Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

What is cord-cutting, and why should you even do it?

And how can cord-cutting help you manifest your desires and new realities? It’s simple. I’m a big fan of “release to manifest”. Because this is how the Law of Attraction works. You manifest what’s inside you…And you can manifest many amazing things just by releasing what no longer serves you.

In this post, you’ll discover exactly how to do cord-cutting safely and effectively!

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How to Make the Most Out of Cord Cutting

From my experience, as someone who’s tried and tested many forms of energy and mental healing modalities aimed at releasing what no longer serves us…

The BIGGEST takeaway and thing to keep in mind (no matter what healing modality, technique, or ritual you do) is: KISS

Keep It Super Simple!

I’m also a big believer in this Magical Triangle: Mindset, Energy, and Strategy 😊

Yes, cord-cutting is all about energy work. However, to make sure you get the most out of it, you need to be in the right mindset…

In other words, you need to be conscious. It would be best if you also had a plan (aka strategy). Yes, it may not sound sexy to some, but the Universe likes order.

Also…LESS is MORE! It’s not about spending hours, days, or even years in rituals.

Yes, I’ve seen so many people get lost, trying to do cord-cutting with someone and then worrying about whether it was done correctly and whatnot, therefore staying stuck in the old reality…

This brings us to another cord-cutting principle…

Own your energy.

Claim it now.

Affirm with confidence:

I own my energy. I am the master of my energy. And I use it consciously to create a life I love, deserve, and desire!

Another affirmation you may want to add to your affirmation arsenal, even before you launch your cord-cutting rituals, is:

It’s safe for me to own my energy and release any negative energies (whether it’s from another person, object, emotion, event, or my old self) that no longer serve me.

So far, all is good, right?

You see, cord-cutting should feel good. And I want you to experience this process with the positive energy of conviction, confidence, and full ownership (because you are in control of your energy and reality!).

Now, let’s take a look at the simplest cord-cutting blueprint there is.

Once again…KISS…keep it super simple!

Cord Cutting Mindset Blueprint

Step #1 You need to consciously decide to cut cords with someone or something to feel free, vibrant, and energized. And, as I already said, you need to approach the cord-cutting process from a place of positive energy. So, step 1 is all about POSITIVE INTENTION.

Step #2 Make a cord-cutting list. Just like decluttering your home may take some time and planning (and you may want to do one room or cupboard at a time), if you’re new to releasing negative energies, or perhaps you haven’t done any work in that area in a long time, having a long cord-cutting list is quite normal.

So, this step is all about INTENTIONAL PLANNING and committing to it.

Step #3 This step is about consciously understanding that cord-cutting rituals require you to think positively about whoever or whatever you desire to cut cords with.

Two words that beautifully sum up how it works are: LOVINGLY RELEASE, or RELEASE with LOVE 🙂

Things you need to know before cord-cutting…

Before You Do Cord-Cutting…

So, even before jumping into any cord-cutting ritual, you need to be aware that cord-cutting is a peaceful process where you act for the highest good of everyone involved. Love and light make this process so effective.

Now, I totally understand that sometimes, that is not easy. I used to find it very hard to forgive, especially when I knew I’d done nothing wrong. That mindset kept me in self-righteous resentment that only prevented me from moving forward.

So…someone would hurt me, and then I would hurt myself. Therefore, attracting more hurt.

That pattern kept going on for years.

Luckily, I was guided to meet a cord-cutting mentor and healer, and he taught me this one thing that changed everything for me:

“To forgive means…to GIVE space FOR something.

You need to forgive to move on and create space for your desires.”

So, I had to learn how to do this for myself and my wellbeing.

As Wayne Dyer beautifully put it: What other people do is their karma. How you react to it is yours.

Following this principle, I cut cords with all my toxic family members.

My intention was to reduce contact with them. However, I also wanted to have cordial relationships with them, all drama-free, whenever we would meet, for example, on a family occasion such as someone’s birthday or other celebration.

I wanted it all to be peaceful, and I took responsibility for my actions. I educated myself on the topic of toxic people and narcissism.

I also learned about my triggers. And I promised myself not to react and never get drawn into any drama. I knew I couldn’t change my family. But I COULD change me and how I showed up.

Yes, when I first started, I heard all kinds of provocative and hurtful words to make me return to where I was before. But, in my mind, I was peaceful, which is how I showed up.

