How to Make Karma Work for You…

How to make karma work for you to activate the Law of Attraction and manifest your deepest desires?

You’ve heard karma as something like – what goes around comes around, right? 

Buddhism describes it as, the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. ….  Yawn. 

What does it really mean and how can you make it work for you?

My simple explanation of Karma is … 

“What you do or feel, you get back.” 

The universe sends LIKE things to LIKE things. 

If you are happy and positive, more happy and positive things will come into your life. 

If you are cynical and negative, Karma is going to be a b*tch (or so they say).

When you encounter a nasty person, don’t let it upset you.

Let the universe handle it. It is going to anyway.

Smile, breathe, and move forward. 

Instead, focus on what you want.

Instead make Karma work for you to bring you the new job, the promotion, more money, or your soul mate. 

My friend Croix has created an amazing video about manifesting all the great things into your life. In other words, make Karma work for you. 

Croix is an author and manifestation expert.

He is also a world record champion and has a brilliant way of explaining how to make the law of attraction (aka karma) work for you.

Instant Manifestation, Seeing Repeated Numbers

So CLICK HERE to watch the video and start manifesting everything you want. 

Here’s to Karma & conscious manifesting

Much love,
