16 Powerful Grit Quotes to Become an Unstoppable Manifestor

You’re just about to discover the most powerful grit quotes to help you become an unstoppable manifestor and never give up. One of the biggest mistakes people make when attempting to manifest their desires is that instead of moving forward with faith and confidence while assuming that their desire is already theirs, they lower their goals, try to be “more realistic”, or give up.

So, first of all, let’s explain what grit really means and how it relates to the manifestation process.

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These grit quotes will supercharge your motivation!

What is Grit, and How Grit Quotes Can Help You Manifest Your Desires?

My definition of grit is very simple:

It’s about having, honoring, and fully embodying your long-term vision.

It’s also about being fully grateful for what you already have while staying committed to your growth and expecting the best.

Oh, and finally, it’s about changing your relationship with “failure”. You see, there’s no such thing as failure. You succeed or you learn!

But let’s be real…every now and then, we all need a little bit of motivational fuel to recharge our manifesting muscles.

Sometimes, we may feel defeated or disappointed or get stuck comparing ourselves to others.

I believe these occasional negative thoughts have value and shouldn’t be suppressed.

Instead, they need to be looked at with love and self-compassion!

Great manifestations require you to turn into a great manifestor! It’s as simple as that.

If you ever experience negative thoughts because of some obstacles on your journey, you can reframe your thinking into:

“Oh, it means that I am very ambitious and that my desire is strong. I just need to relax and be patient. I need to keep taking positive and inspired action while doing my best to grow. I can also allow myself to be grateful for everything I have manifested on my journey so far!”

And here’s the best part…Whenever I feel a bit stuck, I like to read biographies or success stories of people who inspire me.

These stories make me feel like everything is possible as long as I choose goals that are truly mine, work on my manifestation mindset and energy, and keep taking calm and confident action in the direction of my dreams and desires.

In this post, I share my favorite grit quotes to help you persist, feel good and motivated, and, most importantly, remind you of the immense creative power you were born with.

So, keep moving forward and envision nothing but the best. Don’t lower your goals, and don’t make your desires “more realistic”. Instead, level up your inner game and become an unstoppable manifestor!

Now, let’s dive into my favorite grit quotes to help you stay inspired!

I also added my personal interpretation to each quote so that it’s easier to apply it to your manifesting journey.


Quotes about grit
Supercharge your motivation with these powerful and inspiring quotes about grit.

Inspirational Grit Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day

#1 “Grit is the grain of character. It may generally be described as heroism materialized, spirit and will thrust into heart, brain, and backbone, so as to form part of the physical substance of the man.”- Edwin Percy Whipple

In other words, grit is what fuels you and your manifestations! It’s also about enjoying the process and becoming the best version of yourself. For example, I’m in the process of manifesting blogging success.

And every day I remind myself how far I’ve come and what I’ve learned. I’m grateful for the blogging process because it equipped me with many online skills, and also helped me connect with many people around the world.

So, in a way, thanks to maintaining my grit, daily, I’m discovering a myriad of smaller manifestations that lead me toward my big goals!

#2 “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”- Wayne Dyer

If I was to get a tattoo, it would be the word “grit” tattooed right on my hands so that I can see it most of the time and keep reminding myself of the power of inner choices that we always have. Because there’s always something positive, we can do…

And, if you feel like you don’t know what to do, simply do what you know how to do, and do so with your best energy!

#3 “Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.” -Sarah Dessen

Over the years, I interacted with thousands of different people from the Law of Attraction and Manifestation community.

And one of the biggest manifesting blocks that holds so many people back (and I’ve been “guilty” of it as well) is…choosing to hide while dimming one’s light.

There are only 2 choices, my dear. You can hide.

Or you can choose to shine your light.

Remember that your light doesn’t have to be perfect, especially if you’re using someone else’s standards of perfection.

Instead, simply be and simply shine. Your powers will increase as you go!

#4 “Being a top performer – whether it’s in business or on the athletic field – requires grit and tenacity, as well as the continuous desire to become better.” -Amy Morin

Becoming an unstoppable manifestor is also a form of high performance. After all, manifestation is something you do with your mind (and heart).

It’s about aligning your inner world with your desires and becoming emotionally stronger and authentically positive.

I also believe that having ambitious goals and desires gives us fuel and motivation to keep becoming the best versions of ourselves!

#5 “Grit is having the courage to do the right thing, regardless of the popularity or consequences.” -Joan Hall

Unstoppable manifestors know who they are and what they want. They also have their own life philosophy and are people of integrity.

They can lead themselves and others. Even if you’re not in any leadership position and technically don’t lead other people, remember that you can always choose to lead yourself.

Take full responsibility for your motivation, spirituality, confidence, and the results you desire to manifest!

#6 “Successful people aren’t born successful. Behind it all, there is hard work, persistence, and a lot of grit.”-Arshad Wahedna

I used to compare myself to others a lot. Like, really, a lot!

And one of my favorite excuses for not becoming successful was:

“Other people had it easier because their parents were successful..”

I mistakenly assumed that you’re either born successful or not.

Thank God, I discovered the world of personal development and the Law of Attraction! I quickly learned that success is something you create for yourself despite any obstacles or difficulties.

And even if you are born into a wealthy and successful family, you still have your own challenges to overcome and inner work to do. In other words- everyone has their own internal battle and self-growth journey. Because it’s all about growth.

And we all get to start somewhere. Your start is unique!

Be proud of it, and follow your journey with passion, perseverance, and grit!

#7 “Grit is the persistence in following your own destiny.” -Paul Bradley Smith

These affirmations go beautifully with the above quote:

“I am a powerful creator of my life!”

“I always manifest my desires, and I love the process”.

“I love learning and growing every day!”

Looking for more affirmations to manifest success?

Check out:

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

44 Affirmations for Happiness to Instantly Shift into Positivity

47 Motivation-Boosting Affirmations for Business Success

#8 “Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.”-James A. Michener

Amen to that! And here’s the weirdest thing I discovered on my self-development journey…it will help you save money while growing more and becoming more successful…

So, here it is:

Whenever you invest in a book, or a program (whether it’s self-development, business, or spirituality), go through it more than once! Or, I keep going through it UNTIL I manifest the results I want 🙂

So, when you have a goal or desire (for example, you want to start a successful blog or YouTube channel), stick to it until successful, and keep going.

Because there are no limits to the amount of success, you can manifest. So, embrace who you truly are- an unstoppable manifesting machine!

#9 “Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”-John Ortberg

Grit is connected to creativity and conscious manifesting. Without grit, our lives can lose their fuel and meaning.

Of course, it’s not about some mindless achieving to fill some kind of an inner void…It’s about embracing our achievements and using them as a tool to grow internally.

We can lose material possessions, but we can never lose who we are on the inside. We can never lose our inner grit!

#10 “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”-Mark Twain

It’s all about your desire, your ability to stick to your manifesting plan and reframing “failures” into learning lessons. So, keep going because your mind is more powerful than you think!

#11 “A grit mind strengthens all of your strengths.”-Pearl Zhu

Whatever inner talent, ability, or skill you have, use your inner grit to amplify your powers and be unstoppable!

#12 “The people who stick with things for years and never stop almost always win the race.” -James Clear

Let’s back up this quote with a simple question for self-reflection:

Do you tend to give up on your desire or even a manifesting technique because you feel like it’s not working?

How about seeing the manifestation process as something non-linear? And how about allowing yourself to immerse yourself in your goals without unnecessary deadlines or pressures?

Time doesn’t matter if you do what you love. If you do it well and stick to it, you will be successful!

#13 “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”-Marcus Aurelius

It’s as simple as spending more time in meditation, prayer, or reading. You are the master of your inner world!

#14 “Problems are not stop signs. They are guidelines.”-Robert Schuller

Exactly! Everything is feedback from the Universe.

And sometimes, what we perceive as “problems” or “obstacles” can be the biggest wake-up calls or blessings that help us transform on a deeper level.

#15 “In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.”-Lee Lacocca

We have the power to transform negative into positive. We can always choose. Whenever something seemingly negative happens in my life, I intend to find as many positives in it as I can. As a result, something positive always follows!

#16 “Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.”-Calvin Coolidge

While talents, skills, natural abilities, and formal or self-taught education are great, our inner fire, grit, and resolve to shine translate into powerful inner states and positive manifestations.

Your task for today is to approach everything with inner grit. Choose to shine your light, do the best you can with what you know, and radiate the energy of positivity!

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

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