1010 Angel Number- Unlock New Miraculous Beginnings & Manifesting Magic! (Channeled Messages)

If you keep seeing the 1010 angel number and wonder what it means for manifesting your desires, you’ve come to the right place. Seeing 1010 or any repeated numbers is never a coincidence but a communication channel established by your beautiful angels and guides. And you coming across this page is not a coincidence either because your angels wanted you to hear this message from me, knowing that it would be helpful and eye (and heart) opening at this stage of your journey.

My intention behind writing this post is to help you understand and embody the energy of the angel number 1010 to help you become a magnet to your desires while reaching new levels of love, light, and magic! You will discover powerful (and simple) techniques you can start using today to amplify the energy of the 1010 angel number and get closer to your desires!

1010 Angel Number in Numerology

To fully understand the meaning of the angel number 1010 in numerology, let’s look at its individual numbers. The number 1010 is a powerful combination of the energies of 1 and 0.

In numerology, the number 1 stands for:

-new beginnings,

-motivation for transformation and creation,

-positivity and happiness.

Number 0 symbolizes:




-divine creative energy.

The number 0 is also interpreted as a magnifying number that amplifies the energy of the number 1 and everything it represents.

Personally, I see the number 10 as the essence of manifesting.

I often describe the manifestation process as a combination of inner work (that heals and transforms, which is the energy of number 1) and the Law of Attraction (an amplifying force that makes us manifest what we hold inside us, which is the energy of number 0).

The Law of Attraction always works, and it responds to our inner world, our predominant feelings, thoughts, emotions, words, and reactions…what we affirm and visualize, consciously and unconsciously.

This is why, to me, angel number 1010 is one of the most powerful and reassuring signs you could ever see! I can still remember how happy and grateful I felt when I dove deeper into the energy of the angel number 1010, and something inside me gave me its full meaning. You know…one of these inner shifts and “aha” moments…

So, once again, remember that you manifest what you hold inside you. It’s all about being conscious of your predominant inner state and mindfully transforming it into positivity if needed. When your internal state is aligned with what you want, your reality starts to reflect that.

This is the essence of the Law of Attraction.

When combined, numbers 1 and 0 vibrate the frequency of your deepest desires and life’s dreams while equipping you with spiritual wisdom that heals and transforms. Your fears are replaced with faith…or at least some hope to keep moving forward!

Finally 1+0+1+0=2

In numerology, number 2 stands for self-empowerment, reclaiming and honoring your power as a co-creator, and unlocking your authenticity.

Read more about the energy of the angel number 2:

Angel Number 2 Meaning – Unleash Unlimited Self-Empowerment!

2222 Angel Number Meaning- What to Do After Seeing 2222?

Angel Number 222 Message You Can’t Miss!

What Does the Angel Number 1010 Mean for Manifesting?

Angel number 1010 encourages you to declutter your mind. After all, the creation process starts in your mind. Your mind is like a garden, so take care of it properly.

Your angels want you to think clearly. Ask yourself: “What can I do to be mindful of your thoughts?”.

Declutter your thoughts, emotions, and energy.

Manifestation meditation is great for that!

Feel your body’s energetic shift as you reclaim the power of positive and creative thought.

Be in control of your mindset and stop worrying. But don’t judge yourself because of your negative thoughts. I encourage my readers to look at their negative thoughts with love, kindness, and compassion. Listen to them, and thank them for trying to protect you. Then, gently transform them into more empowering thoughts.

My new empowering belief is that only my positive thoughts manifest. This is what I keep affirming to myself.

Negative thoughts and triggers are an invitation to heal, grow, and transform. But only my positive thoughts manifest.

Many of my readers found this mindset to be very supportive!

Finally, remind yourself that:

-Angel number 1010 is associated with abundance, joy, purity, and unconditional love.

-Your hard work and patience always pay off. But whatever work you do, always infuse it with passion, love, and joy.

-You are entering a period of new power, and positive beginnings, so welcome it by shifting your energy and doing things differently.

Angel Number 1010 in Spirituality (a Powerful Spiritual Awakening!)

Angel number 1010 mirrors your spiritual evolution. It shows you are a spiritual warrior. It’s time to speed up and step up. The journey never ends.  

So, replace your doubts and fears with the awareness of infinite power. You are a powerful co-creator with an incredible team of beautiful, infinitely wise, divine beings ready to support you.

Even if you are surrounded by negativity, don’t give up. Use it as your personal motivation to be different and react differently. Don’t lower your vibration just to fit in. Understand that the negativity surrounding you now can be either your excuse not to grow or a powerful source of motivation to do things differently, transform, and set an example to others.

Why not choose the second option? The angel number 1010 inspires new beginnings and self-leadership, so embody this energy by making new, powerful choices that align with it.

The Motivational Message from Your Angels and Guides

“You are more powerful than you think. Your life has meaning. You are always guided and protected, so replace worry with faith and trust.

Listen to us and keep moving forward with confidence.

Your positive moves and changes uplift and inspire others, no matter how big or small.”

Recommended Book: Manifestation Angels: Divine Messages to Manifest Your Desires with Joy and Ease (Heart-Based Manifesting

Manifestation Angels

Now available on Amazon

1010 Angel Number in Love and Relationships

Seeing 1010 angel number is a wonderful sign for your relationships and love life.

You are making progress in how you connect with others, and you do so authentically.

Keep showing up with positive energy and lift others up.

If you are in a relationship (this also applies to friendships), now is the time to deepen it by doing more things together.

Create deeper connections by improving your listening skills. Use your empathy to elevate other people and show them what’s possible.

Use positive affirmations such as: “I am great at creating meaningful connections; my relationships get better and better every day. I create magical moments with my loved ones.”

Visualize happy moments together; these can be happy memories or the imaginary creations of your mind. Your subconscious mind can’t tell whether something happened or not, and by imprinting it with happy images and affirmations, you program it to guide you towards more and more of these experiences. So, you can either replay happy memories of the past or create new experiences to program your subconscious mind for what you want.

Use the 1010 angel number as a motivator to fully embody and embrace the positivity you desire to manifest in your relationships.

1010 Angel Number for Manifesting Romantic Love

If you’re looking for romantic love, embrace this mindset: someone is actively looking for you. Someone is an energetic match for you. Manifesting love and romance could happen sooner than you think.

However, seeing the 1010 angel number could also be a sign to move away from toxic relationships that no longer serve you. It may be a sign to clear your energy after a breakup or from a painful past. Yes, you may have ended your old relationship, but energetically, you’re still connected to it and the negativity you went through.

If that’s the case, I highly recommend these energetic practices:

Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

Meditation for Manifesting Goals in 6 Simple Steps

46 Powerful Affirmations to Block Negative Energy

The cord-cutting guide is one of my most popular guides on this blog, and readers love to use and share it for a reason- it works, and the cord-cutting process offers inner liberation while creating space for new manifestations.

Then, manifestation meditation is a great practice to support your cord-cutting rituals as it helps you align with your new goals and vibrations.

Remember the energy of the angel number 1010.

Number 1 – Inner work and releasing what no longer serves you.

Number 0- Law of Attraction to amplify your new, positive inner state and attract your dream partner/soulmate.

From my experience (my life and what my readers share with me), it’s hard to manifest something new without making space for it in your energy. The Law of Attraction will only amplify the negative states you try to escape.

Now, it is not my intention to scare you; entirely on the contrary. I want you to feel liberated knowing you can cut cords with the past and manifest new people, circumstances, and events aligning with your vision.

Don’t forget that your beautiful angels sent you 1010 and led you to read this page to help you understand how powerful you truly are.

Start with this affirmation: I can let go of the past and manifest my dreams with joy and ease!

Angel Number 1010 for Massive Career Success

If you desire to manifest a breakthrough in your career, angel number 1010 is a beautiful sign of:




-new beginnings.

Don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities.

But intend to do things your own way.

Infuse everything you do with your unique energy 🙂

This mindset will support you: “All the good energy I put out through my work always comes back to me multiplied”.

