11 Messages of the 747 Angel Number–Tough Love from Your Angels?

Hello Beautiful Soul, so, you’ve been seeing angel number 747 lately and wondering what it means to manifest your desires. You’ve come to the right place because, in this post, I share the pure, divine essence of the angel number 747 you can use to improve all areas of your life.

Keep reading if you desire to create rapid transformation and make quantum leaps! By the end of this post, you will know exactly how to embody the energy of angel number 747 and take your manifesting journey to the next level!

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747 Angel Number
747 Angel Number – It’s Time to Think Long-Term and Create an Exciting Vision for Your Life!

747 Angel Number Meaning in Numerology

Number 7 is a very powerful number that symbolizes:



-a desire for expansion and knowledge;



I like to think of number 7 as that of Curious Souls and Inquisitive Minds.

It’s also an invitation for a never-ending journey of self-growth or taking it to the next level while overcoming your old limiting mindsets – precisely what the angel number 747 stands for!

And since the number 7 appears twice, its power is amplified.

Now, let’s take a look at the meaning of the number 4:





-good organization;



My interpretation is that number 7 invites us to venture into the unknown to satisfy our curiosity for wisdom, growth, and more abundance, while having the comfort of knowing we are always safe, guided, and connected to something bigger.

Angel number 747 is such a wonderful sign to get when we’re ready to make significant changes in our lives!


7+4+7= 18


So, the energy of the number 9 is always present in the angel number 747, and it symbolizes:

-spiritual growth;

-end of one cycle and beginning of another.

I dive deeper into the energy of number 9 in my latest post about the energy of the 9191 angel number:

Read More: Angel Number 9191 – Do This ONE Thing, and Your Life Will Change in Miraculous Ways!

Now, back to the 747 angel number…and a bit of motivational tough love it carries…

The Main Message of the 747 Angel Number (Tough Love from Your Guardian Angels)

The main message of angel number 747 is that of…a bit of tough love, really! Still, it’s very positive and empowering and can speed up your manifestations and take your life to a whole new level.

So, here’s the main message behind the 747 angel number: big changes are very near, possible, and doable.

But, you need to fully align with the energy of your desires and embody the best possible version of yourself you ever could.

This means no more quick fixes

Your angels think you’re ready for long-term success that lasts and keeps expanding.

Yes, fully accepting the message of angel number 747 may be a bit hard at first because it requires you to leave your comfort zone and make new moves.

These moves include physical actions, such as working harder, changing your mindset, and creating new, powerful habits that will add to new powerful results.

For example, instead of chasing some quick fixes, such as trying to lose weight fast, you may put in the effort required to create a healthy lifestyle you love that will serve you long-term.

Another example. Instead of trying to manifest some quick cash here and there, you may invest in new skills and change your career to create security and lasting financial abundance.

You get the idea…leaving your comfort zone and taking massive, aligned action!

Read More: Inspired Action- How to Unlock Its Power to Manifest Amazing Results

At the same time, energetic actions may require you to do some shadow work or cut cords with the past. So that whatever happened to you in the past no longer controls you.

Check out my other blog posts to learn more about shadow work and cord-cutting:

52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

This is super powerful, especially if you combine it with taking action on your new goals and desires.

Example: you may cut cords with your old job, your ex, old clients, old business, old mindsets, and behaviors…and then take massive, aligned action to create something new, whether it’s a new relationship, job, business, or moving to a new place.

Angel number 747 embodies the teaching that really transformed my life, and it’s something I always try to share with my readers…

Manifestation success lies in combining action and attraction, creating harmony and balance.

So, whatever you’re manifesting right now, if angel number 747 appears, please use it as a positive confirmation that your angels are always guiding you.

Yes, taking new actions, such as choosing to master a new skill, applying for a new job, changing your business offerings and pricing, or getting up earlier to have more time for your passion side hustle project, may require you to leave your comfort zone…

And when you experience that little discomfort, affirm:

I am constantly being guided, protected, and comforted. I am full of energy!

Recommended Affirmations:

Read More: 56 Affirmations for New Beginnings – Release the Past and Manifest Faster

Turn to meditation and prayer to strengthen your connection with the Divine, and ask your angels to cheer you up as you keep climbing the mountain of self-growth and self-discovery.

Inner work, such as shadow work, may also initially feel uncomfortable. But the energy of angel number 747 also reminds you that you’re never alone and asking for help is a sign of spiritual maturity. Once again, combine action with attraction.

This means that your physical activity may include seeing an energy healer, counselor, or spiritual or mental health professional who can guide your inner work and help you overcome your limitations. The truth is that no matter how much we read or research, sometimes, we may not see the truth, so having a mentor you can trust can be much more effective.

Energetic actions may include spending more time in prayer and meditation.

So now that you know the essence of the angel number 747, let’s look at why angel number 747 appears in your life. They will help you get more ideas about what action to take, both physically and energetically.

So that you can activate the creative power of action and attraction!

Recommended for You:

Manifest 5000 x Faster by Unlocking the Creative Power of Your Heart

11 Incredible Reasons Why You’re Seeing Angel Number 747

#1 Big Changes in Your Life Are Coming. Embrace the Energy of Abundance.

Remember to stay focused on what you desire, your dream vision, but never from a place of lack. The best way to do so is to be grateful for what you have now and keep working for your dreams from that abundant and grateful state.

#2 Allow Yourself to be Guided and Release Your Fears and Limitations.

Is the fear of failure preventing you from moving forward? Remember that your angels are watching over you.

Spend more time in meditation and prayer to activate the divine guidance always available to you.

#3 Release the Past.

Releasing the past and embracing the energy of forgiveness will help you manifest your new, desired reality faster. That is the energetic action your angels want you to take. Cleanse the past to create the future you desire and deserve while peacefully embracing the present moment.

As I’ve already mentioned, my favorite method is cord-cutting. I have written a detailed post to help you and guide you:

Read More: Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

#4 Unlock Your Psychic Abilities, Leave the Spiritual Closet.

Embrace your spirituality, and don’t be ashamed of it. Spend more time with like-minded people where you can share your ideas and experiences.

Perhaps your friends, family, and coworkers are not into spirituality, angel numbers, and manifesting and think you’re a freak. If that’s the case, release any resentment or spiritual superiority. Let them be who they are… don’t go on a spiritual crusade…

Leave the spiritual closet by attracting new friends into your life, so you can share your ideas with those interested.

More ideas:

-try energy healing sessions or become a Reiki practitioner;

-find a spiritual mentor or teacher;

-invest in deepening your psychic abilities by reading, taking classes, and interacting with like-minded people and spiritual guides;

-start a blog or a social media channel to share your ideas with others.

#5 Work Harder But do Things Differently

The energy of the angel number 474 wants to inspire you to work hard, but not just for the sake of working hard or putting in more hours. What “working harder” means here is working differently and challenging yourself – quality over quantity. Whatever task you do, ask yourself: “How can I do it better? How can I be of more service to others? Can I do it with better energy?”

#6 Bridge the Practical and Metaphysical

As I’ve already mentioned, angel number 747 invites you to create new amazing realities by bridging the energy of action and attraction.

For example, you may be working hard on a new business or a passion project while, at the same time, doing shadow work or working on deepening your spiritual abilities.

#7 Integrate Your Shadows

Angel number 747 is a reminder to release shame and stop masking shame with more shame. Understand that we all make mistakes; as long as you learn and grow from them, there’s no space for shame. So don’t escape from your shadows, and don’t try to hide your shortcomings.

Choose authenticity, and show up as an authentic and honest self instead of trying to be perfect and putting on a mask.

Being yourself and showing up as yourself is crucial for creating long-term success and relationships that last.

#8 Trust Yourself and Your Intuition

747 angel number means that your angels encourage you to spend more time with your Higher Self.

Ask yourself good questions that align with your vision and desires.

This will make your subconscious mind work for you. Yes, it will actively work to help you find quality solutions and answers.

