A Powerful 3-Step Formula That Wasn’t Revealed in “The Secret…

hello Beautiful Soul! Let’s talk about creating an exciting, abundant life you desire and deserve…and, most importantly, how to do so without having to struggle by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind.

But first things first. Your subconscious mind always manifests something for you. The million-dollar question, though, is- do you know how to communicate with it so that it can guide you to manifest the things you want? That is the gist of conscious manifesting. You align your subconscious mind with what you desire and unlock your full potential.

Perhaps there are some successful people you admire. And you wonder how they do it…It almost seems like they’re superhuman (well, they are, and you can be a superhuman, too, in fact, if you’re reading this, I’d venture to say you’re very close!).

But for now, let’s release what no longer serves us. You know…those familiar scenarios…

You set a goal, and you promise yourself to complete it this time.

Maybe you visualize it… It feels powerful and authentic… yet, nothing manifests in real life 🙁

You’re disappointed and frustrated. Maybe even you feel as if some unseen force was sabotaging your success:(

It teases you with some taste of abundance, but the biggest goals keep slipping away.

You slowly start to lose faith 🙁

You might even start blaming yourself: “maybe it’s my fault”.

Well, I am here to tell you that it’s not!

There are tools you can use to unlock your full potential and become superhuman.

In fact, being a superhuman and manifesting the reality of your dreams is not a privilege you have to earn but your God-given birthright.

You just need the right guidance and be willing to follow through with it (well, if you’re reading this, I assume you’re all in!).

You see, it turns out that there has been a missing key to your successful visualization and manifestation… that many of the world’s wealthiest have used secretly for ages.

Yes, even before the Law of Attraction got its name. And even before The Secret came out.

Apparently, Steve Jobs used it every morning, and so do many other successful leaders, businesspeople, high-level thinkers, athletes, actors…and even normal people who want a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

This stuff is not reserved for celebrities alone, and you don’t need years to master it!

Like I said earlier, if you want to change your life and harness the power of your subconscious mind, Higher Self, or divine guidance (if you’re spiritually minded) – your willingness to become your best self is all you need.

As they say- when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

One of the people who admitted that there is a missing piece to the puzzle – a key component that wasn’t mentioned in “The Secret” – is Dr. Joe Vitale (I am pretty sure you’ve heard of him, but just in case you haven’t- I introduce him below, in “P.S.”).

He explains it all in detail in his free video training 🙂

You’ll learn from him how to unleash the full power of your manifestation with his 3-step formula that includes that missing piece.

The training will take you about 20-30 minutes, so grab a tea, a notebook – and watch it carefully!

Good luck,

Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey!

Who is Dr. Joe Vitale?

I first saw Joe in The Secret. He has since appeared in several other movies and shows (like Larry King Live). He became a bestselling author of more than 50 books – including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, and his most recent The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment.

But first and foremost, Joe is an experienced teacher and expert in using the Law of Attraction to create success and meaning in any area of your life.

His life’s calling is to help people. And whether you feel you’re not reaching your full potential or you’re struggling to see results with the Law of Attraction – Dr. Vitale knows how to help you 🙂

Watch his free training on the 3-step formula to powerful manifestation here