1155 Angel Number- Manifest the Next Level of Abundance, Love, and Success

1155 angel number is a sign that amazing changes are coming, and certain mindset and energy shifts can help you embrace these positive changes and create your best life faster. Find out what they are and unlock the energy of the angel number 1155 for maximum growth to manifest success in all areas of your life.

While writing this post, I was guided to channel and share the five powerful messages of angelic guidance and inspiration. They came to me as a set of simple tips you can embody starting today to speed up your positive transformation and reach the next level of abundance.

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The Astonishing Meaning of the 1155 Angel Number in Numerology

To fully understand the meaning of the angel number 1155, let’s take a look at its individual numbers and its energies.

The number 1 symbolizes:

-positivity and positive change,

-new directions and new beginnings,

– inner wisdom, intuition, and self-development,

-courage and self-expression,

-spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Number 5 stands for:

-adventure and fun,

-change and transformation,

-excitement and joy,

romantic fulfillment.

1+1+5+5= 12


In numerology, the number 3 is one of the most significant digits you can encounter.

It symbolizes:

-enhanced communication,

-unlimited creativity and new solutions,

-harmony and balance,

-mind, body, and soul connection

This is why the angel number 1155 is so powerful. It’s telling you that positive changes and transformations are possible, and they can be fun and adventurous; suffering is not required for success!

True success and lasting fulfillment are created by unlocking the power of your subconscious mind, connecting with Your Higher Self, and integrating your body, mind, and soul.

So, seeing angel number 1155 is also an invitation to deepen your self-care practice in such a way that you take care of your beautiful body, mind, and soul. A holistic approach will result in quantum leaps while creating progress and transformation in all areas of your life.

1155 angel number symbolizes positive transformation in all areas of your life by reclaiming your power as a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience.

Your body is like a car. You need to take care of it because it is your vehicle that helps you navigate this physical existence and keep moving forward. Your mind is a steering wheel; it enables you to get where you need to. Your spirituality and energy are your gas, your fuel. Use this analogy whenever you need some extra motivation!

Since everything is energy and started with the Spirit…embrace your spirituality. Your heart is a powerful energy center that can help you calm your mind and unlock divine guidance.

All you need to do is to choose to be more in your heart. Whenever you feel like your ego mind is taking over, thank it and lovingly release it while choosing to bathe in the joys of your heart.

By doing so, you can integrate your body, mind, and soul. Your mind will be your steering wheel, and it will be under your command, not vice versa.

Recommended Online Training:

How to Manifest 5000 Times Faster by Unlocking the Power of Your Heart

Let’s dive deeper into the meanings and energies of the angel number 1155 and how you can unlock its full power!

5 Transformative Messages of the Angel Number 1155

#1 1155 Angel Number as a Messenger of Positive Change

By presenting you with the angel number 1155, the Universe wants you to know that you can do it; all the work you put into your spiritual development is now your unique key to profound transformation and effortless or even instant manifesting.

Keep going, even if it seems complicated to you now; know that you need to get to the other side of that perceived difficulty (where it will no longer feel difficult).

To unlock the energy of the angel number 1155 fully, spend more time in prayer and remember that you can connect with your Higher Self and ask for guidance.

Stay focused on the end result you desire to manifest and embody its energy. Feel into it as much as you can.

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1155 angel number

#2 Freedom, Self-Expression, and Passion Are Your New Guides

Angel number 1155 carries a powerful energy of personal transformation. It’s time to dive deeper and ask yourself: “Am I living my passion? Do I allow myself to express myself fully? Do I take advantage of my freedom by unlocking my authenticity and allowing it to guide me?

Or do I keep hiding it?

If you’ve been hiding it feeling too scared to express yourself, now is the time to change it. By presenting you with the angel number 1155, our angels and guides want you to know that you’re not alone and that all you need to do is to focus on the next step. Have trust that everything will turn out in your favor. You are always guided and protected!

Allow yourself to be you. Your passion and authenticity are like your GPS. Follow that inner GPS knowing that eventually, it will lead you to a new reality that your ego mind could never comprehend. So, don’t switch it off.

Stay consistent. Even 30 minutes a day of focused, inspired action around your passion is enough and, indeed a great start (especially if you’re busy).

By taking inspired action, you disperse the energy of waiting and longing and show the Universe that you’re ready to fully collaborate with it.

To inspire you – this blog also started as a passion project to share my experiences with the Law of Attraction, self-development, and spirituality.

And it began as focused 30-60 minutes a day inspired, passion-fueled action. I allowed myself to be guided. I allowed myself to keep searching for the authentic me and the readers who resonated with that essence.

Now, this little blog is becoming my part-time career.

Small, daily actions lead to massive transformations, especially if you keep believing in the power of the Law of Attraction and manifestation and affirm and visualize your results while actively asking for guidance from a Higher Power.

That is the recipe for success that the angel number 1155 wants to remind you of. Full integration of the body, mind, and spirit.

#3 Positive Changes in Relationships Are Coming

1155 angel number is a sign of positive changes in your relationships, and these changes are definitely for the highest good of all.

It means that you are entering a portal of unlimited possibilities to manifest love or new relationships.

However, this may also indicate that toxic relationships that don’t align with your values and your highest good may end.

In both cases, the best action you can take is to clear out the negative energies of the past. To do so, I recommend you read my guide on cord-cutting (one of my most popular guides on this blog), as it will help you let go of what no longer serves you to manifest beautiful, deep, and lasting connections (in new relationships or by restoring the old ones) while cutting cords with old patterns, and negative energies (that perhaps kept manifesting as toxic relationships).

If you’re single, remember you can manifest the love you desire and deserve.

1155 angel number is excellent news if you’re single and want to manifest love/romantic relationship/soulmate.

It’s a number of new beginnings, powerful connections, and positive changes, including new meaningful relationships and friendships.

Recommended Book: Law of Attraction for Amazing Relationships – Now Available on Amazon

Law of Attraction for Relationships book

#4 Manifest Extraordinary Success in Your Career

1155 is a powerful sign for manifesting the next level of success and transformation in your career. Whether it’s getting promoted, finding a new job, creating a new business, or growing an existing one, be open to these positive changes by…not being too attached to any of them.

What it means is that an infinite number of positive changes could happen.

So, the best course of action is to stay focused on the desired feeling, such as having a secure career, enjoying more free time, doing your passion for a living, making more money, being respected for what you do, or becoming an expert in your chosen field.

Focus on the end result and the feeling, and allow yourself to fall asleep with the feeling of the wish fulfilled (as Neville Goddard puts it beautifully). Keep releasing your fears, worries, and doubts (my manifestation meditation is great for that as it helps you remove the old and create the new at the same time while being open to the infinite number of ways your desires could manifest).

To fully unlock the energy of the angel number 1155, keep affirming: “Great, positive changes are coming in my career, and I am willing to be guided!”.

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#5 Become Magnetic to Your Desires

1155 angel number is a beautiful and empowering number of positive change and transformation, but that transformation evolves your growth and never-ending soul-searching and growing journey.

But isn’t that why we’re here? Doesn’t it make our lives more exciting and fulfilling?

Give yourself permission to acknowledge that you’re a spiritual being and that manifesting is your birthright. Keep expressing your wishes and desires confidently, knowing that by allowing yourself to be guided, going with the flow and doing inner work, your manifestations will be more effortless.

1155 angel number encourages you to Keep learning new things and skills to re-program your subconscious mind. It’s all about mindful repetition. You can learn from people you admire, and by spending more time with them (or consuming their content, reading their books, taking their courses), you re-program your subconscious mind in a really powerful way.

Most people were programmed by their parents, teachers, caretakers, and friends in their childhood and never took any action to re-program themselves moving forward. Most people keep operating from the old (and often limiting) programs they got taught as children…Isn’t that limiting?

By choosing to embody your best self by continuous learning, you are in control of your mind (the steering wheel of your car). And you are also an inspiration for those around you. As you keep learning, you know you can use spirituality as your fuel. You connect with Your Higher Self and ask for guidance. So, you can’t be stuck. 1155 angel number is clearly letting you know you have an entire team of divine badasses to support you!

The goal is to leave this world a better place. And think how we could all live if everyone knew how to unlock the power of their subconscious minds and create the best lives for the highest good of all?

Use it as your motivation to keep learning and growing. Follow your intuition. If you find a teacher you resonate with, read their books, consume their content, and take their classes. Embody the teachings that resonate with you. Follow your gut!

This is how you unlock your inner leadership; you choose to change from within yourself so that the changes you create are permanent, confident, and inspiring.

Manifestation Angels

Now Available on Amazon

Elevate, uplift, and empower yourself with angelic messages! They can’t wait to awaken you and unlock your inner guidance. It’s time to replace fear with love and doubt with authentic confidence!

Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting