3 Law of Attraction Mistakes and How to Transform Them for Your Highest Good! (+ 2023 Update Channeled Messages)

Have you ever wondered why some people can manifest so fast? Perhaps you’ve been applying different law of attraction & manifestation methods, but you feel like something is holding you back?

Or maybe you want to supercharge your manifestation journey? Whatever your reasons are, you’ve come to the right place. Discover how to feel more confident in your manifestation skills by helping you avoid the most common law of attraction mistakes (to help you save time and energy!).

Before we get into it- let’s clear out any vibrations of negativity, lack, resentment, or impatience.

I use words like: “Law of Attraction/manifestation mistakes”, because this is what many people, yourself included, are searching for. But I don’t want to make you feel bad, or like “you’ve been doing it wrong”.

Remember that everything is unfolding exactly like it should, and everything, including mistakes, or Law of Attraction mistakes, is a part of the learning and understanding process.

When it comes to mastering manifestation, you will always be your best teacher. So, always pay attention to what works for you.

I create my content from my own belief system, but I always intend to incorporate different options and points of view.

Your only job now is to relax and be grateful. Because I have a feeling that you’re just about to discover this one piece of information you’ve been praying for this whole time!

Law of Attraction Mistakes to Avoid + a Simple Remedy

As a passionate Law of Attraction practitioner and author of numerous books on manifestation, mindset, spirituality, and self-development, I have identified 7 Law of Attraction mistakes that may be holding you back from living your true potential and manifesting all your dreams. Take an honest look at them and allow yourself to release or transform them. Keep your manifesting practice easy, doable, and fun!


Manifestation Mistake #1 Making It Too Hard and Thinking It’s About “Doing MORE Law of Attraction Methods”.

Well, I have good news for you. Less can be more!

I see so many people try to incorporate endless manifestation methods into their routines, only to give up after several days. It drains them mentally and depletes their energy.

But manifesting is not about trying to do more, is about being more. This rule applies to anything in life really. Focus is everything, especially when it comes to the Law of Attraction. If you want to master a skill, you focus on that one skill and dive deep. Because if you try to master too many skills at once, you may burn out.

So, when it comes to manifesting with the Law of Attraction, it’s so much better to focus on just one manifestation method and be consistent with it.

I also recommend you choose a method you really enjoy doing and look forward to.

If you’re not too sure which method to choose, I highly recommend you read this post, where I guide you step-by-step on how to choose a manifestation method that works best for your lifestyle and personality.

Be patient and fall in love with the process!

Testing different methods can be fun, as long as you approach it with a mindset of curiosity (instead of one of desperation, “Oh, why it never works for me!”.

In the end, everything always works out for you, remember that!

Also, sometimes manifesting your dream reality may take a bit longer, and there’s a reason for it: the Universe may want to test you, or, you may simply have to go through some kind of transformation to become the person who can manifest your dream reality.

Enjoy the journey and learn as much as you can from it!

Manifestation Mistake #2 Remember You Can’t Fail, You Succeed, Or You Learn!

Successful people understand that there’s no such thing as failure. There are ONLY learning experiences and valuable lessons. After all, life can be the best teacher!

Yet, so many of my readers tell me they keep beating themselves up because of past “mistakes” and feel like that past energy of failure holds them back.

Now, I have been there as well.

But understand this – the ONLY thing that can set you free is the present moment.

At this moment, everything is possible, and you have the power to transform past “mistakes” into valuable lessons to help you grow and expand.

At the same time, the mindset of “you don’t fail, you succeed, or you learn” can give you the freedom to dream big and set bigger manifestation goals.

Keep going (both with your chosen manifestation method and aligned and consistent action) until you reach your destination. Until then, embrace and love the process of transforming your mindset and energy.

Never waste your energy trying to fight your current reality. Understand that your current reality is a manifestation of your past focus (conscious or unconscious). Don’t feel guilty about it, but simply mindfully embrace your role as a powerful co-creator.

Manifestation meditation is great during, what you may perceive as challenging times, and there are two reasons for that. The manifestation meditation process I teach, focuses on two intentions:

  1. Stay focused on your dream reality, energetically, even if your current reality is the opposite – you do it by going within and connecting to the Source, the Higher Power. This is how you unlock divine guidance and enter the quantum field of all possibilities.
  2. Release trapped negative energy, emotions, mindsets, and everything that no longer serves you.

Read about my manifestation meditation process in this article.

I believe it can really supercharge your manifestation journey and make it so much more effortless.

This is what it’s all about! So, keep moving forward and learning new lessons as you go. What you learn by going through the process of setting and achieving your goals is the best manifestation lesson ever, and it’s UNIQUE to YOU!

+ 2023 Update- as I was updating this post, a channeled message from my guides came through. These beautiful divine beings want to uplift you and help you change your relationship with all kinds of “mistakes”:

Hello Beautiful Soul; we are here because we felt that a part of Elena felt stuck. She really wanted to help and uplift you and help you change your relationship with all kinds of what you like to call “mistakes”. As she was updating her old writing, she also realized how much she had grown in the last 2 years. A part of her was happy. But a part of her felt bad, because she no longer liked her original writing.

So we came to cheer her up and let her know that back then, in 2021, she did the best she could with the knowledge and understanding she had back then. And now, as she’s growing, she can go back and re-edit her work with a firm intention to help and inspire more people. She still felt a bit down, and told us that she should have been more in tune with her heart, instead of trying to hide her spiritual side.

But we told her that back then, she still wasn’t fully ready to leave her “spiritual closet”. Everything was unfolding exactly like it should. Try to see things from our perspective of a Universal classroom where you can’t fail. There are no grades. There’s only evolution. And we know you are evolving. Elena made a choice to be her best self every day and help others do the same, and her new vibration attracts like-minded people, like you, people who will feel safe reading these words.

So don’t feel bad about “making mistakes” or doing things wrong.

You don’t fail, you succeed or you learn. Always ask yourself these empowering questions:

“What is a blessing here?”

“What can I be grateful for?”.

See your reality through the eyes of the soul and spiritual evolution. Not from the eyes of ego and having or not having.

Read this message several times so that your mind gets used to these warming, supportive, and uplifting messages from the Divine realm. The truth is, when you ease your ego chatter, you can access messages like these whenever you need them. Simply ask for guidance, and it will come.

Stay strong, and remember that the real secret to manifesting is LOVE. Stay in the vibration of love, and things will unfold for your highest good!

Manifestation Mistake #3 Feeling Too Impatient and Ignoring the Law of Aligned Action

Have fun with your life while you’re mindfully waiting for what’s yet to come.

You’ve just ordered your meal at the restaurant. Why stress out about it?

Are you going to enter the kitchen and bully the cook, telling them to speed up so that you receive a partially cooked meal or something that’s not even edible? So that you can brag to your friends how fast you “achieved your goal” (using the language of self-development), or in an LOA/spiritual language, “how fast you manifested your desires?”

No, while waiting for your order, you’ll enjoy a glass of good wine or whatever you want while having fun and taking advantage of your time out leisurely.

You can talk to your friends, and of course, you wouldn’t stress out about their orders. You wouldn’t compare your orders to theirs, because what they ordered is their choice, right?

You know your order will come; now it’s time to let go and relax.

Well, our job as conscious manifestors is to intend to practice such a relaxed, zen, it’s all good, always good inner state daily. Be mindful of how you interact with yourself and others while being served in the “Universal restaurant”:

You also need to balance out action and attraction to make it more precise and easier to apply in real life.

To be honest with you, this process is simple but not always easy, and there’s no exact recipe for this other than the recipe you create through your personal experience.

The balance between action and attraction is always created by your energy, so whenever you speed up by taking action, that action must be taken from the energy of love and confidence, not from the energy of fear and lack.

Read more about the power of aligned action HERE

When you slow down and get into the energy of attraction, it’s best to do so from the energy of peace and letting go, not from the energy of laziness, lack of patience, or entitlement to immediate results.

For example, you set the intention to manifest a new job so that you can create more abundance while doing what you love.

You balance action with attraction by sending your resumes and CV’s to different companies, while, at the same time, working on your energy and aligning yourself with the feeling of having your dream job.

If you focus on mindless action, trying to send as many CV’s as possible, without even researching the companies, you’d like to work for, and without aligning yourself with the feeling of having it now and living it in your mind, you may get stuck in a loop of just wanting and searching.

At the same time, if you just sit on your couch, visualize here and there, and don’t take any action to get closer to your vision, it’ll be hard, or even totally impossible to manifest your new career. You might be amplifying the energy of stagnation and waiting. And so manifesting more opportunities to wait…

The word “action” is a part of the word “attraction”. The law of attraction can help you align with the actions you need to take to get closer to your goals. I think I’ve done quite a good job explaining how to combine action and attraction, practical with the metaphysical to help you get the best results.

But as a writer, sometimes I feel a bit frustrated because this knowledge is hard to describe in words.

It needs to be experienced first-hand, so I encourage you to be as mindful as you can every day and practice what you’ve just learned. Sometimes, less information is more beneficial is fully practiced and embodied.

The first part of your journey is aligning your energy and mindset with what you intend to manifest while being open to different suggestions from the Universe and willing to put in the work.

As we already stated, when things don’t go as planned or there are some challenges on your way, see them as a part of the process because the Universe may want to test you.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Remember- your mind is more powerful than you think…

And you, too, can manifest your dream reality (or take it to the next level!)

Until next time we “meet”,

Sending you lots of love from here,


PS. If you’re ready to learn more about the Law of Attraction mistakes and how to create your own, manifestation system, I highly recommend you grab my book: How Not to Manifest from Amazon!

Manifestation Books

Inside You’ll Discover:

-The LOA DETECTIVE Exercise to quickly spot your hidden feelings and emotions that block your manifestations;

-The Reverse Engineer “Recipe” to help you ALIGN with the manifestation methods that work MAGIC for you!

-Tips to assist if you can never manifest the big things, only the small things;

-Examples and EVIDENCE why releasing the fear of failure isn’t enough and the biggest Manifestation Enemy that may be holding you back from living full potential (LOA gurus don’t want you to know this!)

-The On-Demand Deep Healing method to RELEASE NEGATIVITY once and for all;

-How NOT to visualize – the visualization MISTAKES that can make you manifest what you don’t want (and what to do instead)

-The TOXIC words you must stop using and the MAGNETIC words to use instead (works like magic!)

-The Deadly LOA Sin and scripting mistake that made me lose THOUSANDS of dollars (and how I corrected it to manifest abundance and happiness)

-The SHOCKING truth: why some people succeed with LOA without affirmations, vision boards, visualizations, or scripting;

-NATURAL remedies and holistic techniques to release stress, anxiety, insomnia, and RESISTANCE;

-The Manifestation Habit Stacking method to instantly raise your VIBRATION without any complicated rituals.