How to Connect with Your Higher Self

Knowing how to connect with your higher self is one of the best spiritual gifts you could ever experience. Wouldn’t it be great to access that part of you that is infinite, wise, and always knows what’s good for you?

Your higher self is limitless and free of fear or doubt. It is also a higher power that is one with everything in the Universe. If you desire to experience blissful manifestations and become a powerful co-creator of your reality, read on to discover how to connect with your higher self (or deepen your spiritual manifestation practice).

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How to Connect with Your Higher Self and Why Should You?

Why Should You Connect with Your Higher Self?

First of all, why would you want to connect with your higher self? My old self would openly laugh at all those spiritual people who talked about higher self, awareness, consciousness, and effortless manifesting. After all, I had my logic, my “facts.” I had it all figured out…or so I thought…I didn’t want to overcomplicate my life, so I just followed what I thought I should do (based on society’s standards).

Yet, I could never truly succeed the way I wanted.

The harder I worked and the harder I tried, the more mess I created in my life. Finally, I looked back at all those spiritual people I used to laugh at and took notice of how much abundance they had in their lives. An abundance of money, soulful connections, energy, passion, love, travel, clients, and aligned work opportunities…

And there I was, still struggling and hustling for very little to show for…I knew I had to change something in my life. I knew I had to transform myself.

My transformation was gradual. It wasn’t that I connected with my higher self on Monday evening and Tuesday morning, woke up to an overnight success…

It was a process, and it still is, and it brings so much joy into my life. So, how did I begin my higher self-journey?

I began to surround myself with people who knew how to connect with their higher selves and started noticing patterns, such as they somehow always knew what to do and could do it with so much ease. They did not even doubt themselves.

I also noticed that all of them had some unique gifts to offer to the world, and they made it their mission to be authentic in how they were sharing them.

They had no fear of being themselves (something I had to work through a lot- releasing fear of being myself, I talk about it in my book: Authentic Self-Confidence).

So, to sum up, I finally realized that by connecting to your higher self, you automatically access a higher level of consciousness and awareness.

I reminded myself of the quote I’ve seen so many times across various self-help and psychology books I’ve read…namely that we only use 5% of our potential (because most of us work with the conscious mind only and don’t tap into our subconscious mind).

I quickly saw the connection…

By connecting to my higher self, I knew I could reach my full potential and achieve so much more without sacrificing my health and relationships. I knew I wanted abundance on my terms.

Not only an abundance of money where all my needs were met, and I didn’t have to worry about paying the bills, but also an abundance of time, freedom, loving people, and meaningful connections. I also desired an abundance of passion and purpose in my life (which I now fulfill through my books and this blog).

How to Connect with Your Higher Self

Before You Connect with Your Higher Self…

Before you connect with your higher self, it’s important to mention some common pitfalls.

Not to say they will happen to you, but I’ve certainly been guilty of them (due to my initial lack of patience).

So, here’s the thing- you need to connect with your higher self by discovering your unique way.

It’s impossible to access someone else’s higher self and follow their answers.

So, set an intention to embrace and follow your uniqueness.

Also, be aware that when you genuinely connect with your higher self and receive your answers, there’s no second-guessing…It’s like receiving an aligned order that deep inside feels good.

Your self-talk automatically changes, and you are kind to yourself.

For example, last year, I received a strong impulse to start this blog. And deep inside, it felt good. I knew it was something I had always wanted to do. At the same time, I had some mini doubts, such as: “How will I learn all this tech stuff? I’m too old…All those young millennials, they know this digital world so much better…”.

Now I understand that it was just my ego, my old self, or my lower self trying to protect me with some excuses. So, I thanked it. I said to myself:

“OK, my dear, thank you so much for sharing your concern. I love and appreciate you! But it’s time for us to move forward, learn and grow. We will figure it all out, and it will be fun. Save your energy, and instead of worrying, help me figure it all out faster, OK, my dear?”

Yes, I know…what a weird way of speaking to myself. But guess what. After years of beating myself up, changing my self-talk to something more empowering is one of my biggest achievements so far. And it works!

Back to my story…after soothing my ego and fear-based objections, I asked my higher self for answers and allowed myself to be guided. My main focus was on my higher self. But please note that I didn’t speak badly to my ego and lower self. I was gentle with it, thanked it, and suggested something else to do (such as figuring stuff out).

I kept journaling and affirming that I had already set up my blog successfully and kept attracting all the right teachers and resources to guide me. I even received numerous discounts on various software or digital products I needed for my blog setup. Not bad for a 40-year-old lady who wasn’t that tech-savvy or experienced in digital media…

I share this story in my first post published on this blog: How to Use the 369-Manifestation Method…

 (Or better said, how I used it, because at the end of the day, it’s all about following yourself and your inner answers, yes, I do provide guidance and help, but I want to fully empower you and awaken to your inner magic!)

That being said, back to connecting with your higher self…

Thanks to connecting with your higher self, you are living with passion, purpose, and in flow.

It feels like experiencing joy and peace most of the time.

As I mentioned in my latest book, Authentic Self-Confidence, when you embrace who you are and connect with your higher self, you no longer have bad days. You can have a bad hour, or a bad minute. But you manage to shift out of those funky states very quickly!

Your higher self enriches your life with unlimited self-love, self-worth, and self-confidence. All aligned, all authentic, all from the inside out. And it feels so good…

Connecting with your higher self is essential if you’re on a journey of self-discovery and authenticity…

The One Thing That Disconnects You from Your Higher Self

While reading this article and learning to connect with your highest self, refrain from self-judgment.

There’s no right or wrong.

Approach this work (just like any other kind of inner work) from a place of joy and curiosity. Take your time and follow your pace.

Also, keep affirming that you’re ready to establish and deepen a relationship with your higher self…

Here are a few more things you need to know about your higher self:

-Connecting with your higher self is all about prioritizing your inner world of feelings, emotions, and intuition (rather than rationalizing about what you should do, based on other people’s opinions and judgments)

-If you’ve ever experienced a sense of bliss, for example, while out in nature, or meeting with a kindred spirit, or perhaps admiring a piece of art or a song you love or getting totally absorbed in something you love (writing, cooking, meditating), you most likely have connected to your higher self without even knowing it.

So, if you’re feeling insecure now, thinking that connecting to your higher self is hard, please remind yourself that it’s not hard, and you’ve done it many times before!

And the reason you’ve done it is because you were less in your ego mind and more in your heart (which is one of the best advice I could give you, both for manifesting your desires and enriching your spiritual life!)

-Doing the higher self work and reconnecting with your higher self requires taking full responsibility for your life and what you create. In other words- make up your mind and go fully in!

I know it may sound blunt…but imagine you decide to connect with your higher self, receive some guidance and answers, then decide to misinterpret it because you’re still in your ego and then blame someone else or something outside yourself…?

While doing the higher self work, decide to reclaim your inner magic. Take full responsibility for your life. Commit to doing the best you can with what you know.

-Whenever you experience peace with yourself and your surroundings, you deepen your connection with your higher self. Moments such as taking a shower and disconnecting from your perceived problems while, at the same time, getting an excellent idea for a new business or promotion happen because you somehow connected with your higher self.

-Sometimes, connecting with your higher self will be much easier if you …simply let go! You can focus on meditation, prayer, calming your mind, doing things you love, and spending more time in nature.

Don’t put any pressure on yourself. Just know that you are already connected to your higher self and will soon start receiving the answers and signs you need.

For now, my number one recommendation is to relax as much as you can and intend to be in your heart as much as you can. Seriously, take a few minutes to stop reading and reconnect with the area of your heart. Bathe in the peace of your heart!

How Can Your Higher Self Help You on Your Manifesting Journey?

Your Higher Self is your best compass and will only guide you towards things, people, and circumstances for your highest good. This is why you need to allow yourself to trust yourself and the Universe. Allow your higher self to guide you.

At the same time, you may choose not to follow your higher self.

That was me for so many years, and I had a ton of excuses. I thought I knew better. I thought I knew it all.

And so, I ended up on a path of misalignment and shiny object syndrome. While my higher self was trying to guide me all the time and encouraged me to write books and blogs, I always had an excuse not to…and instead fell for more get-rich-quick schemes than I care to admit, haha!

Eventually, I reached a state of physical, emotional, mental, and financial exhaustion. I just knew I had to relax, let go of my old ego and fear-based choices, and focus on a more love-based way of living…

I had to reconnect with my higher self, and I’m so glad I did. Now, I honor my higher self and focus on deepening that relationship the best I can.

When you experience the wisdom you can access from within yourself, you don’t feel like returning to your old, ego-based ways.

Connecting with your Higher Self allows you to manifest a life of peace, love, and joy. Even if you’re working a lot, it doesn’t feel like work because you’re either led to do something you love, something that energizes you, or you find creative ways to organize the work you do and have fun with it. In some cases, the work you do may be a stepping stone to something even better.

No matter what happens, you know and trust that it happens for you and that everything unfolds exactly as it should!

Your higher self is that calm and nourishing voice inside you. It wants to help you and guide you. All you need to do to start reconnecting with it is to:

1. Release control

2. Prioritize self-care

Affirmations are also a fantastic way to connect with your higher self because they help you focus on your new, desired reality of peace, authentic confidence, and effortless manifesting.

Affirmations are one of my favorite forms of inner work. You can learn more about affirmations and how to use them from my book: Affirmations Demystified.

Affirmations to Connect with Your Higher Self

Affirmations to Connect with Your Higher Self (Higher Self Affirmations)

#1 I am open to learning my higher self.

#2 I trust that my higher self always knows what’s good for me.

#3 Every day, I love myself more and more.

#4 I love myself exactly as I am.

#5 I allow myself to follow my passion.

#6 I immerse myself in things I love.

#7 I surround myself with kind and loving people.

#8 Every day, in every way, I experience more alignment with my higher self.

#9 I am safe.

#10 It’s safe to be me.

#11 I love receiving guidance from my higher self.

#12 I am ready for effortless manifesting.

#13 I love effortless manifesting.

#14 I am very good at effortless manifesting.

#15 My higher self always helps me manifest joyfully and effortlessly.

#16 I outsource the heavy lifting to the Universe and my higher self.

#17 I am willing to see things differently.

#18 I am open to receiving guidance.

#19 I am ready to take meaningful and inspired action.

#20 I choose faith instead of fear.

#21 I release any fear-based attachments and choose love-based living.

#22 I live my life authentically and joyfully.

#23 I treat myself and others with the love, compassion, and kindness they deserve.

#24 I allow my higher self and its infinite spiritual wisdom to speak through me.

#25 Embodying my higher self inspires and motivates others.

#26 I inspire and help others by embodying my higher self.

#27 I love my higher self, and we are an amazing team.

#28 I am an unstoppable manifestor.

#29 Everything I manifest is for my highest good.

#30 By embodying my higher self, I make the world a better place.

#31 I am magnetic to my authentic desires.

#32 I lovingly release any old fear-based mindsets and energies that no longer serve me.

#33 I ask my higher self to teach and guide me.

#34 I am always accompanied by my Higher Self.

#35 I release any negative feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and disempowerment.

#36 My intuition is always helping me and guiding me.

#37 I feel peaceful and confident.

#38 I believe in myself.

#39 I can trust myself.

#40 Together with my higher self, I powerfully co-create a miraculous life.

#41 Miracles are real for me. Miracles are normal.

#42 I enter the field of magic.

#43 I trust the Universe and allow it to guide me every day.

#44 My higher self helps me expand with joy and ease.

#45 I am ready to expand.

#46 I am happy, loved, and abundant.

#47 My higher self helps me soothe my inner state.

#48 I choose to shine my light. The time is now.

#49 It’s safe to be me.

Affirmations for releasing anxiety, as well as affirmations for self-love, positive self-talk, and self-confidence, will also help you calm down your ego mind and reconnect with your higher self:

22 Positive Self-Talk Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Reality

27 Self-Loving Affirmations to Stay Empowered

45 Magnetic Confidence Affirmations to Attract Your Dreams

Reconnecting with your Higher Self through Journaling

Below are my favorite journaling prompts to help you reconnect with your higher self.

Be honest with yourself and see what comes up.

Some of these prompts are based on the inner child work I am a big fan of!

1. What activities, people, or places bring you peace and joy?

Why? What stops you from doing them more often? Can you allow yourself to fill your life with what brings you joy and peace?

2. Do you allow fear to control you? What areas of your life are controlled by fear? Can you let it go? How would it feel to allow your higher self to do its magic? What would your higher self, that infinite part of you that always knows what to do, say to you to calm and soothe you? How does your higher self make you feel?

3. What areas of your life have been neglected? What do you need to create more balance? Can you allow your higher self to speak to you and inspire you to make changes?

4. If the child version of yourself came to you with something they were afraid of or uncomfortable about, what would you say to them?

What would you do to make them feel safe and supported? How would you share your wisdom?

5. Investigate your negative self-talk. What is a self-criticism you tend to indulge in often?

What would be the opposite of that criticism? Write it down.

6. How would it feel to be your higher self and follow through with your life’s mission? How would it feel to know that you’re always protected?

7. Think about something you’ve wanted to do for a while but always had excuses not to do…

Write down all the fear-based reasons why it can’t be done…, then write down all the reasons it absolutely CAN be done.

If you still struggle, imagine you’re motivating a loved one. What would you say to them?

How do you know your higher self is talking to you?

6 Signs Your Higher Self Is Talking to You

Below are the signs that your higher self is talking to you. Cherish those moments and keep affirming: “Yes, I love it; please send me more of this amazing blessing!”

#1 Your thoughts become more joyful, and your self-talk more optimistic; you no longer beat yourself up; instead, you treat yourself like your best friend. You can uplift and self-motivate yourself with ease.

#2 You become much more grateful for what you have, so by embodying this state of gratitude, you raise your vibration and become a vibrational match to many positive manifestations. Everything becomes easier for you.

#3 You have a feeling of being guided by something much more powerful than you. You start seeing repeated numbers and other messages that lead you in the right direction.

#4 You feel very calm and peaceful. Things that used to irritate you don’t bother you anymore. Many of your old perceived issues or problems dissolve or disappear without you having to do anything.

#5 You often find yourself observing your thoughts and feelings, all from a place of curiosity. You feel no judgment and notice that your thoughts don’t bring you the same emotional intensity as they used to. You experience the feeling of inner freedom.

#6 You do what you said you would do, and you do it for yourself. You no longer need permission or validation from others. You also notice that people treat you with more respect and love. You may even start manifesting incredible discounts, money, bonuses, and praises. Because you are an energetic match for them!

Meditation to Connect with Your Higher Self

Another method for connecting with your higher self is meditation. I always encourage my readers to meditate in their own unique way and do what feels right for them.

However, I know some may need specific directions. This meditation (taken from my book: Manifestation Meditation) is an excellent place to start. It also includes a post-meditation self-reflection to facilitate energy and mindset shifts to help you embody your higher self.

Here’s the full meditation:

Meditation to Connect with Your Higher Self (Your Soul’s GBS Activation)

It’s so easy to get stuck and logically think that we want something simply because everyone else around us is doing it. Or society programming tells us it’s something everyone should follow.

And so, as a result, we set a goal that we think we want, but it’s not even our true goal to begin with. Because of that, we may feel heavy, stuck, unhappy, or deprived of passion and joy.

Luckily, the following meditation is designed to activate your inner GPS to help you get clear on what you really desire. Your heart knows. And so does the Infinite Intelligence present within you and the Universe.

A word of caution, though. Discovering your heart’s desires may not feel realistic or practical to your mind. But it will surely set your heart on fire and help you find a passionate goal while unleashing unlimited motivation that makes you keep going!

1.Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

2. Before commencing this meditation, set a firm intention to communicate with your heart. Your heart can also receive messages from other entities, such as your angels, ancestors, or spirit guides (if you want to). However, the most critical thing is disconnecting from your mind and placing all your attention on your heart.

3. Start breathing in and out. Feel into your breath as it connects you deeper and deeper with your heart.

4. As you keep breathing, place your hands on your heart. Feel them warm up with each breath you take.

5. Now, feel your heart opening and sending amazing, enlightening energy of peace, love, harmony, and gratitude to each cell of your body.

6. Feel a friendly wave of comfort all over your body. Everything is going well now. Your heart knows. Your heart does it all for you. Your heart makes you feel good.

7. Simply know that in this moment, your heart is already communicating beautiful messages of joy, gratitude, and bliss with all your cells. The magical messages and answers you need are already within you.

8. The more you breathe and focus on your heart, the more joy and bliss you receive. So, stay in this meditation as long as you need to.

9. Finish your meditation with this question: “What do we really desire? I am open to receiving your answers whenever we’re ready!”.

Post-Meditation Self-Reflection to Amplify Your Connection with Your Higher Self

Whatever weird idea comes to your mind, write it down. I’d even recommend you start an idea journal. So often, we get divine downloads and messages meant to guide us toward our desires. But we just dismiss them because, at first, it seems like they don’t make any logical sense.

Well, here’s one thing to understand. Your heart can’t communicate so well as your mind. So, it uses feelings and sometimes weird ideas or visualizations to give you guidance. Simply allow yourself to be open to receiving. Whatever you receive, write it down, or record it on your phone. Then, revise your ideas using your mind. At the end of the day, it’s all about bridging the metaphysical with the practical. We also need to take action on whatever divine download we receive!

Never dismiss anything without giving it a go. Your heart wants to guide you all the time. And now, after this meditation, you’ve taken it to a whole new level.

More Tips & Guidance to Help You on Your Higher Self Journey

If you want to connect with your higher self, I highly recommend the Vibrational Alignment work.

Raising your vibration is the fastest way to attract your desires with joy and ease!

It works both for material and spiritual desires, such as connecting with your higher self.

To help you with your vibrational alignment, I have created a free digital gift (Vibration Workbook + Audiobook-works great if you’re too busy to read) to help you embody higher vibrations in the next 5 days or less😊

You can sign up for FREE HERE.

I look forward to helping you on your manifesting journey by helping you raise your vibration and unleashing your inner magic.

Raising your vibration and connecting with your higher self go hand in hand!

Get your free digital gifts HERE.

Free book and audiobook to raise your vibration in 5 days or less!

I hope to “see” you soon,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you an ocean of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting