I AM Affirmations List – Become Magnetic to Everything You Desire

You’re just about to discover the most powerful I AM Affirmations List to raise your vibration and supercharge good feelings. The following I AM Affirmations List is designed to make you feel empowered, centered, calm, and joyful so that you can positively activate the Law of Attraction.

How to Use the Following I AM Affirmations List for Best Results

Take a look at the I AM affirmations I created for you in this post and pick up those that speak to you and your current situation.

Simply choose several I AM affirmations you really like and repeat them throughout the day, as much as you can.

Make sure to relax and enjoy the process. Don’t force it, just let it be.

You can also use your I AM affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Affirmations and visualization can be a very powerful combo!

Another great idea to use I AM affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice. 

You can also create your own I AM affirmations cards or vision board.

If you’re new to affirmations, or perhaps tried them in the past but didn’t manifest the results you desired, check out this post:

7 Powerful Secrets to Create POWERFUL Manifestation Affirmations That Work!

It will guide you step-by-step to help you create your own, powerful, personalized affirmations that work.

At the same time, it will help you avoid the most common mistakes that people make with affirmations.


If you’re using I AM affirmations to heal any past misunderstandings or traumas, I’d suggest you combine them with the Ho’oponopono practice.

You can learn more about it from my other post:

The Healing Power of Ho’oponopono to Manifest Forgiveness, Healing, Inner Peace & Self-Love

Not, let’s dive into our magical I AM Affirmation List😊

I Am Affirmations for Women

#1 I am so proud of myself.

#2 I am confident about myself.

#3 I am unique, and so is my energy.

#4 I am worthy and deserving of the best things in life.

#5 I am in perfect balance.

#6 I am full of life, energy, and vitality.

#7 I am powerful, feminine, and divine.

#8 I am a true gift for everyone around me.

#9 I am intelligent and independent to follow my dreams.

#10 I am free of self-doubt and can powerfully attract others towards me.

#11 I am in complete control of my life.

#12 I am on purpose.

#13 I am always listened to and appreciated by others.

I Am Positive Affirmations to Raise Your Vibration

#14 I am manifesting my dreams.

#15 I am super powerful.

#16 I am attracting exactly what I desire.

#17 I am so happy to be alive.

#18 I am in full control of my reality.

#19 I am full of unlimited, divine energy flowing through me.

#20 I am raising my vibration with each breathe I take.

#21 I am raising my vibration with each positive thought I choose to think.

#22 I am raising my vibration with each step I take.

#23 I am in love with my life.

#24 I am a magnet for love, joy, happiness, health, and abundance.

#25 I am unlimited.

#26 I am the designer of my life.

I Am Affirmations for Success

#27 I am successful.

#28 I am attracting all the success I desire in my personal and professional life.

#29 I am full of unlimited potential.

#30 I am the one who decides who to attract into my life.

#31 I am worthy of attracting great professional relationships.

#32 I am capable of making good decisions for my highest good and the good of others.

#33 I am a leader of my own reality.

#34 I am very good at leading and motivating others.

#35 I am an inspiration for others.

#36 I am a joy to work with.

#37 I am smart.

#38 I am good at solving problems quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly.

#39 I am a perfect solution for my clients/boss/company.

I Am Healthy Affirmations

#40 I am healthy.

#41 I am vibrant.

#42 I am full of unstoppable energy and vibrant health.

#43 I am full of positive energy that heals my body, mind, and soul.

#44 I am full of vitality.

#45 I am proud of my healthy, strong body.

#46 I am so amazed at my body and its ability to heal so fast.

#47 I am grateful for my body, mind, and soul.

#48 I am grateful for my body and choose to nourish it wisely.

I Am Affirmations for Self-Love

#49 I am full of self-love.

#50 I am filled with unlimited self-love.

#51 I am blessed with a great mindset.

#52 I am blessed with a unique set of skills.

#53 I am radiating positive energy of peace, harmony, and acceptance.

#54 I am worthy and deserving of whatever it is I choose to manifest.

#55 I am so happy and grateful for my life.

#56 I am so happy and grateful to be me.

#57 I am so happy and grateful for all the lessons I learned on my journey.

#58 I am blessed with the healing power of self-love.

#59 I am a magnet for joy, kindness, and love.

I Am Confident Affirmations

#60 I am full of unlimited confidence.

#61 I am surrounded by people who feel inspired by what I do.

#62 I am surrounded by people who appreciate the value I provide.

#63 I am surrounded by people who love and accept me just the way I am.

#64 I am magnetic.

#65 I am full of authentic confidence because I know who I am and what I desire in my life.

#66 I am full of clarity, compassion, and authenticity.

#67 I am blessed with a gift of natural confidence.

#68 I am confident precisely as I am.

#69 I am confident in my ability to lead with joy, compassion, good example, and kindness.

#70 I am confident that the good always wins, and I chose to focus on positive thoughts, actions, and feelings.

#71 I am the master of my inner world.

#72 I am good at re-shaping my inner world precisely the way I choose to.

Why I AM Affirmations Are So Powerful?

I AM affirmations are some of the most powerful statements you can make to transform your reality and live your best life.

You’re talking to yourself all the time…but…do you feed your mind with the empowerment you deserve?

Or are you stuck with the negative chatter?

Positive I AM Affirmations is the first step to reclaim your self-talk and make it positive.

Be persistent. Practice. Don’t give up.

Even if it feels weird at first. Stick to it.

Because one day, you’ll catch yourself thinking positive thoughts and feeding your mind with positive affirmations without even thinking about it.

Wishing you all the best on your journey,

Much love,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

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Want to Master the Power of Words to Create Your Dream Reality?

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