I kept cord-cutting with my family members, one by one. And I kept sending them light, love, and peace I knew their troubled souls so rightfully deserved…

As I was cord-cutting with all my family members, I also felt more and more gratitude.

I suddenly saw them as my teachers. Perhaps not “direct teachers” but indirect teachers. Because, in the end, their behaviors got me started on my path of self-growth and spirituality.

So, for that reason, I kept radiating the energy of peace and love. I saw them as master teachers. I was so blessed to get into their free masterclass pretty early on, haha😊

And this is how I can step into my full power and resilience today 😊

I even made an affirmation: “I am unavailable for drama.”

“I treat everyone with love and respect.”

I also understood that it’s not for me to judge, and so…I began to mind my own karma while making space for my goals, and desires and manifesting a magical life😊

So, these are the 3 mindset steps you need to go through before diving deeper into cord-cutting.

After internalizing these 3 mindset steps, you must choose the cord-cutting method that resonates with you.

In this post, you will find many to pick and choose from.

But once again, remember the KISS method.

Keep it super simple!

+ My little disclaimer. I am not a mental health professional or a licensed psychologist. I am just sharing my own healing journey and what worked for me. I personally find cord-cutting very effective in letting go of negativity and moving on. But when it comes to reaching full recovery and healing from toxic or narcissistic abuse, I also recognize the importance of professional and personalized mental health advice you may need on your journey. So, do your own research and get professional psychological help if needed 😊

Why and How Cord-Cutting Will Set You FREE

What Is Cord Cutting? Who and What Can You Cut Cords with?

So, following our introduction of the cord-cutting mindset, cord-cutting is an energetic ritual aimed at decluttering your energy, creating space for consciously manifesting your desires.

Our subconscious mind and energy field are non-linear. So, saying that something happened long ago in the past while still manifesting its negative effects now is an excuse from your ego mind. Because energy never lies. Unless you release any negative attachments and energies, they will keep manifesting…

Luckily, now you know about cord-cutting 🙂

For example…

You never say: “Oh, I had lots of sweets, but that was last week, so I don’t have to brush my teeth…

I mean…it was several days ago, so…”

Or: “I go for a run every day, but I don’t shower, I mean, it was yesterday. So…”

Yes, the power of the present moment heals, but spiritual circles often tend to overgeneralize some concepts to avoid facing the truth.

I know I’m exaggerating here, but I hope this will inspire you to declutter your mind, soul, subconscious mind, and energy field the way you deserve.

You are so worthy of releasing what no longer serves you!

Spiritual Benefits of Cord-Cutting

The biggest spiritual benefit of cord-cutting is that you create space for what you desire. Imagine you buy new furniture for your home. Well…first, you’d need to make some space, right?

Cord cutting is no different. It’s all about creating space. Not only physically but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Cord-Cutting Secrets Most People Overlook

When I first learned about cord cutting, I made a long list of toxic people, my old mindsets and behaviors, and even some places I wanted to cut cords with. I followed my cord-cutting list and kept decluttering my energy field like a mad woman; boy, did it feel good!

But there’s SO MUCH MORE you can use cord cutting for.

Because cord-cutting cannot interrupt any positive energy. It can only free you from negative energy.

So, you can also do cord-cutting with people you have good relationships with.

It’s like having a healthy body and reaching new levels of health through optimizing your diet and nutrition or exercising even further.

Well, cord-cutting cannot harm you or anyone else.

While most people first focus on cord-cutting with toxic people and situations and simply energies they are no longer aligned with and wish to remove from their energetic field, you can also do cord-cutting with positive people and events to ensure more flow of love, abundance, and positivity.

Cord cutting helps release any extra emotional charges and attachments. Too much attachment to something can push things away.

You can even do cord-cutting with your desires!

Let’s say you desire to manifest a new home, and you put it on a pedestal. You want it so bad.

Suddenly you start seeing everyone your age who already has what you want, and now they’re manifesting second homes or investment properties.

You start comparing yourself to others, create negative energy around your desire, and push it away.

Cord-cutting is indeed recommended here, and it can’t hurt your desire, quite the opposite. It will only remove negative attachments and energies around it.

Finally, you can also do intuitive cord-cutting around a feeling you have, even if you don’t know what is causing it. Have the intention to release whatever it is that no longer serves you, and LET GO.

So…back to your cord-cutting list…

How to Make a Cord-Cutting Intention List

The way I like to organize my cord-cutting lists is:

List 1 – Toxic people or negative energies I am aware of. This list may also include my old negative mindsets, thoughts, or habits I desire to release.

List 2 – General energy cleansing. I do cord-cutting with a clear intention to release whatever it is that no longer serves me, even if I don’t know what it is. I trust that the Universe knows 😊

List 3 – This list includes people, things, and situations I love. I use cord-cutting to ensure there’s no negative energy stuck anywhere and that the flow of joy, love, and abundance continues to come our way.

List 4 – This list includes my desires and things I’m currently manifesting. My intention is to release any negative energy or too much emotional charge and attachment. I know firsthand that cord-cutting with my desires can speed things up for me (if speeding up is aligned with my highest good) or deliver my desires with joy and ease.

So, to sum up….

Why Is Cord-Cutting Important?

Cord-cutting removes negative energy. It’s as simple as that.

Just like you regularly clean your house (or hire someone to do it for you), you can do cord-cutting to take care of your energy field and everyone and everything you care about.

Cord-cutting cannot cut any positive energies. It only serves as a tool to remove negativity, so it can also be performed on relationships you love to take them to the next level and ensure growth.

Now that you know what cord-cutting is, how it works, and how to create intentions and cord-cutting lists, choose one or more cord-cutting rituals or techniques to do.

Just like I always tell people who ask me for the best manifesting methods

There’s no right or wrong. What matters is what makes you feel good and resonates with you and your awareness at this stage of your journey. If, at some point, you get bored with a given method or ritual, choose something else.

The most important thing for effective cord-cutting is your intention and resolve to release what no longer serves you.

With more and more practice, you’ll be able to let go quickly, and it will become automatic for you 🙂

Quick Cord-Cutting Meditation

This quick cord-cutting meditation is perfect if you’re pressed for time. It can be done in 5 minutes.

How to do cord-cutting meditation in 7 Simple Steps:

Step #1 Sit down comfortably and take a few deep relaxing breaths.

Step#2 Visualize big, white light surrounding and then slowly entering your body.

Feel its warmth and healing energy. Bathe in the joys of that light.

Step #3 Now, think about a person, object or belief you desire to cut cords with.

If you’re not into visualizing, don’t worry. It’s enough to have intention!

However, if you want to, you can also visualize a person or object you’re cutting cords with.

Step #4 Now, imagine big white scissors. You are now holding them in your beautiful hands.

All you need to do is to use them to start cutting cords. So, stand up, start cord cutting starting from your feet, legs, hips, and stomach, and keep moving up.

You may want to do this several times, working your way up and down in a way that feels good to you.

Step #5 When you’re ready, imagine, visualize or feel how the entity you’re cutting cords with is moving away from you, and you’re feeling lighter and lighter.

Step #6 Now send them love, light, and blessings.

Affirm: “I am now releasing any negative energy related to this person/object/behavior and event. “ Or you can simply say: “I lovingly release what no longer serves me for the highest good of all”.

Step #7 Affirm that you’re now making space for more and more positivity to enter your life and that you trust the Universe and the Higher power.

You may also choose to back up this cord-cutting ritual with manifestation meditation (I share my full process in this post).

Cord cutting and manifestation meditation are a very powerful combo.

You’ve just gotten rid of old furniture, so why not order some new ones?

Unless you choose to cherish some minimalistic emptiness for a while…

Journaling can also be an amazing way to cut cords with whatever it is you desire to release!

Journaling Exercise for Cord Cutting

Aside from meditation, you can also use this journaling exercise for cord-cutting.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong. It’s your intention and readiness to release that makes things happen. If you prefer meditation, go for meditation. If you prefer to write, do this journaling cord-cutting exercise.

Personally, I like to use this cord-cutting writing technique whenever I feel I have lots of negative emotions, such as anger and sadness. I find it very effective for releasing and taking care of my emotions and energy.

To do this exercise, you will need a piece of paper or a journal that you use only for cord-cutting purposes.

First, you want to express your true feelings about the situations you desire to cut cords with. Share all your feelings on paper. Release negativity in an honest way.

The second step is to write WHY you want to cut cords and move on. You may also choose to take one big piece of paper and divide it into 2.

The first part is for stating how you honestly feel. The second part is for your WHY.

Then, visualize big white light enetring and protecting your body. Affirm that you are safe and well taken care of by the Universe and you’re ready to LET GO.

Then, take scissors and cut your journal pages. You are now free!

As you cut them, keep the intention of releasing any negative energy related to your old self, old mindsets, and energy and everyone involved in this situation.

Then, burn the rest of the cut pages and have a bath or a shower (or visualize yourself swimming in the sea, river, or under a big stream of water, cleansing all your body and energy field from negativity).

As you shower or bath, hug yourself and keep affirming that you are strong, resilient, courageous, and have everything you need to move on.

Please read my other posts for a list of affirmations you may use to enhance this process.

These affirmations are great for cord-cutting:

66 Throat Chakra Affirmations: Express Yourself with Ease and Confidence!

20 Affirmations for Healing by Louise Hay – Unleash Vitality & Zest for Life!

17 Affirmations for Anxiety to Soothe Your Inner State

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

Finish this process by creating a new manifestation board or manifestation list or from fresh, clean energy. Now you’re ready to move on and focus on your desires and manifesting them.

Remind yourself that thanks to cord-cutting, any other manifesting technique you may have chosen for yourself will be much more effective 🙂

But don’t take my word for it. Do some cord-cutting and see for yourself 🙂

Read my other posts to get inspiration on how to create an exciting vision for yourself:

Manifestation Board Secrets to Create Your Dream Life

How to Write a Manifestation List to Create Your Dream Reality Faster

7 Powerful Manifestation Methods Unlocked

Affirmations for Cord Cutting

These cord-cutting affirmations are great to either back up your cord-cutting meditation (or any other ritual) or use them when you can’t do a ritual. Perhaps, you’re in a toxic environment or workspace and need something quick to fall back on.

If that’s the case, I recommend you do your affirmations (you don’t have to say them out loud) to protect your energy and do a full cord-cutting ritual when you’re back home or wherever you find safe.

I protect my energy.

I honor my space and your space.

I love myself, and I love you.

I choose to be free from anger and act for the highest good of all involved.

I am safe, and you are safe.

I am protected, and you are protected.

I am happy, and you are happy.

I respect you, and you respect me.

Love. Love. Love.

Light. Light. Light.

Heal – heal – heal.

All is good in my world.

Cord Cutting on a New Moon?

Even though cord cutting can be done any time you want, performing cord cutting on a new moon can help you amplify the process. In fact, some say that cord-cutting is best done during a New Moon, as it signifies a new beginning.

There are different ways and rituals to go about cord-cutting, but in most cases, what matters is time. Whenever I discover something, I need to let go if I want to let go as fast as I can...;)

However, if my intentions to release happen around the new Moon, I may choose to use the full moon energy to my full advantage!

Cord Cutting – Extra Tools & Inspiration

To sum up, when it comes to cord-cutting, the most important thing to keep in mind is the power of your decision and intention.

There’s no reason to overcomplicate this process. Choose to act in alignment with your highest self and pure and loving energy.

Cord cutting doesn’t have to be about some weird, complicated rituals.

It can be fast, effective, and healing.

Cord Cutting Incense and Candles

People often ask me what kind of equipment is needed for cord cutting. I think any cord-cutting paraphernalia such as candles, incense, or crystals are optional.

Think of them as dietary supplements. Supplements can’t make you healthy on their own. You need a healthy lifestyle, and a healthy foundation, and then you use supplements to… complement and amplify your work.

The same thing happens here, with cord-cutting and what you may choose to “supplement” it with.

So let me repeat…your intention to let go is the most important ingredient.

But, if you desire to spice up your cord-cutting rituals with oils, candles, incense, and whatnot, feel free to do so.

Sometimes, I like to create a ritual around it, especially when it comes to releasing something deeper. Then I may do my cord-cutting meditation in a salt bath with candles, crystals, and essential oils.

Below are some of my recommendations (these products are available on Amazon, and if you purchase through my referral links by clicking the images below, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, thank You for your support!)

Sea or Epsom salt and essential oils (great for taking a nice, energy-cleansing bath)

Crystals to cleanse negative energy

Incense to cleanse negative energy

I hope you enjoyed this post and will soon share your cord-cutting experiences in the comments below 😊

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Until the next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting