activities, you can use it to manifest yet another step on your journey to success. If you desire to master a new language, set the intention to learn a few new words and phrases every day.

#10 “I’m very sensitive to the English language. I studied the dictionary obsessively when I was a kid and collected old dictionaries. Words, I think, are very powerful, and they convey an intention.” – Drew Barrymore

Become mindful of how you speak…not only to others but also to yourself. Your words matter, and the Universe always listens.

This book will help you speak intentionally or…speak to manifest your desires😊

#11 “I truly believe the intention of creating positive change is so important to the collective consciousness. When you have a group of people that have the intention and the capacity, talent, and intelligence to actualize those intentions, then you have something really powerful.” – Jimmy Chin

I see this quote as a motivator to be a part of a group or community that reflects your inner values and inspires you to keep moving forward. One way to go about it is to start your own mastermind or support group and harness the power of collective consciousness.

#12 “I’m a big fan of intention. That’s because I have learned first-hand the power of setting my intention on my goal and making all decisions based off of that intention.” – Lewis Howes

Do you have a big desire? Ask yourself why you want it. For example, you may desire to manifest more money because you want to buy a new house. So, focus your intention on your new house (even if it’s only in your imagination for the time being). What is it like? How does it feel to look for new furniture? How does it feel to have more money so that you can design your new home?

Then…use these positive feelings to motivate you to manifest a new job or other income streams into your life.

If you go deep into your pure intention (owning a new, cozy home that makes you feel safe and secure) and use it as a motivator for all your actions, you will keep going and never take no for an answer.

You will also enjoy the process and stay open to the unlimited possibilities that can help you manifest a new home.

#13 “It is my intention to present – through the medium of photography – intuitive observations of the natural world which may have meaning to the spectators.” – Ansel Adams

Nothing feels so good as expressing your intentions through your passion, hobby, or art. Find your channel of creative self-expression, something that makes you fully present and allows you to convey your pure, authentic intentions. I always say- it’s never too late to follow your passion. And you can always make an hour or even half an hour a day to follow it:)

Also…just a reminder…by doing what you love you raise your vibration…

#14 “Mindfulness has helped me succeed in almost every dimension of my life. By stopping regularly to look inward and become aware of my mental state, I stay connected to the source of my actions and thoughts and can guide them with considerably more intention.” – Dustin Moskovitz

Manifestation is all about mastering your inner game and inner state. So, keep scanning how you feel inside. Keep examining your why’s and your deep intentions. When you know yourself, you also know your true, authentic desires, and manifesting becomes easier and more fun.

By mastering your inner state, you also master your energy. And energy is the most important component of conscious manifesting.

Please note that there is no shame in feeling bad. If you’re feeling bad, acknowledge your state without any judgment.

Then, intend to shift into a more positive state by consciously choosing to think thoughts that make you feel good, either by using your favorite affirmations, journaling, or visualizing.

How Intention Quotes Can Help You

The inspirational intention quotes you’ve just discovered are meant to empower you to take inspired action in alignment with your desires.

Setting powerful intentions for yourself every day can be a great part of your morning journaling routine.

To manifest your best life, it’s important to make sure your thoughts and actions align with your core values and vision for life.

I hope this post inspired you to channel your positive energy into action. The power of intention should not be underestimated. Everything starts with intention!

Do you need more help with setting intentions, identifying who you truly are and what you desire to manifest?

If you’re an ambitious person with big dreams and are looking for expert guidance to manifest your desires effectively, sign up for this free training today: