The Magic Penny That Can Bring You Thousands of Dollars….

Are you finding pennies? Have you ever wondered what finding pennies actually mean on your manifesting journey? Is it a good or bad sign?

I was wondering the same thing…

I was shocked when I asked my mentor and manifestation expert Croix Sather what is the meaning behind finding pennies:

Anytime that you find money, you are attracting wealth.

But …

If you do what most people do and step over the money thinking, “It’s just a penny.”

Then you are actually repelling money…

Most people are subconsciously repelling money and wondering why they are struggling.

If you are wishing for more money but walk past a penny on the ground.

What signal are you sending out to the universe? At a subconscious level, you are vibrating, “Money! Stay away from me.”

The universe is saying, “Hey, if you won’t pick up a penny, then why should I send you thousands?”

Most experts will say you are sending out mixed signals to the universe.

But I believe that you are actually sending a clear signal out to the universe, “Don’t send me money.”

What if the universe is testing you to see if you are grateful for even a little penny?

What if by picking up that penny, you are struck with a million-dollar idea?

What if you stop to pick up that penny, and when you stand up you meet the love of your life?

It is not about the penny, but what the penny represents (gratitude and abundance) and the potentiality of the penny (the million-dollar idea or meeting someone).

What if you saw five $20 bills on the ground, would you pick that up?

I bet pretty damn fast. That’s what I did when I found $100 (in 20s) in the crosswalk.

Or the time I found $60 in a store. Or the time I made $25,000 in a week for a few hours of work because I said yes to an opportunity.

But I am just as excited to pick up a penny, because I know it is not “just a penny” to the universe.

It’s about the vibration of money.

My kids and I play a game to see who can find the most money when we are out and about.

Not in a scavenger hunt (read scarcity) kinda way, but in a serendipitous abundance way.

I am teaching them how to be aware of the opportunity of money and to feel abundant about money.

Sometimes you will see all three of us running and lunging for a coin on the ground.

It doesn’t matter if it is a penny or hundreds or thousands of dollars.

The universe is putting money in front of you all the time.


Always say yes to any amount of money with gratitude.

Here is the secret about pennies.

Learn this and then watch this video about how to manifest money into your life all the time.

Pick up the penny (or any other money you find), rub it between your fingers and say “thank you” to the universe.

And then the important part is to pay it forward in gratitude.

You must circulate the money to increase its flow. 

Buy a homeless person a coffee.

Donate money to a cause that inspires you.

Smile and compliment a stranger who is stressed or sad.  

Your action after finding a penny will signal the universe that you are in a vibration of abundance.

The more you do this, the more money will find you.

The fact you are seeing pennies on the ground is a sign that you may be about to manifest a lot more money in your life. But only if you are grateful for that insignificant penny because that penny is not insignificant to the law of abundance. It might just be worth thousands or possibly millions of dollars.  

Most people don’t know this secret, but when you align the vibrational mind with what you truly want, the manifestation process happens soooo much faster.

>>>> Go here and use these vibrational mind techniques <<<<<-

Instant Manifestation, Seeing Repeated Numbers

To attract the things you want in life.

To your untold wealth that starts with a penny!

About the Author:

Croix Sather is an author, speaker, and international expert on the law of attraction and manifestation. He ran across America by tapping into the power of his mind to go from a non-runner to a marathon a day for 100 days, in less than a year. He lives a travel lifestyle globe-hopping while working from his laptop in search of the next great adventure and the hidden masters of the mind.  

Watch Croix’s video about Instant Manifestation Secrets HERE and learn how you can align your vibrational mind and attract money, happiness and love.