68 Positive Affirmations for Women – Reclaim Your POWER!

Positive affirmations for women are powerful and positive sets of words you can repeat in your head or out loud. Their main benefit is that they positively influence your subconscious mind.

Now, your subconscious mind is always affected by something…..

However, if you don’t reclaim your power and full control over your reality, chances are that your beautiful subconscious mind will be affected by negative affirmations, such as negative thoughts running on autopilot or negative, fear-based advertising.

This is why one of the core pillars of my Law of Attraction teachings is becoming aware of the love and fear-based mindsets. If you want to create the life you love, deserve, and desire – choose a love-based mindset.

It will serve you amazingly well on your journey, and so will releasing fear-based mindsets!


Take a look at the affirmations for women I created for you in this post and pick up those that speak to you and your current situation.

Simply choose several positive affirmations you really like and repeat them throughout the day, as much as you can.

Make sure to relax and enjoy the process. Don’t force it, just let it be.

You can also use your affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Another great idea to use affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice.

68 Positive Affirmations for Women to Empower Your Life

Self-Love Affirmations for Women

#1 I love and accept myself just the way I am.

#2 I love my body, mind, and soul.

#3 I am beautiful, smart, and magnetic.

#4 I attract love because I AM love.

#5 I attract kind and loving people into my life.

#6 I release the word “failure” from my vocabulary, I succeed, or I learn.

#7 I am forever protected by the infinite power of self-love.

Authentic Confidence Affirmations for Women

#8 I believe in my skillset, mindset, and heartset.

#9 I am worthy and deserving of manifesting my desires with joy and ease.

#10 I am full of infinite potential.

#11 I am calm, confident, and kind.

#12 My authentic energy attracts authentic people.

#13 I always follow through with my goals.

#14 I release any fear of judgment.

#15 I release doubt and guilt and choose to calmly take what’s mine.

#16 I release any need to explain or justify myself. Instead, I embrace my natural confidence and follow my path.

#17 I am confident and courageous enough to follow my dreams.

#18 I deserve to fulfill my passion and purpose in life.

Success Affirmations for Women

#19 I am successful, happy, and healthy.

#20 I am a magnet for success and authentic appreciation.

#21 People always appreciate my work.

#22 My work is a magnet for kind and loving people.

#23 My work fills my heart with joy and passion and fully takes care of my financial needs.

#24 I release the fear of being seen.

#25 I release the fear of being heard.

#26 I am so grateful for the success I have created for myself!

Happiness Affirmations for Women

#27 I choose happiness over fear.

#28 I choose joy over doubt.

#29 I can genuinely feel happy whenever I need to.

#30 I release any fear and choose to heal my wounds to embrace true happiness.

#31 I am happiness, love, and abundance.

#32 I inspire and motivate other people.

Empowerment Affirmations for Women

#33 I am full of unlimited power, joy, and happiness.

#34 My power and strength are a source of inspiration for other women.

#35 The lighter I shine, the more I inspire others.

#36 I can help the world just by being myself.

#37 I am full of divine light.

#38 I now release any negativity and choose to embrace my authentic power.

Financial Freedom Affirmations for Women

#39 I am worthy and deserving of attracting money and abundance.

#40 There is no limit to the money and abundance I can attract into my life.

#41 I am a magnet for money and abundance.

#42 I love creating money and abundance in my life.

#43 It feels so good to have multiple streams of income.

#44 I love the feeling of being financially free and abundant.

#45 I am so grateful for the financial freedom I have created for myself.

#46 I am powerful, independent, and abundant.

Love Affirmations for Women

#47 I am worthy of love.

#48 I AM love.

#49 I choose to love and accept myself, just the way I am.

#50 I feel at peace with myself.

#51 I am an infinite source of love for my family/partner/children.

#52 I love living in balance and harmony with who I am.

#53 I love myself, and others love me.

#54 I am an infinite source of support for my family/friends/partner/children.

#55 I deserve to receive unconditional love.

#56 I always attract loving, kind, and supportive people into my life.

#57 I love myself, and I choose self-care over negative habits.

Self-Care Affirmations for Women

#58 I choose to take care of my beautiful body, mind, and soul.

#59 Self-care is my fuel.

#60 I am kind to my body, mind, and soul.

#61 I allow myself to rest whenever I need to.

#62 The more I take care of myself, the more amazing things I manifest.

#63 Self-care always feels good.

#64 I prioritize my self-care.

#65 I love setting boundaries.

#66 I deserve to take care of myself and feel good.

#67 I am the Queen of Self-care.

#68 I love re-charging my batteries with mindful and joyful self-care.

Positive Affirmations for Women and the Law of Attraction

The words you say, think, or simply choose to feed your mind with are strong enough to create your reality.

Your mind is more powerful than you think…

So how does this apply to beauty and positive affirmations for women?

Well…whatever you think about yourself plays a significant role in who you are today.

At the same time, anything that anyone has ever said to you, whether good or bad, has also contributed to making you who you are today…

In alignment with that, any negative comment you have ever heard plays a significant role in defining yourself now…

Unless you take control, reclaim your mind, and choose to feed it with positive affirmations

Yes! You decide. And you can protect your energy…

By protecting your energy with positive self-talk, and positive affirmations in general, you change your mindset and your aura.

As your aura becomes stronger and you emanate the energy of confidence, you become energetically protected!

Want to master the art of positive self-talk?

Get my book, Speak to Manifest and transform your self-talk in 7 days or less…

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside:

-why “trying to stop being negative” can turn against you and how to really manifest positive outcomes (even when you’re not feeling so good)

how making friends with your inner critic can be the most powerful manifestation tool you’ll ever discover

-exactly how you can trigger powerful intentions using nothing but words

-why affirmations don’t work for most people and how to create your own personalized affirmations (that the Universe will listen and respond to!)

the 4 words you absolutely must eliminate from your vocabulary ASAP (this simple shift alone has the power to help you manifest faster!)

-how to re-write your goals to completely dissolve any subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from manifesting your true potential

-when you should never talk about your desires with other people (and a few exceptions to this rule)

-the 3 letting-go mistakes you may be making without even knowing (and a much powerful way to release negativity for good and start manifesting your true desires)

-an almost instant way to raise vibration (no complicated rituals needed) and why most people never even try it

+ much, much more powerful tips, techniques, and guidance to help you become a vibrational match to what you desire … just by changing your self-talk!

If you’re ready to join thousands of others who are already using this life-changing system and start manifesting your true potential, order your copy of Speak to Manifest today!

You, too, can start manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams using positive and empowering words!