7 Incredible Reasons Why You’re Seeing 6464 Angel Number (and what to do next!)

Your angels always look for ways to guide you and communicate with you, and since they cannot do this directly, they often use repeated numbers, signs like white feathers, or other patterns that keep appearing out of nowhere.

Seeing the 6464 angel number is one of these mysterious ways your angels deliver divine messages to empower you and help you create your best life. Like all angel messages, the 6464 angel number appears to those awakened souls, like you, who already understand that true manifesting power lies in doing your best and doing your part while staying open to divine guidance.

This is why I’m writing this post! As someone who’s studied angel numbers and lives their power daily, I want to help you understand what seeing the 6464 angel number might mean for you and what to do next. Whatever it is you desire to manifest- money, success, love, abundance, peace of mind, angel number 6464 carries a particular vibrational frequency ready to be unlocked by you!

Read on to fully embody the energy of angel number 6464 and unleash your full potential with this positive angel sign!

6464 Angel Number in Numerology

To fully understand what 6464 angel number means in numerology, we need to take a look at the following numbers:

-number 6

– number 4

-number 20 and number 2


Number 6 Symbolizes:



-creativity and art;

-unconditional love;


Number 4 Symbolizes:





Number 20 Symbolizes:



-acceptance of the divine power.

Number 2 Symbolizes:




And so, angel number 6464 is an invitation of unlimited empowerment to create a new chapter in your life while taking care of your energy and letting go of the past. It’s time to focus on you and your uniqueness. You can’t change those around you, so your beautiful energy is better spent unlocking your full potential.

What Angel Number 6464 Really Means in Manifestation

Depending on your unique situation, at least one of the following angel number 6464 meanings will be true for you at this stage of your journey. If a message resonates with you, dive deeper and take inspired action to embody it. As you do so, your reality will start shifting toward your desires.

6464 Angel Number

#1 Confront the Past and Your Shadows

Seeing the 6464 angel number is a signal to make peace with your past.

What you resist, persists…and what you focus on expands.

So, what sense does it make to dwell on your past?

Especially if you do so from a place of lack, failure, and resentment.

6464 angel number wants you to understand that everything happens for you. To truly heal the past, embody this truth: You don’t fail, succeed, or learn.

It’s time to release all your past guilt and hurts and focus on the present moment and what you can create now.

6464 angel number is an encouragement to cleanse your past to create your desired future.

One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Stuart Wilde, put it beautifully by saying: “Whatever happened to you, see it as something beautiful!”

Past obstacles sometimes allow you to practice and expand your comfort zone to attract better things into your life!

Finally, if you’re ready to release the past and manifest the future you want, I highly recommend you check out my other posts that will give you more guidance:

Cord Cutting Rituals for Effective Manifesting (Beginner’s Guide)

52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

#2 Something Is Coming to an End, and Something New Is Beginning.

In the Universe, everything always flows…some things come to an end, and others begin. Sometimes we feel happy and relieved to see that a chapter in our lives is ending, and then we feel excited about what is yet to come…

But sometimes, we hold onto the past…we get too stuck in our ego and want some things last forever.

Seeing the 6464 angel number is an invitation to see whatever comes to an end as something amazing. See yourself as a flow of limitless abundance. There’s no beginning and no end.

Stop resisting and fighting. Yes, sometimes, seemingly bad things happen. You may lose a job you loved, or your partner may have broken up with you, or perhaps you were forced to leave a city you loved…

But understand that the 6464 angel number is a sign that this, too, shall pass, and what you may perceive as an obstacle will be transformed into a new opportunity. Your only job now is maintaining a high vibration, even if it seems challenging.

Focus on gratitude and use it to shift to more favorable circumstances quickly!

#3 6464 Angel Number As a Little Warning (Or Tough Love from Your Angels)

But don’t worry, it’s still positive!

Because sometimes, the 6464 angel number appears as an encouragement to walk away or finish something that no longer serves you or aligns with you.

This is the message I recently received from my angels.

I was holding onto an old business project and ways of doing things that were no longer working. At first, I thought that the 6464 angel number was a sign of encouragement to keep going because that old project used to be my passion.

But since the number 6464 kept appearing, I knew I couldn’t ignore it.

We often see the same angel number or sign because we don’t get the message entirely. And so, our angels try again.

I realized that I was holding onto things that were no longer working but were making me exhausted and taking my time from my other passions, such as this blog.

So, I took the message of the 6464 angel number to heart and quit this old venture of mine. What a relief it was!

I cut cords with everything associated with this old venture and expressed my desire to learn, grow, and focus on my new passions.

To sum up, yes, sometimes, the 6464 angel number can be an invitation to walk away from something (or someone) that no longer resonates with your vibration. But when you do so, do it with good energy and be grateful for what you learned. If you’re walking away from someone, intend to stay focused on the good times you had together and wish them well.

#4 Keep Shining Your Light No Matter What You Do!

Promise yourself to do everything with your best energy. Be grateful for everything you do, touch, and experience.

Shining your best light, smiling, spreading good energies, and staying grateful will speed up your positive manifestations and help you become a magnet to your desires.

Don’t wait for your desires to manifest to be happy. Be happy now and spread your good energy through your everyday actions. You’ll be amazed at the results!

#5 Embody Your Purpose, Even If You Don’t Know What It Is Yet

6464 angel number wants you to find your purpose and live it…your soul is craving its divine mission here on Earth…but your ego and logical mind may think otherwise:

“Come on…I don’t know what my purpose is!”

If that’s the case, the 6464 angel number wants you to know that you will figure it out. Just be aware of your contradicting thoughts and change them.

Sometimes a week without complaining and thoughts like “I don’t know what my purpose is” can be a good start, especially if you make a conscious effort to think and feel thoughts like: “I am on my way to finding my purpose” or “I always figure things out, and so this time, I’ll be fine too,” or ”My angels will help me find my purpose that’s why I am seeing 6464!”

Such a mindset shift will make incredible changes in your life.

Remember what I wrote in the beginning…you must be willing to do your part…physically, mentally, and energetically…

If you already know your purpose, devote all your free time to it. No more excuses!

Read my other guides for more motivation and inspiration, and start taking inspired action today:

Inspired Action- How to Unlock Its Power to Manifest Amazing Results

How to Stay Focused on Your Goal – 3 Energy & Mindset Shifts You Can’t Miss!

Let me give you my tips if you’re still figuring things out. I, too, used to be stuck on finding my purpose. Now, I finally found it. As a light worker turned writer, I love inspiring people through my writing. And I am committed to creating inspiring content daily. And since I have been on this journey for a few years now, my purpose is also something I can do for a living.

So, how did I make this transition? A few years ago, I was doing different jobs (mainly sales and customer service) where I didn’t feel fulfilled and was often mentally abused by my coworkers and even some customers. The pay wasn’t good either, and I had reasons to complain. But I refused to do so!

The moment I committed to my purpose (even before I knew what it really was, back then, all I knew was I wanted to help people), things began to shift in a positive way.

All I did was to embody my best self!

I still kept my old job but refused to complain and focused on gratitude. I kept blessing all my colleagues and customers while creating solid energetic boundaries. They soon left me alone, quit, or were moved to different departments. New colleagues and a new manager arrived, and my workplace was transformed! My efforts were appreciated, and I got amazing bonuses on top of my regular wage. I used my extra money to invest in different business courses that eventually helped me create my passion business.

In my free time, I allowed myself to explore my passions, such as writing and the Law of Attraction. I let my passion be my GPS and prayed to my angels for guidance. And so, I stayed committed to learning and growing every day after work. I kept telling myself I was already living my purpose, and eventually, it manifested!

One of the tools that really helped me was visualization.

Read my other article for more guidance:

How to Visualize Effectively in Only 5 Minutes a Day

#6 Your Prayers Are Just about to Be Answered

Remember that your prayers always get answered, so never get discouraged.

Manifestation prayer and meditation are fantastic tools to help you release negativity and find comfort in the Divine realm.

Some people mistakenly think that prayer is a sign of weakness and desperation. I used to believe that, but after my spiritual awakening, I realized that praying is a sign of strength.

When you’re awakened, you’re ready to ask for help. And you understand that your accomplishments are yours and that you continually co-create with something bigger!

So, keep enhancing your manifestation prayer rituals.

Read my other posts for more guidance:

Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

Meditation for Manifesting Goals in 6 Simple Steps

I also have a book on Manifestation Prayer, to dive deeper and amplify your connection with the divine:

#7 Focus on One Step at a Time and Release Worry and Fear

All you need to focus on is your next step. Take it with your best energies and intentions.

Use manifestation prayer and meditation to release all your doubts and fears.

Keep reminding yourself that you are a miracle. You are strong and resilient. And you’re never alone; your angels are always by your side.

Stay focused on your path and embody your best self.

Whenever you experience, fear or worry, focus on the area of your heart and let go.

In your heart, you’re always safe!

Manifest 5000 Faster by Unlocking the Power of Your Heart