A Course in Miracles Explained – The Best Lessons to Change Your Life

Are you wondering about A Course in Miracles? Looking for timeless lessons you can apply on your manifesting and spiritual journey? You’ve come to the right place! You’re just about to discover how you too, can become a miracle maker by re-discovering or amplifying the power of LOVE!

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A Course in Miracles Explained – Ready to Manifest Miracles in Your Life?

What Is a Course in Miracles?

So, first things first, what is a Course in Miracles? If you’ve been studying spirituality, New Age, Law of Attraction, and Manifestation, you’ve probably come across different writers and teachers who keep referring back to a Course in Miracles.

Discover the Power of a Course in Miracles

The question is: could a Course in Miracles help you? Could you become a master manifestor and turn impossible into possible?

Personally, I believe that manifesting everything we desire and creating miracles is our birthright. However, because of society’s conditioning (rooted in fear) and negativity around us, we had disconnected from our truth and miracle-making abilities.

But…by saturating ourselves with positivity and staying committed to a life-long study and practice of spiritual teachings and manifesting lessons, we can re-gain our natural talents to create miracles in our lives.

One of the books I personally recommend is A Course in Miracles! Now…. I understand that a 900-page book such as Course in Miracles may seem a bit daunting for many people.

So, if right now you don’t have the time to read a Course in Miracles book, simply follow and apply the most important lessons that I’m sharing in this post.

If you’re ready to dive fully into A Course in Miracles, check it out on Amazon:

Interesting Facts About a Course in Miracles:

A Course in Miracles contains high-frequency teachings that have affected the lives of many thousands of people across the globe

-This three-volume set of books was created between 1965-1976 by a psychologist at Columbia University, who said that the book had been dictated to her, word for word, via a process of “inner dictation” from Jesus Christ.

A Course in Miracles is mostly based on Christianity. However, its teachings can be used by anybody, no matter their religious and spiritual background.

Who Wrote a Course in Miracles?

A Course in Miracles was written, or better said, channeled by Helen Schucman. At her request, her role as its “writer” was not revealed to the general public until after her death.

A Course in Miracles Quotes to Inspire You

Now, let’s dive into my favorite part of this article- A Course in Miracles Quotes & Lessons!

“Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed.” – A Course in Miracles

Manifestation prayer is something that many people overlook. For years, I would overlook it, too. I wanted to manifest everything by myself, just working on my mindset and skillset. But once I understood the power of manifestation prayer and energy work….I never looked back!

Now, I combine prayer with whatever manifestation technique I do, such as scripting, visualizing, or affirming. And it feels so good!

Remember that you can pray however you like. You always co-create with something bigger than yourself. It’s safe to ask for guidance! You can pray to God, Angels, the Universe…or even to your Higher Self or your Subconscious Mind!

“In quietness are all things answered,” – A Course in Miracles

One of the things I promote in many of my books, is self-care through intentional solitude. Give yourself some You time! If you can, book a hotel in a different city or town, take your journal, and meditate on your goals and desires.

Have the intention to find your answers!

I also recommend regular social media detoxes and owning your mind!

Too much social media and mass advertising can get us off track. Spend more time with yourself and turn inwards. You’ll be amazed at how much you can create!

“Prayer is a way of asking for something. It is the medium of miracles. But the only meaningful prayer is for forgiveness because those who have been forgiven have everything.”– A Course in Miracles

This is one of my favorite quotes from A Course in Miracles! Whenever I feel bad about something I did in the past, I ask for forgiveness. I acknowledge and feel grateful for all the lessons learned and promise myself to move forward.

Remember that your true power is in the NOW, in the present moment!

“What you think you are is a belief to be undone.” – A Course in Miracles

Think positive thoughts about yourself. Reward yourself. Love yourself. Cherish every moment you spend with yourself. Be your own teacher, parent, and mentor. Treat yourself well. You deserve it!

Your self-image is everything!

Discover how to change your self-image and love yourself with affirmations:

37 Self-Image Affirmations to Manifest Faster

42 Soulful Self-Care Affirmations for Manifesting Holistic Wellbeing

27 Self-Loving Affirmations to Stay Empowered

“Miracles are natural signs of forgiveness. Through miracles, you accept God’s forgiveness by extending it to others.”- – A Course in Miracles

Forgiving others is not always easy. But, the first step is to intend.

Whenever I struggle with forgiving someone, I do the following process:

-I pray to my Angels and the Universe to help me forgive. I tell them I want to and am willing to forgive but need their help. That alone makes me feel good!

-using my conscious mind, I remind myself that any feelings of resentment hurt myself and my manifestations. And I want to be free to manifest anything I want. I also acknowledge that I deserve vibrant health, and I don’t want to store any negative feelings and emotions in my body.

-if needed, I allow myself to feel the anger, resentment, or sadness one more time. I apply EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) until the negative feelings dissipate.

-then, I use the Honopono’ho technique (and I keep coming back to it whenever I experience any negativity or resentment).

Learn more about the power of forgiveness:

37 Forgiveness Affirmations to Let Go of Past Hurts and Find Inner Peace

“You are the work of God, and His work is wholly lovable and wholly loving. This is how a man must think of himself in his heart because this is what he is.” – A Course in Miracles

Remember that you are infinite. And your manifesting potential is infinite. Start telling yourself how powerful you are. Be the light and spread the light!

“Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today.” – A Course in Miracles

The concept of “we co-create with something bigger” was one of the biggest missing manifestation pieces for me. It helped me create balance in my life. Now, I keep reminding myself of this truth daily: I can manifest whatever I want. I am a co-creator of my reality. I am willing to do my part. I acknowledge my part.

“Darkness is lack of light as sin is lack of love. It has no unique properties of its own. It is an example of the “scarcity” belief, from which only error can proceed. Truth is always abundant. Those who perceive and acknowledge that they have everything have no needs of any kind. The purpose of the Atonement is to restore everything to you; or rather, to restore it to your awareness. You were” – A Course in Miracles

Very powerful! When you choose to embody love and discover the power of manifesting from your heart, everything you have ever wanted will be yours. This is the key to manifesting everything you want with joy and ease!

“You may” – A Course in Miracles

As I kept on stating in my recent book: Manifestation Meditation

You can, because you can!

Give yourself the permission to be and live your desires. Don’t deny them. Follow them and channel them. Fuse yourself with them. The time is now!

“Love always leads to love.” – A Course in Miracles

I will add: because you can never go wrong with love!

One of my favorite affirmations (so very healing, and I discovered it after going through a very dark period in my life) is: “Love, love, love”.

Yes, I just keep repeating this one word: “love” to myself, and it feels so good!

“An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. It is the purpose of these exercises to train the mind to think along the lines which the course sets forth.” – A Course in Miracles

Practicing mental discipline and LOA diet can be exhausting in the beginning. I can still remember how weird it felt (and how I felt like quitting so many times!). But remember…true rewards come to those who persist.

Whatever manifestation technique you use, use mindful discipline. Do it daily, and at the same time, keep monitoring your thoughts and words.

Be good to yourself. It’s a game. The more you play it, the more you learn. The process can be the best reward because it makes you stronger.

“If you attack error in another, you will hurt yourself.” – A Course in Miracles

I keep reminding myself of this truth daily. Releasing the judgment and negative thoughts about ourselves and others can be a journey. Remember that we are all connected.

One truth I keep reminding myself of daily is: “People always do the best they can with what they know”.

“To forgive is merely to remember only the loving thoughts you gave in the past, and those that were given you.” – A Course in Miracles

Your mind is your vehicle. Fuel it with loving and positive thoughts. Think about the things you love, and that make you feel good.

One thing I like to add to this is the following mantra: “This is what I love!” to imprint my subconscious mind with things and memories I want to manifest more of.

“Infinite patience produces immediate results.” – A Course in Miracles

When you promise yourself to be patient and truly embrace patience, all the negative feelings of longing, not having, envying…simply disappear. And you get this feeling that what you want is already yours. So, if you feel inspired and guided to do something, you don’t even question it.

You channel all your creative energy into…creating. Because you are a co-creator of your reality, and you create with something bigger…so why would you feel impatient?

Nothing can beat the feelings of inner peace!

“The ego is nothing more than a false belief about our identity. It is the belief that we are separate, alone, and on our own.” – A Course in Miracles

I too used to have that belief, and it brought me nothing but suffering. I knew about the love-based approach and heart-based manifesting, but I was too scared of letting go of my old identity. I had a limiting belief I would have to deny my goals and would never achieve anything….

But after letting go and embracing the power of love-based manifesting, I never looked back. The feeling of oneness and infinite peace helps me manifest my best life!

“When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you” – A Course in Miracles

Treat others with the respect they deserve. Be uplifting, encouraging, empathetic, and understanding!

“What you see reflects your thinking, and your thinking but reflects the choice of what you want to see.” – A Course in Miracles

The draft and design of your life start in your mind. Use it wisely! If you find it hard to visualize or think about what you want, simply begin by thinking about the things you love.

You can also write down what you’re grateful for and then visualize it!

These articles will help you use your mind for you, not against you:

How to Visualize: 5 Steps to Start Creating Your Dream Reality in 5 Minutes a Day

Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

How to Write a Manifestation List to Create Your Dream Reality Faster

“Fear is a stranger to the ways of love. Identify with fear, and you will be a stranger to yourself.” – A Course in Miracles

Understand that there’s nothing to fear but the fear itself.

My favorite affirmations are:

“I am safe”.

“I am loved”.

“I am protected”.

“I am guided”.

“All is good in my world”.

“If you wonder why you have difficulty in communicating with me, I ask you to please listen very carefully to these remarks:

  1. If you ask me for guidance, you have signified your willingness to give over your own control, at least to some extent.
  2. Your frequent failure to ask at all indicates that at such times you are not willing to go even that far.
  3. Failure to ask for guidance is a sign of fear.
  4. But when you at least ask, you are acting on a cooperative thought, even though it may not lack ambivalence.

You are therefore entitled to a specific answer, but unless you follow it without judging it, you will become defensive about the next steps you will take. You should be confident that any guidance which comes from me will not jeopardize anyone. If you can continue not to evaluate my messages and merely follow them, they will lead to good for everyone. – A Course in Miracles

This quote is GOLD. It just says it all. The holy grail of manifesting our desired realities…

Allow yourself to ask for guidance. Understand that your desires are sacred. Don’t feel ashamed of them. They are in your heart for a reason. Release any judgment. See yourself as a co-creator and allow yourself to be guided.

The metaphor I like to use is delegating and outsourcing (to some extent). You get clear on your desire. You thank for it. Then, you pray and outsource the how to the Higher Power.

But, you’re also willing to be guided and do your part while releasing any judgment.

A Course in Miracles – The Importance of Forgiveness

One of the biggest lessons contained in A Course of Miracles is that of forgiveness. After reading hundreds of spirituality books and taking dozens of manifestation courses, as well as working with mentors 1:1,  I can tell you that the most powerful and effective ones used the power of forgiveness as one of their most important and foundational teachings.

Personally, I have experienced many magical and out-of-thin-air manifestations just by embracing the power of forgiveness.

Give it a go. Allow yourself to clean up your inner state and feed it with positivity!

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A Course in Miracles Audiobook