The Healing Power of Ho’oponopono to Manifest Forgiveness, Healing, Inner Peace & Self-Love

Is ho’oponopono effective? Does ho’oponopono really work? In this post, I want to share my experience with this life-changing self-healing tool!

Ho’oponopono helped me heal some very intense emotional wounds preventing me from manifesting my dream life. It also helped me create a fantastic peace of mind knowing that I’m always well taken care of by this world and have nothing to be afraid of, only good things to look forward to (so important to manifest your desires!).  It’s very interesting because I heard of Ho’oponopono many, many years ago, but I didn’t apply it at all.

Back then, I just thought it was too simple and too good to be true! (hmm…a limiting belief perhaps…that only complicated techniques work?).

But simplicity works, and if you do quick research on the Ho’oponopono technique you’ll come across many amazing success stories of people who have used Ho’oponopono to literally heal their lives. Yes, it is the simplest practice ever, but it is so profound!

My intention behind writing this post is to motivate and inspire you to use Ho’oponopono to improve your life and manifest your dreams faster (with joy and ease!).

You see, what often holds us back from manifesting our desires, is that we hold onto many emotional wounds and traumas, and we keep replaying negative situations from the past in our minds.

What is Ho’oponopono?

Ho’oponopono (sometimes spelled Hoponopono) is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice that can change your life.

There are many different translations and definitions that explain what the Ho’oponopono technique is.

But, the simple definition is this: the whole point of this technique is to focus on forgiveness, making things right, and living in peace.

It’s like asking for reconciliation for an issue that has occurred in either your life or someone else’s life.

Remember that the outer world is a direct reflection of what’s going on within us.

So, if we see problems in our reality, we need to acknowledge that these problems first started within us. We had a belief system, something from our past that held us back from living our full potential.

With Ho’oponopono we don’t actually have to know all the details that caused certain events in our lives. All we need to focus on is asking for their forgiveness.

This is how we can let go of negative states and emotions, such as resentment, that can be a root cause of disease.

How does Ho’oponopono work?

You keep repeating these four statements:

“I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you”.

Some people (like me, for example) prefer to use it this way: “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you!”

The best part? You can do it as much as you want, wherever you want and whenever you want.

You can use Ho’oponopono as a part of your morning ritual to have an amazingly empowered say!

Or, you can use it to relax before going to sleep.

I used it to heal insomnia (due to replaying negative movies in my mind repeatedly).

But, thanks to Ho’oponopono I was able to finally find peace.

Now, I don’t even think about it. I just catch myself saying: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you” pretty much on autopilot, and it feels so good.

(my old self used the exact same strategy but in a negative way while amplifying resentment, hate, jealousy, and other negative emotions!)

It doesn’t matter which order you say the Ho’oponopono words.

It’s up to you, do what feels right to you!

By saying the four Ho’oponopono statements, you’re connecting to the Divine! (or whatever you like to call it).

You’re connecting to the higher source of wisdom, compassion, and healing energy.

And so, you’re back into alignment!

You are clearing out the old traumas, stories, and abuse that were stored deep within us

Everything is connected, and the Ho’oponopono practice offers an opportunity to release what’s no longer serving us.

By using Ho’oponopono we are taking full responsibility for what shows up in our lives.

This is the most difficult part because so often, we want to blame everything that’s going on in the outer world instead of looking deep inside us.

I believe that the ultimate spiritual practice and beautiful, clean, and heart-based manifesting for long-lasting success we desire is all about understanding that we are one…

In alignment with that –  if we don’t like the reflection we see, we are a part of it, so it makes no sense to try to change the outer world when what is causing the external world to be the way it is, are our deep-rooted beliefs and negative thinking.

So…all you need to do is to go within yourself and say: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you”.

You can say this as many times as you want! There are no rules.

Anytime any negative beliefs come up, or anytime you see something in your world that you don’t like (maybe a financial situation or relationship problems), keep healing yourself with the Ho’oponopono practice.

Sometimes, we don’t understand specifically why certain areas of our Lives aren’t moving forward, and the good news is that with the Ho’oponopono practice, we don’t have to understand the root cause. We don’t have to go backward.

Yes, sometimes I can be helpful to have that point of reference and understand why we’re not moving forward. But with Ho’oponopono this is not necessary.

All you need is to remember that you have a great tool to help you heal emotionally and spiritually. The higher power is always supporting guiding you.

How Ho’oponopono changed my life

One of the biggest issues I struggled with on my manifestation and spirituality journey was that I couldn’t forgive myself for my past mistakes and things I “should have done differently” in my business and life.

At some point in my life, I could forgive others, but I couldn’t forgive myself.

So, one of the reasons I wanted to try the Ho’oponopono was to see if I could forgive myself and find inner peace. I was tired of this annoying inner critic and negative self-talk going on in my mind!

I decided to give this Ho’oponopono thing a go…at first, I didn’t really believe it would work, but I thought to myself: I have nothing to lose anyway…

And so I went all in…I knew about the 369 manifestation method, and I decided to adapt its structure to my Ho’oponopono practise. When I say “structure”, I mean- doing Ho’oponopono 3 times a day for 33 days straight to see if it worked for me.

My way of thinking was this- if I really want to know if it works, I need to do this. I need to go all in. I can’t just say a few Ho’oponopono words here and there and expect a miracle.

So, what I did was:

-I used Ho’oponopono every morning, afternoon, and evening in front of the mirror.

I would play some nice relaxing music and set my timer for at least 3 minutes.

Then, I would look at myself and say: “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you!”

I won’t lie to you. In the beginning, it felt weird, maybe even stupid..

But, I kept going.

After only a few days, I began to notice some changes in my self-talk. More and more often, I would catch myself…thinking positive thoughts and treating myself nicely.

For example, my old self would constantly criticize myself for the failure I experienced with the first book I wrote. And that voice would block me from even trying to improve the book or write another one.

But, as I dove deeper into the Ho’oponopono technique, it was like…loving myself for the first time in my life!

I even caught myself thinking and saying to myself: you are unique, you are creative, you can work hard, you love writing…you can write another book because now you know what doesn’t work!

Now here’s what happened after more or less 3 weeks of my simple Ho’oponopono practice…

Three people that were no longer in my life due to differences we had in our past (including a family member who hadn’t talked to me for 5 years, an old business associate as well as an ex-partner…reached out to me…over a space of few days…

Because they wanted to apologize and make things right!

I think my story proves that everything starts with inner healing and self-love. And how you treat yourself is how you get treated.

So, get started on the Ho’oponopono today! You can do what I did, get creative and find your own way, but…just do it!

You came across this little piece of content for a reason.

Now, it’s your time to heal your past, love yourself and manifest with joy and ease!

PS. If you’re looking for inner peace, self-love, and authenticity, aside from using the Ho’oponopono technique, as described in this post, you will also benefit a lot from reading my book: Self-Love Handbook Magnified with Law of Attraction: Instantly Shift into Self-Love, Heal Your Life & Create the Abundance of Joy You Deserve (now available on Amazon)

Self-Love Handbook is a simple, 8 step process to help you step into unlimited self-love, manifest joy, happiness, and abundance.

About the book:

Discover How to Unlock the Power of Self-Love to Manifest:
-inner freedom & peace of mind;
-authentic self-confidence;
-success and empowerment in all areas of your life;
-joyful connections and meaningful relationships;
-dream career, purpose, passion, and abundance;
-positive self-image while unlocking your uniqueness;
-faster recovery from abusive or toxic relationships;
-enhanced intuition and strong communication with your higher self;
-powerful self-care habits you absolutely love;
-mindful productivity so that you can confidently achieve your goals without burning yourself out.

Self-Love Handbook bridges the transformative power of inner work, energy healing, positive mindset, and the Law of Attraction to assist you on your journey of self-empowerment and authenticity so that you can create the life you love, desire, and deserve.

It takes a gentle, spiritual, love-infused approach to help you activate your highest self-love vibration while releasing painful memories and negative experiences.

The unique mindset and energy tools you’re just about to discover can be combined with other modalities and self-help books to facilitate even faster self-growth, self-awareness, and self-exploration.

No previous knowledge or specific spiritual background is required.

Because everything starts with self-love. When you love yourself, you know who you are and what your goals are.
You feel excited about pursuing your goals and dreams.

You don’t doubt yourself, and don’t feel bad about failures.
Instead, you use them as learning experiences to grow and expand. Your re-activated inner alchemy can transform negative into positive.Sh*t into gold.

When you love yourself, you have clear boundaries when it comes to yourself and others.
And you embody your boundaries with joy and ease. You no longer have to achieve things by force; instead, you step into your true power and inner guidance.

As you embrace the power of self-love, you become a vibrational match to like-minded, authentic, loving souls who love and respect you for who you are. You feel safe expressing yourself and trust yourself.

You also intuitively know when to say no or step back, so you’re no longer attracting toxic individuals or circumstances that no longer serve you.

You radiate your unique energy and light and are no longer afraid of what others think of you.

Instead, you feel confident in yourself and your abilities. You are resilient and keep going, knowing that you’re always guided by the power of love and your Higher Self.

Your new powerful vibration of confident self-love makes you magnetic to your desires.

And the Law of Attraction and the Universe take notice and amplify that power!

It’s time for an emotional and spiritual makeover. It’s time for deep healing.

It’s to manifest infinite self-love and use it to activate the Law of Attraction for your highest good!
Your today shapes your tomorrow. No matter where you are today, what you know or don’t know, or what you’ve been through, you can get closer to manifesting your dreams through the power of self-love.

One mindset shift, one vibration jump, one new, empowering belief at a time.

It’s time to unlock the power of self-love magnified with the Law of Attraction!

Take a positive l and inspired action today.

Order your copy today and start healing yourself from within yourself to create the life you love, desire, and deserve!