How Do You Know Someone Is Your Soulmate? (5 Secrets Revealed)

How do you know someone is your soulmate? And what does a soulmate connection really feel like?

This article intends to serve two purposes:

1. Help you determine if someone is your soulmate and strengthen that connection (if you already have met your soulmate or suspect you might have).

2. Help prepare yourself for meeting your soulmate and having a beautiful relationship with them.

Soulmates are real, for sure. But I’m here to also tell you that all relationships require work and dedication. Yes, soulmate relationships feel magical. Still, they also need inner work, constant fine-tuning, and alignment with our highest values.

After reading this article, you will develop what I call True Soulmate Character, allowing you to easily manifest a beautiful soulmate connection.

At the same time, you will not get lured by what may seem like a soulmate…Because, some people may pretend to be good on the outside or pose as your soulmate, but, unfortunately, turn out to be a narcissist looking for another victim 🙁

As someone who’d fallen into such a trap several times (before meeting my true soulmate), I learned to quickly notice any red flags of false soulmate relationships. It’s about diving deep because a genuine soulmate connection can’t be faked.

So once again, I feel very excited to be sharing everything I know about different signs of meeting your soulmate.

Aside from discovering true soulmate signs, you will also know what to watch out for in any relationship.

Now with that long intro out of the way…

How Do You Know Someone Is Your Soulmate?

Below are 5 Powerful Signs to Know If Someone Really Is Your Soulmate

#1 True Soulmates Value and Embody Mutual Respect

A true soulmate will never devalue you, just like you’d never devalue them. So, a soulmate relationship is filled with mutual respect.

Soulmates also feel uncomfortable if someone disrespects their partner, even if that person is a family member or a life-long friend.

Because soulmates always stand up for each other!

If I feel someone is negative towards me or trying to devalue my partner, I stand up for him and us. And my partner does the same for me.

But it all starts with how we treat and respect each other. Our values of respect mean the world to us, and we create firm boundaries around them.

Before meeting each other, we’d both suffered from narcissistic abuse in previous relationships…

And for a narcissistic person, there’s no such thing as respect toward another human being; if anything, it’s all fake to get something…

So, because of our past experiences, my soulmate and I deeply knew that mutual respect is everything.  

The funny thing is…we never actually talked about it. We embody it, and it’s absolutely normal to us.

I have many girlfriends who keep dating the wrong guys, and the pattern is just so obvious (been there, done that). They are ready to ignore any signs of disrespect or mental abuse because their boyfriend or partner or someone they desperately want to believe is their soulmate buys them gifts or gives compliments. They feel like they are in some romantic movie.

Unfortunately, talk is cheap. But meaningful, authentic actions require true embodiment. Respect is of such high value in a genuine soulmate relationship that often, it goes without saying.

A true soulmate will understand you, your goals, and your desires and always have respect for who you truly are.

But first, you need to understand who you are, what you value in life, and what you choose to let go.

Recommended Book:

Unleash Your True Authenticity to Manifest Authentic Connections – Now Available on Amazon

Secret #2 Your soulmate is also your best friend.

If someone is your soulmate, they are your best friend, and you feel safe around them. You feel safe sharing how you feel and what you desire because you know there will be no judgment.

Soulmates are very empathic towards each other, and that empathy is amplified by mutual respect (as already covered in secret #1).

At the same time, there’s no obligation to share. Your soulmate will never demand anything from you.

So, you share when you feel inspired to do so. And sharing feels good to you.

One of the things that came as a shock to me after starting a relationship with my soulmate was that…

I realized how safe I felt and how much I could share without judgment.

Deep inside, I knew it was my birthright, and I always believed that moment would come. It was one of my deepest non-material desires. To be able to share without being judged. He also encouraged me to keep writing and do so from a place of authenticity and passion.

An interesting thing is…being brought up in a narcissistic family, I’d never felt safe sharing because my secrets were never respected or kept private.

In my family, most people think it’s OK to tell your secrets to others (“because it’s just family and friends”) and disrespect your will. At the same time, my family would often manipulate or guilt-trip me into sharing…

This is never the case with true soulmates. And you’re never forced into sharing. Your soulmate respects you and your space and would never feel comfortable sharing your secrets with others.

They would find it inappropriate and disrespectful.

So, if someone is your soulmate, they are also your best friend. They fully embody your highest values, such as trust, empathy, and respect.

Likewise, you feel that way about them and have radical respect for their feelings, struggles, goals, and desires.

how do you know someone is your soulmate

Secret #3 You Know You’ve Met Your Soulmate If You Have a Similar Vision But Hold Space for Individual Interests

Soulmates don’t have to be like two identical twins or clones. Nothing wrong with that, and I’m sure that could be a possibility.

But you know you’ve met your soulmate if you can share a similar vision for life, but at the same time, give each other space for individual goals, hobbies, or friends.

Since true soulmates always operate from unconditional love, trust, respect, and understanding, they value the sense of self and want their soulmate to experience self-growth in a way they desire and enjoy.

Yes, I love traveling with my soulmate and doing fun things together. But I also have space for a quick solo trip if I want to.

And my soulmate is absolutely fine with me traveling for some business conferences or yoga workshops every now and then. I am fine with him traveling for his personal projects, work, or passions.

A true soulmate wants to see you grow and glow; they will not judge you.

Now…compare this to a narcissistic person, where it’s always about them, haha. No…thank you very much!

Secret #4 You Know You’ve Met Your Soulmate If You Share Intuition and Energy

True soulmates can understand each other without words. Yes, I love deep conversations with my partner. But we also know what’s going on in each other’s lives without talking because we are so connected to each other’s feelings and emotions.

One thing I’ve experienced (I cannot tell you with 100% certainty that it’s always the case in all soulmate relationships), but…

My partner tells me how good he feels whenever I practice my healing modalities, such as EFT taping or Reiki.

If you’re wondering, he’s not into tapping, Reiki, or meditating.

But it really struck me when he told me: “Keep doing this tapping thing. It definitely benefits both of us!”

This once again proves that soulmates can be different. On the outside, my partner is not into spirituality. He doesn’t read the same books I do (which are self-help and spirituality most of the time, haha), but…we are on the same page. Energetically. Without even talking about it.

An interesting insight: I was so desperate to find my soulmate in my previous life and kept looking ONLY in spiritual circles (nothing wrong with that, but it’s good to be open-minded about different places where you could meet your soulmate). And you wouldn’t even believe how many covert narcissists I attracted back then…

No, I am not blaming spiritual circles. But I want to open your eyes to one universal truth- it’s not about what you see on the outside but about what is embodied inside.

Sometimes we may meet someone with the same hobbies and passions we do (and many soulmates definitely do).

But…it can also be a little ego trap. Once again, it doesn’t have to…I don’t want you to think that now you need to meet someone with a different set of hobbies yet who can energetically understand yours without even knowing, haha.

Everyone is different.

But….remember to remember- it’s all about what’s happening on the inside!

The bottom line is a true soulmate connection is all about mutual growth and inspiration.

Recommended Book:

Law of Attraction for Amazing Relationships – Now Available on Amazon

Secret #5 True Soulmates Show Up for Each Other and Work for their Relationship

This is one of the most important signs to know if you have met your true soulmate…

Soulmates are often idealized and romanticized in spiritual circles. But the truth is all relationships require work, and nobody is perfect.

But…soulmates are ready to see any relationship challenge as an opportunity for mutual growth and self-development. They do so both individually as well as together. A true soulmate is aware of their mistakes and shortcomings just like you are aware of yours.

So, the true soulmate power lies in shared awareness.

From my personal experience, I’d also add that soulmates often complement each other and learn from each other. Sometimes your biggest strength may be your soulmates’ weakness, so they will be willing to learn from you and vice versa.

True soulmates love growing together and use any challenges as an opportunity to unleash even more inner strength. They love giving each other space for healing, learning, and self-development and don’t resort to toxic behaviors such as power trips, blaming, or emotional blackmail…

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