Conscious Manifestation Made Simple – Are You Making These 5 Mistakes?

Conscious manifestation is when you realize how powerful you are and how much you can create with your thoughts, feelings, and aligned action. It’s when you’ve done enough inner work to identify your strengths and negative patterns that have been holding you back from manifesting your desires.

At the same time, conscious manifestation is all about focusing on you, your self-image, authenticity, confidence, self-love, mindset, and energy rather than on some external factors and forces you can’t control.

It takes time to get to that true place of empowerment.

But when you realize that we always manifest something and that we always create our reality (consciously or not) and when you have several “aha” moments because you’ve realized how your disempowering thoughts and actions kept you away from what you truly wanted to achieve in your life…the switch to conscious manifesting can happen almost instantly.

In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about conscious manifestation and the most common mistakes to avoid to get you on the right track and help you manifest faster!

Conscious Manifestation

The Most Common Misconceptions about Conscious Manifestation

Have you ever experienced wanting something so badly, but deep inside, you didn’t believe that it could be yours, and it hasn’t happened? You just kept dreaming about it and wondered if it could be yours, but never took any steps to make your dream come true?

Or perhaps, you didn’t set any goals for yourself. You just kept wandering through life and reacting to it, expressing your anger, fears, and dissatisfaction while often attracting people, circumstances, and events you didn’t want?

These are all examples of manifestation. And I’ve experienced both scenarios.

The first one was when I dreamed about becoming a yoga teacher. But really, deep inside, I felt I wasn’t good enough.

So, I just kept sharing my ambitious goal with others, daydreaming about it, and comparing myself to successful yoga teachers.

Then, I found some excuses for why I could not become a yoga teacher and even found myself very critical of others who were yoga teachers. I repeated this negative pattern with several other dreams, such as learning French, learning to play the guitar, and buying my own house 🙁

Sometimes I would try some “magic spells” to make my dreams come true, but I would never look inside my mindset, energy, and actions.

At the same time, I positioned myself to the world …through the energy of a wannabe.

Yes, since I just talked about what I wanted to do but never took any steps to manifest my dreams, most people thought of me as a wannabe and never took me seriously.

So, I missed many great opportunities, including employment, meeting new people, and traveling.

I just wasn’t a good person to be around. And very few people would trust me or value me. After all, I lacked confidence and didn’t trust and value myself.

I talked about my dreams through the energy of superiority (yes, I created a mask for myself to at least make it look like I was confident). Still, deep inside, I felt very, very worthless and insignificant.

Little did I know about the science of conscious manifestation and deep inner work- my personality, mindset,  character, the way I talked to myself and others…

Back then, most of the time, I was in very toxic energy or resentment and jealousy.

That was a long, long time ago, and I’ve discovered a few things about reality creation and conscious manifesting since then 🙂

I am a different person now, and I don’t mind talking about my old mistakes because I know they can help many people on their conscious manifestation journeys.

You see, the problem isn’t so much about learning how to manifest.

As I have just shown you, we manifest all the time.

The true challenge is how we can manifest consciously to create the reality we love.

It’s also about reclaiming our true power, so we don’t feel dependent on luck or any other external factors.

After discovering the art of conscious manifestation and totally transforming my life, and manifesting a passion-based business, peace of mind, dream partner, beautiful friends, and improved relationships with my family, I wanted to share my process with others.

And everyone would ask me to “teach them how to manifest.”

They wanted a new method or technique.

Don’t get me wrong, manifestation methods and techniques are excellent.

Their main goal is to help you re-program your subconscious mind for success and positivity to help you focus on what you really desire to manifest.

But…the true power of discovering and experiencing the art and science of conscious manifestation lies in understanding what not to do and the most common conscious manifestation mistakes to avoid.

I always say that conscious manifestation is something you experience, feel, and discover. Yes, some learning is involved, but…it’s all about learning more about yourself.

Because when you’re manifesting consciously, you’re focusing on yourself and your inner work 🙂

You want to understand yourself, your mindset, your energy, and your emotions.

You know that you have everything you need to succeed.

You need to tune in to that new, more empowered version of you that’s already living your dream reality!

So, let’s look at the most common conscious manifestation mistakes to avoid to help you become a master of your own reality!

Conscious Manifestation

Conscious Manifestation Mistake #1 Not Having a Vision

Manifesting our desired reality is never a coincidence.

But you need to know precisely where you wish to go.

This is the most crucial step.

Unfortunately, most people miss it. They know they want “something better” but cannot define what that “better” looks like.

Don’t make this mistake.

Have a detailed vision for your life.

One of the best things to get clarity is to create a manifestation list (I have an entire process to help you here) or a manifestation vision board.

There’s no need to do both (although you can if you want to).

The main point is to get your ideas and dreams out of your head to know exactly what you want for each area of your life.

The scripting method is also very helpful, and you can learn more about it here.

There is no way around this first step.

Conscious Manifestation Mistake #2 Not Having a Strong Enough Why and Losing Your Motivation

If you’ve been around LOA and the self-development community for more than 5 minutes, you’ve probably heard the importance of having a strong desire.

100% true.

But…how do you get to a place of having a strong desire that fuels you, and makes you feel excited and compelled to achieve your goals and dreams?

The answer is simple.

You need to have your WHY, or multiple WHY’s.

Personally, I am a big fan of multiple WHY’s, because they are like having different streams of motivation.

If something happens with one of them, I still have enough fuel to keep going!

For example, let’s say your goal is to increase your income, aka manifest more money. You’re working a job that you find OK, but feel like you’d like to have another income stream, or better yet, a passive income.

Now, there are many things you could do…but before you even begin researching them, ask yourself what your WHY is?


-I want to have the security associated with 2 income streams.

-I don’t want to waste my free time after work on something that does nothing for my future. Instead, I want to find something I love doing and that can help me create a new income stream aside from my day job

-I definitely want to have a nice savings account and start investing too.

-I want to be able to buy lovely gifts for my family whenever I want.

-I want to be more productive after work, and having a passion-based side hustle could help me do that!

-I want to be able to travel to my favorite destinations without having to worry about money

-I want to create something I’m proud of and that can help other people

-I want to learn new things

Now, with so many WHY’s, it’s very hard to run out of motivation!

So, do this step now and write down your WHY’s.

This step is great for clarity and may help you improve your vision to make conscious manifesting even more fun.

After writing down all your “why’s,” I highly recommend you re-write your list, but get rid of the words such as “I want” or “I will.”

Instead, write everything in such a way as if it was already yours and embrace the positive feelings of joy and gratitude.


“I now have a nice savings account and can start investing too, and I feel so grateful!”

You can empower this step with scripting and journaling!

Conscious Manifestation Mistake #3 Not Having a Clear Intention

Conscious manifestation is about intention aligning with your true desires and motivations.

Always intend that your vision happens at your will.

Personalized affirmations are great for making your intentions more powerful!

Intention gives a clear direction to your desire. It also helps you stay focused and energized, making it almost effortless (this is how it feels when you’re in true alignment).

Also, work with pure, love-based intentions.

A common mistake that people make with conscious manifesting is wanting to manifest something to impress others or seek approval and validation.

In other words, they have fear-based intentions: “If I don’t achieve this, they won’t like me…”

Unfortunately, nothing good ever comes out of fear-based intentions.

So, switch to feel-good, love-based intentions.

You are not doing this to impress others.

You are doing this to create your dream reality!

Of course, if you can inspire others and help them too, that’s great (and inspiring others is a love-based intention as long as it comes from your heart, not your ego).

Every goal needs a certain amount of energy to manifest in a physical reality.

This is where heart-based focus and love-based intention play a major role 🙂

Conscious Manifestation Mistake #4 Not Believing It Can Be Yours

If you lack the belief that something can be yours, then it can’t manifest.

It’s like blocking your manifestation with your misbelief.

Remember when I shared my story about wanting to be a yoga teacher but not really believing I could achieve my goal?

You can have a great vision, be motivated, and have a strong desire, but you don’t believe it could happen.

The message you send out to the Universe is: ‘’Actually, I cannot have it. Maybe others can do it, but I can’t”.

And the Universe responds: “Your wish is my command!”

So, what to do to actually BELIEVE?

I totally believe you can believe!

Just follow this post and the process I always use to make my subconscious mind believe for me:

->How to Manifest When You Lack Belief…


You can also create your own belief-enhancing, personalized affirmations here.

Conscious Manifestation Mistake #5 Not Taking Aligned Action or Taking Too Much Shattered Action from a Place of Desperation

Both scenarios can be very detrimental, and I’ve experienced them both.

Let’s have a look at the first one…not taking aligned action.

Well, this is exactly what I experienced when I wanted to become a yoga teacher, many, many years ago (back then, it wasn’t even a thing like it is now).

So, I had a dream and felt frustrated whenever I saw someone else could do it.

It seems so weird to me now when I write about it…

But that was the mindset I was in back then.

I was hoping that something would just come up and pay for my yoga certification program and make it all happen for me.

I didn’t understand the power of aligned action.

Because when you take aligned action, you keep moving forward.

You emanate the energy of confidence and accomplishment, and then you keep attracting more amazing opportunities or even synchronicities.

You attract magic! True magic!

So…don’t be afraid to take action.

But, keep it aligned with your new vision and goals.

Audit your behavior, habits, and mindsets.

Let go of what no longer serves you!

Now, when it comes to taking action…some people take too much of it.

But it’s a shattered action that lacks alignment.

I’ve been there, too, when I first decided to become an entrepreneur. Everyone in the entrepreneur and online marketing communities talked about “the hustle”- work as much as you can…

So, I decided to hustle…

I took shattered actions, with no vision, following shiny object syndrome, all from a place of desperation…

Back then, I wanted to be successful to seek validation and approval (I was in a very fear-based mindset, not very good for conscious manifesting).

I ended up with a big burnout, feeling depressed and sorry for myself.

But that experience made me dive deeper into inner work, self-development, and conscious manifestation.

And I learned what not to do…

Now, I hope you can learn from my mistakes and use them as valuable lessons to apply to your conscious manifestation journey!

Final Words + How Not to Manifest Book

In the end, you always get what you desire. If you’re tired of getting what you don’t want, then it’s time to wake up, dive deep and embrace conscious manifesting the way you deserve 🙂

I hope you enjoyed the principles that always work towards creating what you desire. All you need to do is to stick to them!

If you’d like to dive a little deeper to get rid of negative patterns and manifestation blocks that have been holding you back from conscious manifesting, check out my book: How Not to Manifest on Amazon:)

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside:

– The LOA DETECTIVE Exercise to quickly spot your hidden feelings and emotions that BLOCK your manifestations

-The Reverse Engineer “Recipe” to help you ALIGN with the manifestation methods that work MAGIC for you!

-Tips to assist if you can never manifest the big things, only the small things

-Examples and EVIDENCE why releasing the fear of failure isn’t enough and the biggest Manifestation Enemy that may be holding you back from living full potential (LOA gurus don’t want you to know this!)

-The On-Demand Deep Healing method to RELEASE NEGATIVITY once and for all

-How NOT to visualize – the visualization MISTAKES that can make you manifest what you don’t want (and what to do instead)

-The TOXIC words you must stop using and the MAGNETIC words to use instead (works like magic!)

-The Deadly LOA Sin and scripting mistake that made me lose THOUSANDS of dollars (and how I corrected it to manifest abundance and happiness)

-The SHOCKING truth: why some people succeed with LOA without affirmations, vision boards, visualizations, or scripting

-NATURAL remedies and holistic techniques to release stress, anxiety, insomnia, and RESISTANCE

-The Manifestation Habit Stacking method to instantly raise your VIBRATION without any complicated rituals

Enjoy and Happy Manifesting!