1212 Angel Number – The Real Reason Why You Keep Seeing It…

Seeing repeated numbers such as 1212 angel number is never an accident. The reason why you keep seeing the number 1212 is that your angels and guides are trying to communicate with you. In this post, you’ll quickly discover the divine messages they want to share with you!

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1212 Angel Number General Meaning in Spirituality

you’re not alone, your angels are seeing and hearing you;

-your angels want to show you your life’s purpose; it’s time to focus on your life’s mission and do what you’re here to do; release any fear or judgment; your true desires come true when you allow yourself to let go!

you can design your own life, simply by taking control of your thoughts; even though you probably already heard the phrase “your thoughts create your reality” hundreds of times…it’s time to dive in and practice what you already know, the best you can!

step out of your comfort zone, it’s time to do something new! If there’s a passion you want to follow, the time is now, take the first step because you deserve it!

-stay positive and share positivity with your loved ones; there’s no need to share the inner work you’re doing or the fact that you keep seeing the angel number 1212…all you need to do is to embody your best self. Actions speak louder than words!

-spend more time with your family and friends; release any judgment; choose each and every encounter with your loved ones as an opportunity to learn and grow!

-have confidence in yourself and your abilities, keep strengthening that confidence by using positive affirmations

-keep moving forward, cultivate a positive attitude and believe in yourself; remember that you can choose the frequencies you send out to the Universe!

-remember that you always co-create with something bigger, don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance, we recommend manifestation prayer and meditation!

-whatever it is you’re working on or intending to manifest, remember to tune into your best energies! It’s not that much about what you do, but HOW you do it!

1212 Meaning in Numerology

Number 1 is a very positive number that represents the divine. It symbolizes the creative abilities of your thoughts. It’s a reminder that your greatest desires have the ability to manifest!

Number 2 stands for unity and harmony. It symbolizes abundance and prosperity in all areas of life- inner peace, happiness, an abundance of money, and joyful moments with loved ones.

1+2= 3

Number 3 symbolizes: wealth, knowledge, peace, wisdom, and harmony.


Number 6 symbolizes completion and natural perfection because the world was also created in six days.

1212 Angel Number Specific Messages for Manifesting Love, Money, and Success

1212 Angel Number for Love:

-1212 angel number wants to remind you that your true love is near; but don’t wait or long for it; you will manifest it faster, by fusing yourself with it and embodying it; love yourself and be good on yourself and amazing things will happen!

-see and love the beauty of the world that surrounds you; remember that love can be expressed in many different ways!

focus on gratitude, be grateful for your body, your health, your home, and everything you have manifested so far

-release old traumas and resentments, spend more time in meditation!

I recommend Manifestation Meditation to support you on your spiritual journey. Remember. You attract who you are. By embracing infinite and unconditional love and releasing old traumas and healing your wounds, you will be able to manifest loving and meaningful relationships, wherever you go!

1212 Angel Number for Career

-It’s time to follow your passion; even if you don’t know the how, the angel number 1212 wants to guide you; your angels want to let you know that it’s OK to ask for guidance; in fact there’s an entire, cosmic team of high-frequency beings willing to help you, so why should you worry?

-if you have an idea, act on it! If you know the next step, simply follow it with a firm belief and confidence in your abilities! As you keep taking aligned action, more and more guidance will follow.

-see yourself as a divine tool, allow divine energies to flow through you, and see yourself as a channel for something bigger; no matter what your job or occupation is, allow it to be an expression of your creative and divine powers. See the best in you and the people you work with.

-to manifest more money, success, and fulfillment in your career, stay focused on gratitude. Even if you encounter people who bother you, intend to see the best in them and bless them the way they are, and they will do you no harm. Stay focused on your thoughts and use them in your favor!

release any judgment and criticism, including self-judgment and self-criticism. You are perfect, exactly the way you are. And you are exactly where you are meant to be. Everything you do and did in the past has its divine meaning and purpose!

-keep asking your Higher Self: “How can I be and do my best today to add more and more value to the world?”, remember that the more value you can add, the more money you will make. The amount of money you make doesn’t have to be about working more hours or putting in more hard work and effort (although it can be, if you enjoy what you do and you feel happy as a hard worker).

Money is energy and value exchange. Add more value and be confident about what you do to manifest more and more abundance into your life!

1212 Angel Number

1212 Angel Number – More Intuitive Messages

-even though your angels know you’ve heard the phrase “focus on the positive and think positive thoughts” billions of times, they know that we often forget to apply what we know. So, spend more time in spiritual self-care.

Meditate or be out in nature. Have the intention to apply and embody everything you know about spirituality and the Law of Attraction!

-1212 angel number also wants to let you know to be good to yourself and love yourself! Forgive yourself if needed. Remember, you don’t fail, you succeed or you learn. Keep asking the Universe and your guardian angels for signs and guidance.

-release any self-doubt or social insecurities. 1212 angel number wants to remind you of the importance of: “Be yourself and follow yourself”, your angels want you to know that: “It’s safe to be you, you have the right to be yourself, and nobody has the right to judge you”.

-finally, seeing angel number 1212 is also a reminder to stop comparing yourself to other people; your angels are telling you: “you keep comparing yourself to other people, you get bitter, but, if you compare yourself to yourself from yesterday, you keep getting better!”.

-have a look in the mirror, give yourself a big hug, and love yourself, you are good just the way you are! You are smart, sensitive, beautiful, and infinite! Everyone who meets you feels inspired. You spread positive energy, and the Universe sends you more and more positivity!

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside Manifestation Meditation:
– insight, instructions, and meditations for limitless self-awareness and self-love to achieve your deepest desires (no matter how big or small)
-how to unleash and tap into your authentic self, goals, and ambitions so that manifesting will always feel joyful, abundant, and fun
-practical steps you can take today + 20 high-frequency guided, flexible meditations to make manifestation meditation your lifestyle (even if you’re busy)
specific meditations for attracting money, love, abundance, creativity, flow, joy, and spiritual experiences – whatever your heart desires!
sacred post-meditation rituals and affirmations to amplify your meditations and make them work for you 24/7 (exactly how to embody your desires to manifest as fast as possible!)
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Manifestation Meditation:
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It’s time to trust yourself and embrace this new, magical approach to manifesting with manifestation meditations!

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