The 55 x 5 Method: How to Use It Effectively and with Intention

Someone recently asked me if the 55 x5 method is really worth it and if it works. The short answer is: it depends.

While I do believe it works (and I have successfully used it to manifest some things, more on that later), I also believe that some people (especially those who don’t like journaling practices for whatever reason) might be better off choosing a different method instead.

At the same time, I also noticed that the 55 x 5 method works great for some desires but might not be the best method for long-term goals.

In this post, I’ll also cover the 55 x 5 method modifications (which I personally tested, and so did many of my readers) and how to formulate your affirmations correctly…

But…first things first…

What Exactly Is The 55 x 5 Method?

The 55 x 5 method is a law of attraction technique aimed at helping you re-program your mind to help you focus on the positive and attract more positive circumstances into your life.

It aligns with the principle: what you focus on expands.

The 55 x 5 method is very simple and incredibly effective for those who enjoy writing things down in their journals. I’m a big believer in choosing the method that aligns with your lifestyle and personality.

Writing your affirmations might not be for everyone, but that’s OK.

There are plenty of methods you can choose instead.

Nevertheless, I encourage you to give it a go (at the end of this post, I also share some modifications that worked very well for me!).

But, the basic rundown of the 55 x 5 method is simple:

-choose an affirmation that represents your desired goal/manifestation.

-write it down, in the present tense, 55 times, for 5 days.

-while writing, embrace all your senses and positive emotions. This practice is supposed to make you feel good about your desires and help you focus your mind on the positive.

How Many Affirmations Do I Need to Manifest with the 55 x 5 Method?

I recommend you only work with 1 affirmation at a time.

Especially if you choose to work with the 55 x 5 method.

I mean…it does involve a lot of writing, let’s be honest.

So, too many affirmations might make you overwhelmed.

At the same time, your mind may get too distracted and focus on lack instead of abundance.

The primary purpose of the 55 x 5 method is to make you feel confident that your desired manifestation is already a part of your present reality and feel good about it 🙂

55x5 Manifestation Method Secrets

How to Formulate an Affirmation for the 55 x Method?

Below are some examples to help you create your own positive affirmation that you can use for the 55 x 5 method:

I’m so happy and grateful that I finally manifested a new job!

I’m so happy and grateful for a safe trip back home and a fabulous time with my family!

I’m so happy and grateful for the unexpected cash I manifested and my favorite holiday destination.

Read More: 7 Secrets to Creating Your Own Manifestation Affirmations That Work for You 24/7

What Are the 55 x 5 Method Examples?

Personally, I recommend you use this method for short-term goals.

Example: manifesting a holiday or a good family time.

It can also be used to manifest a good time with a loved one or make a specific event go well.

However, suppose a person decides to use it to manifest something big (in just 5 days) and lacks belief in it (for example, wanting to manifest millions of dollars in 5 days). In that case, I think it’s pretty obvious it won’t work…

I have used it successfully to manifest:

-completing a work project that was half done (I hired a narrator to turn one of my books into audio, and she had to leave, so I managed to use the 55 x 5 method to attract a new, very talented narrator who finished the job in less than 5 days).

-finishing and launching a book instead of procrastinating and dwelling on my fears of what people will think (of course, the book was already in progress, and I just wanted to manifest it fully).

-manifesting unexpected income to cover some of my bills (so did many of my readers)

-manifesting more energy and stamina (and sticking to a healthy nutritional program I signed up for)

My experiences taught me that the 55 x 5 method is fantastic for smaller/shorter goals.

However, it can also be used to manifest a milestone of a bigger goal (and help you get in motion).

As you do this method, be sure to take aligned action.

Can I Do the 55 x 5 Method If My Hand Hurts?

A reader asked me this question too, when I released an article about the 369 method.

If your hand hurts, then it won’t be effective because it will create resistance.

So, instead, you can record your affirmation 55 times and listen to it for 5 days.

Or say it out loud and back it up with creative visualization.

Is There Any Spirituality/ Numerology / Magic Involved in the 55 x 5 Method?

Yes, there certainly is.

Spiritually-minded readers, as well as those interested in numerology, find the 55 x 5 method super effective because of the following numbers:

The number 5- represents good luck, love, curiosity, and adventure.

The number 55- represents independence and personal freedom.

Read More: 555 Meaning in Manifestation- Is It a Good Sign for Manifesting Your Desires?

Are There Any Other 55 x 5 Method Modifications That Can Work?

Yes, personally, I have tested a really interesting 55 x 5 method modification…

I made it into the 5 x 55 method. I flipped it.

I wrote my affirmation 5 times for 55 days.

I find it very effective for long-term goals and challenges.

If you need a boost for a more extended project you wish to manifest, I highly recommend you test the 5 x 55  method too!

I’m not too sure if many people talk about it. I used this method to release writer’s block and manifest my first book.

I felt like the 5 x 55 way of the 55 x 5 method was much more aligned for my goal (2 months is enough to write a book, and I could easily write 5 affirmations a day to support my vision and goals).

“I’m so happy and grateful that my law of attraction exercises book is now published, and it helps thousands of readers create the life of their dreams” – was my affirmation back then.

If I Decide That the 55 x 5 Method Is Not for Me, Then, What Can I Do Instead?

You can record your affirmations, you can say them out loud, you can visualize…

I highly recommend you check out the following posts on this site to get more guidance:

Your Proven Manifestation How To Blueprint to Consciously Create the Life You Love

7 Powerful Manifestation Methods Explained: How to Choose the Method That Works for You?

Also, remember that there are many scripting methods available!

I cover all of them in my book: Script to Manifest: It’s Time to Design and Attract Your Dream Life.