Even though sometimes, it may not come back from the same channel you put it into, it will find its way back to you.

Plus, think about how magnetic you will become with your work. Your energy will be your unique business card!

1010 Angel Number for Manifesting Money, Abundance, and Prosperity

1010 angel number is also an excellent sign for manifesting money and abundance.

You can speed things up and create new opportunities by unlocking the full power of your imagination and subconscious mind.

I’ll give you my little gratitude hack to help you embody the energy of the angel number 1010 for manifesting money and abundance

Let’s say you receive $500. Well, imagine, it’s $5000. Or even $50000. Spend or invest it in your imagination and be grateful for it.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have right now. You can always play this game, and you gotta get started somewhere.

If you struggle with money right now, understand that this, too shall pass.

1010 angel number is a sign of new beginnings and prosperity. It’s time to focus on the new and do things differently.

Recommended post:

How to Manifest Money When You Don’t Have Enough

Finally, to take my above-mentioned mindset/energy hack to a new level, whenever you pay for something, let’s say, it’s a $200 bill, imagine once again that you are receiving $2000.

Affirm and visualize it and be grateful.

Keep attending to your regular duties with this new energetic shift. It may take a while to remember to do it. But when you fully embody it, it will create magic in your financial life. Especially if you combine it with actively seeking new opportunities in alignment with your passions, talents, and skills.

1010 angel number is a sign to believe in yourself and try new things. Like we said earlier, your positive energy and effort always come back to you, so you can’t fail; you succeed or learn. Keep going, and remember that you’re always safe and well cared for by the Universe.

Keep amplifying your manifestations in your mind. Shift your inner dialogue accordingly.

If you ever worry about money, use these affirmations:

“I always have more than enough. I am always well-taken care of. I am always fully provided for”. Feel the wave of peace, ease, and gratitude as you say your affirmations.

Recommended Articles for Manifesting Money & Abundance:

The Magic Penny That Can Bring You Thousands of Dollars

5 Ways to Align with the Energy of Money Fast (to Manifest More of It)

3 Steps To Activating Your ‘Wealth Brain’

Angel Number 1010 for Manifesting Health & Vitality

Angel number 1010 is a gentle reminder to access your health and self-care routine. Your body is a vessel that supports you in manifesting your goals and desires. The more energy you have and the better you feel, the more you can enjoy the fruits of your work and manifestations.

Don’t wait until you achieve all your goals. Instead, be proactive and ask yourself: how can I improve my self-care routine?

Remember that these little daily changes always compound. How about going to bed 1 hour earlier to give yourself the rest you deserve and wake up refreshed? Or going for a walk instead of watching TV? What does your body really need to thrive?

It may also be an excellent time to get a health check-up and reach out to a health professional, naturopath, or nutritionist to improve your diet or get new nutritional supplements.

More Positive Meanings of Angel Number 1010

Angel Number 1010 means that a major breakthrough and transformation are coming.

You’re on the right path toward spiritual development, so trust your intuition and Higher Self.

1010 is a sign of financial prosperity, so align your energy and mindset with it; create more space for abundance.

Stay optimistic and confident in yourself, knowing your angels have your back. Be mindful of those little signs like repeated numbers and other daily miracles, as they are signs of comfort and reassurance from your angels and guides.

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What to Do After Seeing Angel Number 1010

Angel number 1010 is a reminder to approach all your goals and manifestations with a good attitude and stay optimistic. You can’t fail, you succeed, or you learn 🙂

You cannot be rejected, only re-directed to something better or bigger. Embrace the divine vision and become a part of its calm yet steady flow.

Remember that your angels are guiding you toward something amazing, so enjoy the process. Trust that everything always works out for you, and look forward to it! Infuse your work, goals, and relationships with positivity. Even if something doesn’t go according to your original plan, know it wasn’t meant to be and appreciate that now you have space to accept a new opportunity.

Think about your future calmly and confidently, and stay open-minded to new things! Intend to be more in your heart because your heart connects you to a Higher Power and a realm of infinite possibilities.

Recommended Online Training: Manifest 5000 x Faster by Unlocking the Power of Your Heart