37 Forgiveness Affirmations to Let Go of Past Hurts and Find Inner Peace

You’re just about to discover the most powerful forgiveness affirmations to help you release yourself from the pain of past events and embrace inner peace. Cleansing yourself from hurtful past events and forgiving yourself and others is one of the most important steps of conscious manifesting.

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Why Affirmations for Forgiveness Are So Powerful

Our mind can only process one emotion or thought at a time.

In alignment with that, if you entertain bitter thoughts, happy thoughts cannot find a place in your mind.

This is why affirmations for forgiveness are such an important tool.

Simply set an intention to forgive as much as you can, right here, right now.

Don’t rush into anything, forgiving is a process that may take time.

However, by using affirmations for forgiveness, you mindfully allow positive words and thoughts to enter your mind while initiating a very powerful healing process.

How to Use Affirmations for Forgiveness

Simply choose one (or several) affirmations that really speak to you.

Create a new, mindful habit and repeat your affirmations several times in front of the mirror, or whenever you find yourself in need of instant positivity.

At the same time, you can also use your affirmations while performing your everyday tasks, such as cleaning, taking a shower, or organizing your space.

To amplify the power of your forgiveness affirmations, you may also consider:

forgiveness affirmations

Diving Deep into 37 Fearless Affirmations for Forgiveness

General Forgiveness Affirmations

#1 I allow myself to forgive and let go.

#2 I release the need to judge others even if they hurt me in the past.

#3 Forgiving and letting go feels good and allows me to consciously manifest the life I deserve.

#4 I am open to forgiving and letting go as much as I can.

#5 I am ready to receive the amazing awards of letting go.

#6 I can’t control what happened to me in the past, but I can control the present moment, release past hurts and create the life I deserve.

#7 I am stronger than my past hurts.

#8 I release any addiction to past hurts.

#9 The more I release, the more space I have to manifest love, joy, and abundance.

#10 The more I focus on the good things in my life and what I really desire, the easier it is to release the past.

Self-Forgiveness Affirmations

#11 I did the best I could, and I learned a lot!

#12 I allow myself to forgive.

#13 The more I forgive myself, the better I feel.

#14 Forgiving myself and apologizing to others, if needed, feels good.

#15 I choose to learn from the past, forgive myself, and move on.

#16 I love myself in every situation.

#17 The more I love myself, the easier it is to forgive myself.

#18 I always do the best I can, and I keep learning and growing.

#19 I now release any need for perfection; instead, I choose to be perfectly imperfect.

#20 I am worthy of self-love, forgiveness, and letting go.

#21 All the mistakes I made are simply valuable lessons to help me grow and become a better person.

#22 I choose past mistakes as guides for self-reflection and learning, but I release any need to dwell on them.

Affirmations to Release the Past

#23 I now mindfully let go of the past!

#24 I am now free and can create a new chapter in my beautiful life.

#25 My new life is beautiful and hurt-free.

#26 I now attract amazing and loving people into my life.

#27 There is no space for drama in my life now that I let go of the past.

#28 Radical forgiveness changes my life and opened the gate to unlimited love, joy, and abundance.

#29 Everything I need in my life already exists within me.

#30 I gently release my need for control.

#31 I am open to giving and receiving.

Affirmations for Letting Go

#32 Each time I breathe, I relax and let go.

#33 Mindful breathing, relaxing, and letting go feels so good!

#34 I now forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs and release them into love.

#35 I let go of the need to be always right; instead, I choose to be happy.

#36 I love releasing what no longer serves me.

#37 Every day, I create mindful, spiritual rituals to release and let go of past hurts and misunderstandings.

Forgive and Move on Quotes

#1“Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak; it sets you free.” — Dave Willis

#2“Forgiveness is just another name for freedom.” — Byron Katie

#3 “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” — Wayne Dyer

#4 “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” — C.S. Lewis

#5 “There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” — Bryant H. Mcgill

#6 “Remember, when you forgive, you heal. And when you let go, you grow.” — Anonymous

#7 “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” — Dr. Steve Marab

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56 Affirmations for New Beginnings – Release the Past and Manifest Faster

46 Powerful Affirmations to Block Negative Energy

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