All you need to do is ask quality questions and empower your self-talk. Stop asking why something might go wrong and ask how to make it right or what you can do to ensure the best possible scenario.

Here’s how to connect to your Higher Self and work on your subconscious mind!

Recommended posts:

How to Connect with Your Higher Self

Subconscious Mind Secrets for Effortless and Effective Manifesting

#9 Thinking and Worrying Are Two Different Things

747 angel number reminds you to think about your desires without worrying about them. Use the power of pure, love-based thought. It’s OK if you don’t know the how. Just keep climbing your mountain of self-growth the best you can; more steps will be revealed!

Here’s one of my recent Instagram posts where I talk about thinking vs. worrying about your desires:

“This will TRANSFORM your manifestation practice forever…

Most people worry about their desires…and so they miss the power of pure thought….and nothing happens…or they attract more things to worry about…

SIDENOTE – I don’t want to shame anyone for thinking negative thoughts or to make someone feel scared that if they think negative thoughts, they will manifest negative things…

My personal belief and daily affirmation is that – ONLY MY POSITIVE THOUGHTS manifest!

I’m just a human, and so sometimes I get sidetracked by negative thoughts, but now I approach them from a place of curiosity, and they don’t have much power over me…and I no longer worry about my negative thoughts being manifest into horrible things…

So, that being said…

Back to the main topic – worrying vs thinking….

Try to think about your desire or goal in a pure, love-based way. Really feel it in your heart. That’s the power of pure thought and you can apply it to whatever manifestation technique you choose to do….affirming, scripting, or visualizing….

So, make it your personal manifestation rule:
1. Only my positive thoughts manifest.
2. I choose to think about my desires in a pure way, I am more in my heart and less in my mind (the mind tends to worry more, but the heart is full of joy!).

Now, it’s your turn, see how much more you can manifest just by worrying less…!

+ negative thoughts are just the signs that something needs to be addressed, released or integrated…

Some tools you can use are meditation, energy healing through Reiki, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, or my favorite ones: EFT tapping or Faster EFT….

So…let’s rediscover the power of PURE, worry-free thought….

Because thinking is NOT the same as worrying!”

Use prayer and meditation to release your worry, fears, and doubts.

Be more in your heart!

Recommended for You:

Manifest 5000 Times Faster by Unlocking the Power of Your Heart (The Intention Point Method)

#10 Allow the Energetic Compound Effect Work for You

Keep taking consistent action with good energy. Replace complaints with the power of the compound effect, because the power of your actions, thoughts, and feelings always adds up.

Focus on doing your best today while staying focused on the big picture!

This leads to the last message of the 747 angel number…

#11 Manifest Long-Term Success -No More Quick Fixes!

As I’ve mentioned earlier, the 747-angel number encourages you to avoid quick fixes and focus on deep transformation, becoming your best self, and creating long-term success.

To achieve that, you need to work on your self-awareness and have a unique vision for your life.

Creating a manifestation vision board or manifestation list will ensure you focus on your long-term desires and avoid the shiny object syndrome or distractions.

Check out my other posts to create your super inspiring manifestation board and manifestation list to stay motivated:

Read More: Manifestation Board Secrets to Create Your Dream Life

How to Write a Manifestation List to Create Your Dream Reality

Remember that true success comes from creating harmony and balance in all areas of your life.

So, even if your main goal is manifesting money or success, allow yourself to care for your health and spiritual well-being.

At the same time, take care of your loved ones.

Money is just one of the many possible manifestations of the state of abundance, but true abundance also comes from feeling fulfilled, doing what you love, being healthy and vibrant, and creating meaningful connections with those you love!

Want to Unlock the Power of Numerology? Get This Free Reading!

My friends at Numerologist.com created this excellent free numerology reading to help you gain more clarity, awareness, and motivation based on your unique energy and life path.

Check it out here. Out of all the numerology readings I’ve tried over the years, this one is the most accurate and has served hundreds of my readers so far!

Enjoy it here!

Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting