27 Self-Esteem Affirmations to Feel Worthy of Manifesting Your Wildest Dreams

Self-esteem affirmations are the secret of many successful people, including numerous entrepreneurs, CEO’s, actors, athletes, writers, and professionals in competitive industries. Why?

Well, the answer is simple…the road to manifesting success may want to test you to see if you really want it.

You may experience some obstacles or rejection. But self-esteem affirmations can help you persevere, cultivate resilience and stay motivated even if things don’t go your way.

They can also help you believe that you’ll eventually manifest your dreams and that if one door closes, another one opens.

In this article, I share my top self-esteem affirmations that I used daily to persevere through some challenging times in my personal and professional life. Whatever your goal is, I firmly believe you can achieve it faster by boosting your self-esteem with these affirmations!

The Best Way to Use Your Self-Esteem Affirmations for Maximum Success

So, I often get asked about the “best” way to use affirmations. And my answer is always: the best way is always your way!

That being said…the most important thing to make your self-esteem affirmations work for you is through repetition. There are several methods to use affirmations, such as:

-write them in your journal (at least once a day, and when you do, feel every word you write and embrace the positive emotion, such as gratitude for what is just about to come!)

-repeat them every day in front of the mirror

-create your own affirmation cards and spread them around your workplace or apartment

-record them in your own voice and listen to them at least once a day (for me, personally, I love listening to my affirmations at night, just about to fall asleep, they really relax me!)

To record your affirmations, you can use a free program called Audacity (it’s very easy to use) or record them on your phone.

You can also use ZenHarmonics technology to make your affirmations even more powerful 🙂

As with everything in life, it’s all about commitment and repetition.

I’d also recommend you give yourself some time to figure out which affirmation method you enjoy.

I see so many people give up on affirmations way too early because they get bored or feel weird when repeating them in front of the mirror.

But from my experience…trying something new very often feels weird. And there’s nothing weird about it, haha!

Then, some people really enjoy writing affirmations in their journals.

Some prefer to do mirror work. Some just want to set it and forget it (record their affirmations and then just listen to them).

Personally, I often do my affirmations when hiking or doing things around the house!

Of course, you can always combine different methods.

Choose what works for you.

As long as you stick to your self-esteem affirmations, something magical will happen.

Your inner world will begin to shift…and your reality will keep changing for the better!

I hope you’re excited now because you should be!

Now, let’s dive into our self-esteem affirmations.

27 Powerful Self-Esteem Affirmations to Make You Feel Good about Your Goals

#1 My goals and dreams are unique, and so is my energy!

#2 I give myself the love and respect I deserve.

#3 I always get paid exceptionally well for my work.

#4 I am supported by my higher self, every day, in every way.

#5 I’m in control of my life, and I design it the way I desire.

#6 I am beautiful, smart, kind, and full of life.

#7 My positive energy attracts positive people in opportunities into my life!

#8 I love the person I’ve chosen to become.

#9 People value me, my time, my skills, and my good intentions.

#10 I always believe in myself because I know that my positive belief creates new miracles in my life!

#11 People always want to listen to me and appreciate my help.

#12 I respect myself, and others respect me.

#13 I’m passionate about learning new things, and I always learn fast!

#14 I am whole and complete.

#15 I have everything I need to be confident.

#16 People begin to notice the new, relaxed me.

#17 All my desires are coming to me.

#18 My work is valued and appreciated.

#19 I motivate and inspire other people.

#20 All the people I attract into my life like and appreciate me.

#21 I am deeply grateful for my unique talents.

#22 My life feels like a miracle because it is!

#23 Expressing my truth always comes easy to me.

#24 I’m very good at communicating my worth with others.

#25 I always shine the aura of confidence, positivity, and empowerment.

#26 I can stand up for myself and others!

#27 I’m committed to my vision, and I always follow through with my goals!


Because of fear-based society conditioning, our self-talk can become and stay negative. And because of that, we may struggle with manifesting our desires.

The good news is that we can create our own love-based conditioning and positive self-talk backed up with courage…

Self-esteem affirmations provide us with the fantastic opportunity to choose words that help create a new, positive manifestation path in our lives while letting go of old, negative patterns.

They help us re-shape the way we think and speak to transform our lives.

After all, everything we say is an affirmation.

Yes, every thought, every sentence is just confirming what we want to attract…

For example, if you say, “I’m so happy and grateful that I’m now a 6-figure earner,” one minute, but then you say, “This won’t work, I’ll never find a way to make so much money because I don’t have a fancy degree” the next minute, you create contradiction and drastically reduce the effectiveness of your affirmations.

I’m not saying this to make you feel bad. We all tend to do this.

Just be aware of your self-talk. When your mind starts doubting your affirmations (which is pretty normal at the beginning of using them), simply say: cancel, cancel! And imagine a big STOP sign.

Then, affirm: Thank you so much, my deep inner mind, for trying to protect me, I really appreciate it. But now, I’m ready to expand, and I choose this new, self-empowering belief that I deserve to be a 6-figure earner while doing what I love for a living.

Thank You-Thank You-Thank You

Practicing positive affirmations and positive self-talk is one of the best ways to break the cycle of negativity and self-doubt.

I hope this article inspired you to dive into the world of self-esteem affirmations!


If you want to take your self-talk to the next level, I highly recommend you check out my book:

Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life

Here’s Just a Short Preview of What You’ll Discover Inside:

-why “trying to stop being negative” can turn against you and how to really manifest positive outcomes (even when you’re not feeling so good)

how making friends with your inner critic can be the most powerful manifestation tool you’ll ever discover

-exactly how you can trigger powerful intentions using nothing but words

-why affirmations don’t work for most people and how to create your own personalized affirmations (that the Universe will listen and respond to!)

the 4 words you absolutely must eliminate from your vocabulary ASAP (this simple shift alone has the power to help you manifest faster!)

-how to re-write your goals to completely dissolve any subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from manifesting your true potential

-when you should never talk about your desires with other people (and a few exceptions to this rule)

-the 3 letting-go mistakes you may be making without even knowing (and a much powerful way to release negativity for good and start manifesting your true desires)

-an almost instant way to raise vibration (no complicated rituals needed) and why most people never even try it

+ much, much more powerful tips, techniques, and guidance to help you become a vibrational match to what you desire … just by changing your self-talk!

Click here to order from Amazon. Enjoy!
