Instant Manifestation Secrets Review – Can It Really Help You Manifest Your Desires Fast?

Can you manifest instantly? Do instant manifestation secrets actually exist? As I kept asking myself this question, I came across something that seemed like the answer from the Universe. I discovered this new manifestation product called exactly that…Instant Manifestation Secrets!

I knew it was skyrocketing in popularity, and people had excellent results with it, so I had to do a little research and check it out for myself. As a self-proclaimed self-development and LOA junkie, every now and then, I like to invest in myself, learn something new, and expand my mind. So this is what I did with the Instant Manifestation Secrets course, and in this post, I want to share with you exactly what I discovered!

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My Initial Doubts about Instant Manifesting and Instant Manifestation Secrets

I must admit that I initially had some doubts about Instant Manifestation Secrets, especially its name. At first, I thought it was some marketing gimmick.

And so, I wasn’t too sure whether the content would actually deliver a proven process that could give me results.

I don’t know about you, but when I invest in a course, I expect something new to feed my mind. I don’t want a random collection of videos and information that can be found on Youtube and blogs.

When I invest in a course, I want deep transformation, not just “info-tainment”.

The Instant Manifestation Secrets Course claimed that I could “manifest money, happiness or a soul mate.”

What really attracted me was the money part because it’s something I’m really focused on right now. So, it’s on top of my manifestation list- manifesting money through different income streams.

I knew I could use more money, and I am sure you can too, so I was intrigued to learn more and try it out for myself to see if this was the real deal.

And if it works for money, it must also work for vacations, relationships, health, and happiness, right? 

Whenever I discover a new manifestation technique or LOA system that works for a specific area of my life, I like to use it for other areas of my life too. I’m a curious soul, and improving my mind and life through learning new techniques is always very exciting for me.

Anyway…What I found the most surprising about the Instant Manifestation Secrets

Here’s what I found after personally trying it out for myself for 30 days. 

Now I’ve seen many of these digital manifestation products. Frankly, many are not that impressive and not of great quality.

With Instant Manifestation Secrets by Croix Sather, you immediately see that this is a high-quality product that is very inspiring. As a content creator, I always appreciate people who put a lot of work, effort, and good energy into their creations, especially if they create to help others.

When you log in to Instant Manifestation Secrets, you can see it is well designed and easy to navigate.

Plus, the audios and videos are high quality and professional, which makes them more effective.

Croix Sather is a legitimate expert in manifestation, and he actually recorded all of the resources provided in the Instant Manifestation Secrets himself.

He didn’t outsource the video production to his team but put in the work to share his message himself. And his energy is…simply hypnotic. He’s one of the most inspiring people I have ever met!

He is not just some famous social media influencer who started teaching the law of attraction because it is popular. He’s very passionate about the topic of instant manifestation and lives and breathes what he teaches.

And this is exactly what I’m looking for whenever I invest in a self-development course.

The first video is Croix himself showing you how to get the most out of the program.

Which proves how much he cares about you and your results.

What I like about him is that he is authentic, real, and an actual expert. 

Plus, once you log in, you see hundreds and hundreds of testimonials and comments from thousands of members. That’s always a really positive sign and very inspiring.

I don’t know about you, but so many times, I got a course or a program and watched maybe one module and wasn’t inspired to continue…

But when you’re about to learn something new, and you see other people, just like yourself, people who have been getting results from the manifestation system you’re just about to discover…well, it’s an instant motivation booster!

(talking about instant manifesting, haha! The first thing I manifested with this program was instant motivation, haha. As someone who struggled with motivation before, I must admit it was a really lovely, little manifestation!)

Who is the creator of Instant Manifestation Secrets, Croix Sather? 

I wanted to know more about Croix, so I did a google search on him.

This guy is incredible. He is the author of many books, a professional life transformation speaker, and one of the most impressive athletes in the world.

This guy ran across America. He also broke the world record running through Death Valley, 146 miles nonstop.

This man has some serious mental game that I wanted to learn from.

When I listened to his TED talks on Youtube, I could tell that his intelligence was as impressive as his athletic feats.

Plus he travels around the world exploring different countries and learning mind and spiritual secrets. This dude is for real.  

What Is Instant Manifestation Secrets Program?

Instant Manifestation Secrets is based on the scientific principles of aligning the 3 levels of the mind to manifest anything you want.

The three levels are the conscious, sub-conscious, and vibrational mind. I had never heard of the vibrational mind.

Here’s how Croix explains it:

The conscious mind is the awake logical mind.

The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that runs in the background and controls our habits and behaviors. 

The Vibrational Mind is the conduit to manifesting anything you want.

This is the level of the mind that is virtually ignored by most manifestation gurus.

The vibrational mind connects you to the Universal Law of Attraction.

But it can also repel what you want if not used the right way.

If you are repelling the things you want, it is because you are unintentionally using the vibrational mind the wrong way. 

This is one of the biggest lessons I learned on my LOA journey…Even though I knew about the subconscious mind and the subconscious programming and used it successfully, I knew there was something more to it.

So, I was very excited to learn more about the Vibrational Mind

If the conscious mind is the top of the iceberg, and the SUB-conscious mind is the iceberg below the water, then the water is the Vibrational Mind

Croix Says, “The vibrational mind is what bridges you to everything. It is the universal connection and consciousness. This is the particle matter they talk about in quantum physics that we are all made of. Every particle can affect every other particle.”  

How it works …

Instant Manifestation Secrets is different from every other program out there making it more effective.

Instead of just listening to some music or sounds, or a talk on the theory on how to manifest, Croix actually guides you through the course to reprogram and align the three levels of the mind in his audios.

It’s like being with him in a one-on-one neuro-3 transformation session.

It’s a very specific method that he has developed over many years based on his education, coaching of clients, and his 2 world records as an athlete.

He is not just a talking head. He is the real deal with an impressive track record.

He teaches from his actual experiences. 

You rewire your mind and emotions about money, relationships, and happiness to attract what you want.

If you do not have the things you want, it means you are unintentionally repelling them.

Instant Manifestation Secrets course helps you eliminate what is blocking you, it gets you clear about what you want, and then aligns you with what you want so that you attract and create the life you have been dreaming about.

Croix leads you through these three steps as if you are a high-paying 1-on-1 client, but from the comfort of your own home, he calls Neuro-3 Transformation session.

How Instant Manifestation Secrets Can Help You…

This is my favorite part because Instant Manifestation Secrets helps you with the feelings of overwhelm, being stressed about money, relationships, or any other parts of your life that you want to be better.

These feelings are called resistance.

Mental and emotional resistance is what keeps you from manifesting what you want.  

Does it really work?

This is what everybody wants to know. This is why I tested the Instant Manifestation Secrets and created this review. 

As proof by the hundreds of authentic testimonials in the membership area, it works for everyone that uses the program. I found the same thing.

Money and opportunities started showing up in my life almost immediately. I also found myself behaving and acting with more confidence, without even “trying to be more confident”

This really works at many different levels. Not just for manifesting the things I want, but for eliminating all the things that were blocking me from manifesting and also causing stress and grief in my life.

Before testing the Instant Manifestation Secrets, I was in a state of constant drama with a family member. Seriously! Even we both live in two different parts of the world, we communicate quite often via Messenger…and whenever we did…we would just end up arguing! It was either me triggering him to say something nasty or him triggering me.

But now, we finally speak to each other lovingly and kindly. It’s like manifesting a brand new reality with this person.

I know it’s because my energy changed. And it’s also because of that new energy that I’m manifesting more opportunities in my business.

I also manifested 3 incredible discounts (including some furniture I needed). My partner manifested a new income stream in his business (he didn’t go through the Instant Manifestation Program, so I think I’m manifesting through him as well!).

The added benefit of feeling so much less stress and overwhelm allows me to be more focused and productive as an extra gift.

I never realized how much the two are connected. 

What’s Included in Instant Manifestation Secrets?

Zero to 60 video
Croix presents a video to get you started fast while explaining how to get the most out of the program and the secrets behind why and how Instant Manifestation Secrets works. He explains that we are only using a small portion of our minds and how this program will help you use your mind like few people in the world can. 

Neuro-3 sessions 

Part 1 – The Power Within Me

“This is what everyone needs, but most don’t even know it yet. How will it feel when you let go of regret, self-sabotage, toxic people, doubt, shame, and the chains of the past that have been holding you back. Many say listening to this track is like lifting off the weight of the world. Plus, this track opens up your mind to new possibilities. When you detoxify your mind, and the old garbage goes, it leaves a void. We will fill those voids with the foundational beliefs that will turn your mind into a manifestation magnet.” 

Part 2 – My Amazing Life

“This one is so very exciting. Now it is time to design your amazing life. Without a target and being in vibrational alignment with what you want, there is no way to get there. Croix will guide you through level two of Neuro-3 programming to see your dream life in vivid detail. It will be as if you are watching a movie to automatically and effortlessly manifest everything you want into your life. Don’t worry if you are not a visual person, Croix will guide you there.”

Part 3 – My Incredible Transformation

“This is where we put it together, and all the magic happens. You will love this Neuro-3 session as you align the 3 levels of your mind, the conscious, SUB-conscious, and vibrational mind, to become a magnet to anything you want and repel everything you don’t want. Imagine vibrating so high and being so aligned that nothing can slow you down. It will feel like the Universe is conspiring to help you succeed.”

Bonuses Included in the Instant Manifestation Secrets Course

I am assuming you will receive the same bonuses as I did, listing what I received. When you click on my referral link below, look to see if you get the same, or maybe even more. Croix adds things from time to time. 

Bonus #1 – Financial Freedom

Recalibrate your mind for financial success. 

“If you are going to have an abundance of wealth,​you have to go there first in your mind. In this Neuro-3 program, Croix will guide you through a subconscious money transformation technique to recalibrate your mind for financial success. Even if your goal is not to be a millionaire, you must have a healthy relationship with money, or your will self-sabotage yourself back to bounced checks.”

Bonus #2 – Powerful Morning

Power Jump Start Your Day 

“No more waking up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Stop waking up and letting the world control your mood and vibration level. Start with a short power boost to raise and align your vibration to attract everything amazing throughout your day. Just this alone will transform your life and attract untold abundance. If you use an alarm, set this as your wake-up audio track.” 

Bonus #3 – Success Ritual

End your day strong. 

“End your day on a high note. This short guided Neuro-3 programming audio helps you always feel powerful and successful. We tend to focus on the negative, creating an endless downward spiral. Instead, the best way to end your day is to focus on what’s great with gratitude amplifying your power and celebrating your wins. This also sets you up for a great start to the next day.”

Bonus #4 – Powerful Kids

Self-Confident, Happy, and Thriving Kids

“They don’t teach in schools but should. ​No more worry about your children not having the inner confidence and strong center of gravity to fend off the influences of a sometimes toxic world. This guided Neuro-3 audio will help your child to be their authentic self regardless of the world around them. Help your child to thrive in school, social events, and at home to be happy, loving, and strong. This will help your kids stay focused in a fragmented life. It’s like a lighthouse guiding your child’s mind. Best for ages 7-17.”

7 Days to Success Audio Series

Rich and successful people think differently. This 7-day inspirational audio training series shares the 7 most powerful strategies for success based on Croix’s world records and coaching thousands of people. 7 Days to Success are the habits wealthy and successful people live each and every day.

Success Habit 1: The Pure Life Way.

Make it easier on yourself and set yourself up to win. Listen to this audio and learn what uber successful people do to become uber happy people with true wealth.  

Success Habit 2: 

When you win the morning you will win the day. Learn how a simple morning routine will double your productivity, and improve your health, happiness, and mindset. 

Success Habit 3: 

This is the “Hell Yeah” method of prioritizing. If you are not saying, “Hell Yeah”, then you better be saying “Hell No” to everything that is getting in the way of your goals and dreams. This is how you know and how to do it. 

Success Habit 4: 

This is your Secret Weapon to Success. Every highly successful person has mastered this habit. Without it, you will always be wondering why you are struggling. 

Success Habit 5: 

To live an amazing life, you must live your personal power. Aristotle said,  “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Your personal power is your center of gravity and will determine if you are successful, wealthy, healthy, and happy; or if you are broke and miserable.

Success Habit 6: 

Life is short. If you don’t take action on your dreams now, when will it happen? Probably never. Listen to this to stop procrastinating and make your dream big life happen. This is your taking action formula. 

Success Habit 7: 

Boldness is rewarded. This one is my favorite because this is what separates the people who live incredible lives from those who live common lives. The Universe likes to reward those who live boldly. Why? Because there is an unmistakable, undeniable, and magnetic energy around people who live boldly. 

I also upgraded the (4) Neuro-3 High Vibration audio soundtracks.  It’s 4 amazing audios that help with Creativity, Productivity, Relaxation, and Inner Peace. These are perfect for listening to the different activities. I play mine in a loop and let them go for hours. Absolutely essential. 

How is Instant Manifestation Secrets different from other manifestation products. 

1 – Main Difference

Croix is a real-world expert with the experiences, clients, and world records to support his claim. After all, how many people can you learn mindset and manifestation from that have run across America? Only one … Croix. Plus Croix is an incredibly inspirational speaker. Just watch his Ted talks. You’ll find them in the member’s area too. 

2 – That’s great but what does that mean to you and me? 

Well, Croix has developed over many years a proprietary method of recalibrating your mind for success and aligning your mind to manifest anything you want.  As Croix explains it, it is based on his years of mental training, combining several modalities of neuro-transformation programming (mind conditioning). This means you are learning from the best with amazing strategies that are highly effective. 

3 – Easy to use

It doesn’t get any easier. Just press play and listen to the audios are Croix Guides you through the Neuro Transformation sessions. It’s best to be in a quiet, comfortable place. 

4 – For any level. Beginner to Expert.

This will work for beginners or experts. If you have had experience with mind recalibration programs before, you will feel right at home. If this is new to you, no worries, it is perfectly safe and easy. Just listen, relax and let Croix do all the heavy lifting for you. The more you do this, the more you will fall in love with this. I promise. This has become one of my favorite parts of my day. 

5 – Value

I was actually blown away by how much I got for such a low price. Just the Neuro-3 Transformation Sessions alone are worth way more than what you pay for the whole program. Plus, you get the bonus Neuro-3 sessions, the 7 days to Success, and the audio music energy tracks. Frankly, I am surprised Croix is not charging $299 or even $499. The results you get in your life are easily worth that much. 

6 – 100% Proven Testimonials 

The testimonials are posted directly from individuals who have received good results after using the system. Member reviews are always important to determine product quality. There aren’t just a few testimonials, but hundreds and hundreds. This is proof of people loving it. You will see them for yourself in the membership area after you log in. 

7 – Instant Access 

One you pay, you get immediate access. You start immediately with no delays because you login and press play. Easy peasy.

8 – TIP 

You don’t need earbuds or headphones, but I suggest you do for one main reason, it is easier to block out the world, relax and focus. This has become my favorite 15 minutes of the day. I started without using my earbuds, but I like it so much more when I use them. 

9 – Money Back Guarantee

You get a 60-day money-back guarantee. Test it out and if it is not what you thought it would be, simply respond to your email receipt, and Croix will refund your money. I read somewhere, I think the FAQs that Instant Manifestation Secrets has the lowest refund requests in the industry. I know why, the quality of the program, and the impact it had in my life, it is easy to tell why people are in love with this program. 

So, Is Instant Manifestation Secrets Worth It?

I think it is clear that I think the program is worth the surprisingly low price. Knowing what I know now after using this for more than a month, I would have happily paid 10x what I paid, and it still would have been a deal. 

Break free from what’s been holding you back. Stop repelling the things you want to manifest and become a manifestation magnet.

As I mentioned before, you are always manifesting, so if you don’t have the things you want, then you are not aligning the 3 levels of the mind. You are vibrating in a way that repels what you want. Transform and align your mind so that you easily and effortlessly attract the things you want most. 

Here’s my link. Don’t waste another second, CLICK HERE and start INSTANT MANIFESTATION SECRETS right now.

You’ll thank me that you did:)

Until next time we “meet”,

Sending you lots of love from here,
