56 Affirmations for New Beginnings – Release the Past and Manifest Faster

Are you ready to start a new chapter of your life? If yes, you’ve come across this page for a reason! You see, affirmations for new beginnings are very often overlooked…So often, we try hard to focus on what we want while still feeling stuck in the past, therefore losing alignment and slowing down our manifestations 🙁

Because the key to manifesting effectively is to be in the present moment, it’s all about feeling good about what we desire. And it’s hard to do so if most of our thoughts are still stuck in the past and what could have been. This is why affirmations for new beginnings are so powerful!

How to Use Affirmations for New Beginnings

Affirmations for new beginnings help us release what no longer serves us…so that we can create a blank canvas and then focus on what we want 🙂

So, let’s look at the most powerful affirmations for new beginnings to empower you to manifest a new chapter in your life! Choose the ones you like most and integrate them into your self-talk.

Use them as a powerful declaration for yourself and the Universe…and allow yourself to start a new chapter in your life!

The process is super simple:

  1. Declare that you’re ready to release the past and move on. Use affirmations for new beginnings you most enjoy to support you 🙂
  2. Imagine you’re a blank canvas, ready to paint whatever future you like. Once again, use affirmations for new beginnings to declare that you’re ready to move on and make the quantum leap you desire and deserve!

List of Affirmations for New Beginnings

#1 It is safe for me to let go of the past and embrace the future.

#2 It is safe for me to welcome new, beautiful experiences.

#3 It is safe for me to move forward, learn, and grow.

#4 I have everything I need to move forward with confidence.

#5 I am fully open to new possibilities.

#6 My life is getting better every day.

#7 I am full of joy and trust.

#8 I trust myself and the Universe.

#9 I am ready to think and feel from a Higher Vibration.

#10 I am ready to align with infinite possibilities to manifest my desires with joy and ease.

#11 I am so ready to take up new adventures in life!

#12 I am enjoying this beautiful beginning!

#13 I trust that this new change in my life will bring endless possibilities for me and my loved ones.

#14 I am so excited about my new beginnings!

#15 This new beginning is exactly what I needed, and I feel so grateful!

#16 I am exactly in the right place for the new beginning of my life!

#17 I am living the best chapter of my life, and it’s getting better and better.

#18 It is the best time for new, positive changes to come my way!

#19 I am free to release the past and fully accept the new beginning.

#20 I am ready to enter a new portal of love, light, healing, and abundance.

#21 This new beginning feels so exciting!

#22 I am so happy to enjoy a new, fresh start.

#23 The Universe has my back. I am willing to be guided.

#24 I release any need to worry because I know that the Universe/God/My Angels will deliver all the answers and solutions I need.

#25 My main job is to stay in a high vibration.

#26 As I move into this new chapter of my life, I intend to live fully, joyfully, and intentionally.

#27 I infuse this new chapter of my life with joyful self-care and peace of mind.

#28 I release any need to worry and focus on good feelings as much as I can.

#29 As I embrace my good feelings, I feel better and better, and I attract many amazing opportunities into my life.

#30 I am SO excited about my life.

#31 Yes! All my desires manifest fast.

#32 I love the energy of this new beginning. It’s a massive energy shift for me, and I feel so grateful to embrace this high vibration.

#33 Everything that I have dreamt of is coming to me.

#34 I embrace all the great things that are about to come my way.

#35 I AM so thankful to the Universe for this wonderful start!

#36 I let the Universe guide me in this new phase of my life.

#37 I am now free from the opinions and judgments of others.

#38 I AM the driver of my life in this new beginning!

#39 This new phase is about living my full potential and easily attracting all my dreams.

#40 I release the need to fear scared of this new beginning; I transmute fear into excitement and fuel!

#41 I am so excited about the positive changes taking place in my life!

#42 I accept this new beginning with open arms and heart.

#43 I have just opened the new portal of abundance and limitless opportunities.

#44 My heart is full of gratitude for everyone who inspired me to get to this phase of my life.

#45 I feel overpowered with energy and joy for this new beginning!

#46 I feel excited to learn more about myself and the Law of Attraction.

#47 As I move into this new phase of my life, I let it be easy and act in alignment with the Law of Attraction and my highest good.

#48 The time is now because everything is happening now.

#49 I am ready to make quantum leaps!

#50 I choose to lead with love, kindness, and respect.

#51 I am grateful for what I have and what is yet to come!

#52 I allow my desires to come to me. All the affirmations for new beginnings work perfectly for me now!

#53 I always make choices that align with my highest good.

#54 I am thankful for my past and my Old Self for bringing me this far.

#55 I am grateful for my future and my New Self for inspiring me to make new, powerful beginnings.

#56 I am exactly where I’m meant to be, and I love my life fully and unconditionally!

Our Affirmations for New Beginnings on YouTube

Rituals and Affirmations for Manifesting New Beginnings

Powerful Spiritual Practices for Manifesting New Beginnings

Manifestation Meditation – Similar to affirmations for new beginnings, manifestation meditation helps you focus on your desires…but it also helps you release what no longer serves you.

Read More about Manifestation Meditation:

Meditation for Manifesting Goals in 6 Simple Steps

Meditation for manifesting goals serves a myriad of purposes. It can help you get closer to your desires by helping you stay focused on them while in a relaxed, joyful state. At the same time, it can also serve as a powerful tool to help you release old energy blocks that might be preventing you from living your full potential. In both cases, meditation can be a tool to communicate with your subconscious mind and your higher self to receive guidance and empowerment.

Why Letting Go & Releasing Helps You Manifest Faster (The LOA Paradox)

I always say: release to manifest…

This is what many people miss because they want to stay focused on their desires…

And that is great. After all, LOA is all about staying focused on what we desire. This works perfectly if our thoughts and vibration are not poisoned by negative experiences, emotions, and situations from the past that still keep replaying in our subconscious.

If that’s the case, you may think you are focused on your desires, but your thought and vibration quality are not positive. You think about your desires from a place of lack and not having, negating your positive manifestations.

Hence the phenomena of letting go. Many people manifest faster by letting go of their desires, simply because by letting go, they no longer poison their desire with negative attachment.

Of course, this is not always the case. But it can be for those who can’t manifest what they want because when they think about their desires, there is too much negative attachment, fear, and worry.

So, if you’ve been stuck at manifesting something and nothing happens even if you are focused on your desire…chances are you need to let go and release what’s been blocking you first 😊

In my free LOA Workbook (aimed at helping you raise your vibration in 5 days or less), I dive more into letting go and releasing negativity from your personal vibration. Combine this vibrational work with affirmations for new beginnings and you’ll be amazed at the results!

You can sign up for your free copy (eBook + audio) here 🙂

Letting Go of Toxic Individuals and Situations

If you’d like to let go of toxic individuals or past situations and memories that no longer align with your desires, use my cord-cutting process.

Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

Receiving Guidance and Support from the Universe

Finally, manifestation prayer is another spiritual ritual you can use to ask for help and guidance as you transition to a new chapter in your life!

Read More: Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

Here’s to amplifying your positive manifestation power while quickly releasing what no longer serves you,

With love and gratitude Elena,

Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting