5 Simple Spirituality Exercises That Will Boost Your Manifesting Powers Fast!

I’m very excited to share my favorite spirituality exercises you can start using today, even if you’re busy. Personally, I find them great, not only for manifesting my goals and desires but also for cultivating inner peace and compassion towards myself and others.

These spirituality exercises do not require any specific religious or spiritual background. I’d even go as far as to say that even if you’re not into spirituality, you could use them to enhance your ability to solve problems, stay focused on your goals, and take care of your mental health. From my experience, these simple spiritual practices are great for reducing worry and stress and helping us show up as our best selves.

So, please take a look at the following spirituality exercises and incorporate them into your daily routine. They do not require any complicated rituals!

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spirituality exercises for manifesting

5 Spirituality Exercises You Can Use Daily

#1 Be More in Your Heart Than in Your Mind

It sounds so simple, and it is! But we just love staying in our overactive, overthinking minds. And yes, we need our minds to analyze problems and create plans. We need them to work efficiently.

But from my experience, sometimes it makes sense to consciously switch off our minds and focus more on our hearts.

I don’t know about you, but I used to struggle with life-work balance. Simply because I didn’t know how to switch off my overthinking mind.

So, I decided to consciously give my mind some well-deserved rest every now and then. And I don’t know why or how, but simply intending to be more in my heart (or as I’ve often put it before in my previous posts: “Bathing in the joys of my heart”) not only was I able to enjoy my life more, but, very often, I would manifest new, unexpected ideas and solutions.

To me, being more in my heart feels like connecting with something bigger. A stream of ever-present, infinite intelligence or consciousness that guides me and ensures I attract people, circumstances, and events that align with my dreams.

So, start practicing it today. There’s no definite, one-size-fits-all formula to do this (just like in the case of any of the spirituality exercises I share on this page). It’s all about conscious experimentation that leads to finding your own way.

Think about your daily chores, like doing things around your house…well, you can be more in your heart. You can also be more in your heart as you fall asleep or wake up. I love this because, as I said earlier, being more in my heart also means connecting to something bigger.

Then, activities like reading, creating something, or connecting to people can also be great spiritual exercises if you choose to be more in your heart!

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#2 Embrace the Present Moment and Acknowledge Your Creative Manifesting Powers

This is an excellent spirituality exercise if you find yourself longing for your desires or feeling impatient. When that happens, chances are your ego mind is taking over, and I don’t know about you, but from my experience, I can tell you that my ego mind doesn’t care much about my happiness. It’s good for survival but not for creating a conscious and thriving life. So, I gently let it go and choose to be more in my heart.

Then, I take a look around me and take a few deep breaths. I focus on feeling grateful for all the things and circumstances around me.

Simply think, feel, touch, smell, and see the abundance around you. There’s always something to be grateful for, which leads us to our next spirituality exercise you can try.

#3 Practice Daily Gratitude

Gratitude is recommended by all religions and spiritual movements I’ve come across, yet it seems to be that we often underestimate its power.

As I often shared with my readers, I first discovered the transformative power of gratitude thanks to the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. That book got me started on daily gratitude through journaling, something I now can’t live about. Even when I’m very busy, I still take my journal and write about the things I am grateful for and the reasons why.

Sometimes, I like to spend more time on my gratitude journaling practice as a part of my morning ritual.

Then, I either read a chapter of Rhonda’s book and follow her practices or create my own, depending on what I’m manifesting. For example, if my main focus is health and self-care, I will center my gratitude practice around things I am grateful for about my health and body.

And often, when I do so, I attract unexpected self-care ideas and solutions that help me take my health and energy to the next level. Which then helps create more success in other areas of my life.

Now, daily gratitude through journaling may take some time, depending on how you want to do it. But you can always practice gratitude in a way that suits you. For example, you can think about things you’re grateful for while having a shower or waiting for someone.

The remaining three spiritual exercises are very quick to do (and to explain), and you can also get started on them right here and now!

#4 Quick Energy Checks

I like to do quick energy checks several times daily, usually when I start a task or a productivity block.

I also like to check my energy before meetings and family reunions.

To do so, I focus on my intentions behind doing something. For example, now my intention is to create a simple post that is easy to read, practical but inspiring, empowering, and uplifting.

I quickly visualize a white light entering my head and nurturing my body. Then, it transforms into a beautiful shower of white energy and cleanses me of fears and doubts. I think about my intention and go all in. I choose to enjoy the process and do my best rather than worry about the end result. As I do my energy check, I also like to affirm that I am always guided and protected.

#5 Quick Embodiment Check

We always embody something…the question is, is our embodiment aligned with our desires and conscious living? Or is it taking us further away from it? As always, it’s all about compassionate self-improvement.

Sometimes, life gets busy, and we get off track. When that happens, we can either beat ourselves up and perpetuate negative energy or choose something better…such as…embodying our desires.

The process I like to use personally is:

-take a few deep breaths and relax

-assume your desire is already manifested

-feel it in your body

-embrace the feeling of: Oh so good, it’s done and working!

-focus your thoughts, actions, and feelings on something you enjoy doing.

By choosing to embody your best self, every day, as you keep venturing into different activities and tasks, you also enhance the process of what I like to call self-activation.

To me, self-activation is when you know how to use your physical actions to quickly change your energy and inner states.

Instead of wasting your time worrying or having negative thoughts, you focus on the power of positive action, which makes you feel good and embody your best self.

I hope you enjoyed my favorite spiritual exercises and will give them a go!

Would love to know which one was your favorite and how it helped you 🙂

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Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting