The 3×33 Method Secrets You Can’t Miss!

The 3×33 method is a fantastic law of attraction technique to help you establish new, positive intentions and open yourself to an unlimited abundance of new possibilities. It’s just perfect if you want to start a new chapter in your life. It will also help you shift your mindset and energy to show the Universe (and your subconscious mind) that you’re now ready for the next level.

This post will teach you everything you need to know about the 3×33 method. You will also learn when the 3×33 method may not be the best solution for your current situation and what to do instead to manifest your desires with joy and ease 🙂

Before You Do the 3×33 Method

If you have been following my books and content for a while, you probably already know that I’m not about pushing any particular methods or forcing them on you.

My intention is to educate and uplift you to help you align with manifestation techniques that are the best solution for you, depending on your situation. I also believe that your mindset and energy are much more valuable than any “method”.

After all, we don’t manifest what we want or do. We manifest what we are…

To dive deeper into my proven manifestation system, be sure to explore these:

7 Powerful Manifestation Methods Explained: How to Choose the Method That Works for You?

The Best Manifestation Method? Here’s the Secret Ingredient You’re Probably Missing!

Now…back to the 3×33 method and how it can help you 🙂

What Exactly Is the 3×33 Method?

The 3×33 manifestation method is very simple to follow.

You need to create a firm, positive affirmation from a place of confidence, joy, and good energy.

Some people find it helpful to meditate or take salt baths before they proceed.

Coming up with your personalized affirmation may take some time (and if you need to take more time, go for it, after all, we want to take meaningful and inspired action from a place of full alignment!).

I have an entire article that can help you create your own affirmations here.

But, for now, for the purpose of the 3×33 method, all you need is a deep intention translated into an affirmation.

And yes, for the 3×33 method, you will need just ONE affirmation.

If you have multiple ideas or intentions, put them on your vision board (or write them down).

But for now, focus on only ONE thing you desire to change in your life.

For example, you feel like you’re a bit tired of your career or current home or city.

And you’re ready to manifest something new into your life.

So, your intention may be: I’m ready and open to changing my career. I’m also ready for a significant change, like manifesting a home in a new city or country. (whatever your intention is).

Taste your intention and your new reality by visualizing it.

Really feel it. The smell of a new city. The joy and excitement of meeting new people.

The curiosity you feel when learning new things related to your new career.

You don’t need to know exactly what steps to take to get to your desire (but if any ideas come, always be mindful of them and take action on them).

Also, you don’t need to know exactly what your new job or business will be (if you already know- great, but be careful not to get too much involved in ego thinking of how you think it should unfold for you, in other words, give yourself some space for the unexpected as well).

All you need to do is to identify the positive feelings and emotions around your desire.

Then…transform your intention into a positive affirmation.


Intention – I desire a new career and a new home.

Affirmation – I’m so happy and grateful for my new, fulfilling, 6-figure job and a beautiful home in this incredible city!

Learn more about the power of positive affirmations and how to create them here.

Now, back to the 3×33 method…

Now that you have your affirmation, created from pure intention…and a ton of positive emotions attached to it, write it down 33 times.

Do it for 3 days in a row.

This is very similar to the 5×55 method.

Each day, sit down and mindfully focus on your big dream getting very real as you put some conscious effort into aligning yourself with it.

The 3×33 method trains your mind to work from the mindset of “I already have it, and I’m so grateful”. At the same time, it helps to raise your vibration while creating intentional rituals to train your awareness.

The 3×33 Manifestation Examples

Let’s say that you’re now ready to change your career. You want something new, something different. And, you’re ready to let go of your old career (to replace it with a new, better one).

You could also do this to get closer to manifesting a new home, move cities, manifest new friends and opportunities.

I have personally used it to manifest new streams of income.

Now, before we get into it, let’s make one thing clear. Using this method doesn’t mean that your desires will automatically manifest after 3 days (although, in some cases, they could…)

Attempting to do this method from a mindset of a quick miracle could only sabotage your efforts.

The main reason for doing the 3×33 manifestation method is to help you:

-let go of the old (while remaining on a good, positive vibration; in other words, you don’t want to feel bad about your old or current reality while “hoping” for something to save you. Instead, you want to feel appreciative of everything you manifested until now but at the same time create a deep intention and vibrational shift to create something new (from positive and peaceful energy).

-create new, positive intention and give yourself some space (in this case 3 days) to fully align with it

-open yourself up for new possibilities. Yes, you want to be open both mentally and energetically because sooner or later, you’ll be presented with new choices to help you materialize your intentions

-help your subconscious mindfully focus on the new; in other words, you want to use the power of your mind to move forward, not to dwell on the past

How the 3×33 Method Can Speak Directly to Your Subconscious Mind (to Get Closer to Your Dreams)

“Whatever, we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality” – Earl Nightingale

The 3×33 method works with positive emotion and mindful repetition.

Positive emotion is the language that your subconscious mind understands.

The more you embrace the positive feelings and emotions attached to your desires, the more you signal your subconscious mind to guide you. In other words, you program your internal GPS.

Our beliefs are formed through the continuous mindful repetition of that thought over and over again.

Remember that at the very beginning, I said that we don’t manifest what we want or do. Instead, we manifest who we are?

Well…we manifest our beliefs…

As time passes, our beliefs become stronger, and the world begins to reflect them while shaping our reality around them.

Then, we begin to attract people, events, circumstances, etc., that match our current state of being. This is how manifestation happens.

Managing Your Expectations, Mindset, and Energy When Using the 3×33 Manifestation Method

One of the greatest benefits of the 3×33 method is that we get the opportunity to train our minds to do something pretty unusual…

We learn how to go of control of how the end result should be manifested.

However, at the same time, we train our minds to act intentionally and look for synchronicities which is a great way to help your desires manifest.

The 3×33 method is great to help us directly connect with the energetic frequency of our desires.

As you know…EVERYTHING is energy...

So, the secret sauce behind this manifestation ritual is that you need to write your affirmation while feeling good about it…

33 times…


For 3 consecutive days while letting go of the final outcome.

In other words, promise yourself to be patient. Believe in and be open to divine timing.

Big desires and intentions will definitely take more than 3 days to materialize, and that’s OK. In many cases, especially when it comes to manifesting big things, the 3×33 method is like planting a seed. It’s like programming your mind (and the Universe) to guide you on your journey!

Another important thing to keep in mind:

When writing out your affirmation, intend to be as present as possible.

This is why I recommend a short meditation, salt bath or walk in nature before proceeding to the 3×33 method.

But don’t beat yourself up if your mind wanders off a bit.

That’s ok. Simply use it as a sign to bring your awareness and feelings back to your affirmations.

You may also read your affirmation aloud as you are writing. I love combining this ritual with my version of mirror work:

I write my affirmations in front of the mirror. And I keep telling myself (in the mirror):

We’re in this together, we can do this. Together we’re unstoppable.

Positive self-talk is one of the most important manifestation pillars.

To learn more about it and use it to manifest your desires with joy and ease, be sure to read my book:

Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life (Law of Attraction Short Reads Book 9)


When You Should Not Use the 3×33 Method

Don’t use this method if it doesn’t click with you right now. In other words, don’t use it if you don’t feel divinely inspired to use it.

Every manifesting method works, but it’s important to remember that everyone is different, and so is their unique situation and timing. This is why, on this blog, I like to share different methods and techniques, such as the 3×33 method, without pushing anything on you.

Instead, I like to give my readers the tools and guidance they need to figure out what works for them (and why) so that they feel empowered knowing they can manifest their desires again and again.

If you feel like this method is not for you, be sure to explore my other posts, until something “clicks”:

How to Visualize: 5 Crucial Steps to Start Creating Your Dream Reality in 5 Minutes a Day (or less)

Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

Money Manifestation Made Simple – 7 Little-Known Secrets to Activate Your Inner Money Magnet

The Power of Numbers Behind the 3×33 Manifestation Method

Let’s have a look at the numbers behind the 3×33 method and how they can help us get closer to our dreams.

Number 3 is associated with solid energies of creativity, growth, and positivity.

It also unleashes the divine within you and, with the help of ascended masters, assists you in the manifesting process.

Number 33 is a potent spiritual number, also called the ‘Master Teacher’, and consists of combining two other master numbers, ’11’ and ’22’.

It’s also worth noticing that, ‘3’ appears twice in ’33’, which further enhances and amplifies the influences of number ‘3’.

Want to Learn More to Manifest Your Dream Reality, Using Nothing But Pen and Paper (and some good feelings?)

Be sure to check out my bestselling book:

Script to Manifest: It’s Time to Design & Attract Your Dream Life (Even if You Think it’s Impossible Now) on Amazon!
