11 Angel Number Meaning- Time to Unpack Your Divine Gifts!

Are you wondering about the 11 angel number meaning? If you keep seeing angel number 11, keep reading because it’s a sign from heaven and holds important messages from the spiritual realm.

You’re just about to discover why angel number 11 is a divine gift and a genuinely wonderful sign to help you reach the next stage of spiritual enlightenment.

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Is 11 a Full Angel Number?

Perhaps you’re unsure if 11 can be an angel number and a powerful sign. After all, everyone in the spiritual community talks about the angel number 1111.

So, you may be thinking: “is the angel number 11 a complete angel number?”.

The short answer is – 11 is an angel number; it is complete and holds a vital message for you!

The angel number 11 is very powerful! It doesn’t matter how or where you see it.

The main message it intends to convey is to tell you that you’re destined for greatness.

Your mind and soul are getting into complete alignment– the optimal state for manifesting your desires with joy and ease!

(without the fear of losing them, like often can happen in the case of fear-based manifesting).

11 angel number meaning also relates to soul development and raising your vibration.

Now, let’s look at the 11-angel number meaning in numerology!

11 Angel Number Meaning in Numerology

11 angel number is a karmic number that symbolizes spiritual awakening.

It also radiates the energy of:

-High energy, inspiration, creativity



-Being in charge of your destiny while simultaneously connected to the Higher Power of Divine Sources

11 angel number is often associated with starting a new, heart-based, purpose-driven career.

Your angels are encouraging you to be bold and assertive in expressing yourself authentically while being of service to others and benefitting the collective consciousness.

Finally, the 11 angel number spreads nothing but positivity!

By sending you the angel number 11, your angels are reminding you of the importance of:






-Second chances


11 angel number is often called a master number.

It radiates high vibration and is a sign from your angels to focus on positivity and highly vibrational memories and opportunities.

Oh…and remember that you can change your memories.

Your mind and heart can combine their forces and transmute negativity into positivity.

Even negative experiences or memories from the past can be turned into something positive, or at least valuable, spiritual lessons!

You don’t fail, you succeed, or you learn.

You were not rejected; you were re-directed – these are the messages your angels want you to embrace and embody!

To sum up, the 11-angel number radiates a high vibration and inspires positivity, optimism, great energy, and mindset, just like the numbers 111 and 1111.

Also, what’s interesting about the angel number 11 is that 1 + 1= 2

2 is a very powerful number in numerology.

It stands for harmony, balance, and peaceful cooperation.

11 Angel Number Meaning – Combine Your Spiritual Growth with Financial Wellbeing

Angel number 11 holds an important message for your spiritual growth.

By sending you angel number 11, your angels are letting you know you’re ready to ascend spiritually.

Be sure to embrace your unique self-expression by finding something you love, a hobby, or a passion. Commit to it, preferably daily, and use it as a channel to express your truth, wisdom, or creativity.

Have faith that something amazing will come out of it, and it will be so!

Also, by sending you the angel number 11, your angels are letting you know that now you’re spiritually awake and aware enough to understand that manifesting money and spiritual growth can go hand in hand.

You are very privileged, even if you don’t realize it yet.

Why? Well, you’re living in the advanced, digital, internet times where manifesting money can be a natural extension of who you are!

So, your creativity and unique gifts can be manifested into the abundance you desire.

However, always prioritize your spiritual growth because the more you focus on developing yourself, the easier it will be for you to manifest money and abundance.

It’s not that money is evil. Money in itself is neutral. It’s neither good nor bad.

But you need to understand that money and abundance are not separate from you. We’re all one.

The best and most natural way to manifest money and abundance is by tapping into your full, spiritual potential.

You may want to start working on your subconscious mind and spend more time in meditation and prayer.

By making you see angel number 11, your angels are letting you know that great financial abundance can be yours!

Intend to combine your spiritual growth with financial wellbeing.

But don’t chase money.

Instead, embrace and develop your unique gifts and authentic self-expression. Use your unique gifts and talents to add value to others through your preferred channel of self-expression (for some people, it can be making YouTube videos, and for some, it may be starting an online store on Etsy; some may choose to do blogging or be social media influencers).

To sum up – angel number 11 is sending you great vibes, as well as motivation and inspiration to step into your greatness, be courageous and follow your true path.

Be a powerful creator like never before!

To achieve the highest level of enlightenment and abundance (of money, health, and unforgettable experiences), you need to start thinking and acting from your heart.

Evaluate your goals. Are they fear-based or love-based?

11 angel number wants to help you dissolve your doubts and fears to start taking action in alignment with what you really desire, not out of fear or desperation.

Use the gift of divine faith, meditation, and prayer to help you whenever you feel doubtful.

Remember that your angels are always available to help you and guide you.

So, use manifestation prayer to connect to the Angelic Realm and be willing to be guided.

11 Angel Number Meaning for Manifesting Unconditional Love

Number 11 is LOVE. Pure, unconditional love, so seeing angel number 11 is an excellent sign for you if you’re manifesting love.

Remember that you attract who you are. So, be love!

Radiate pure unconditional love.

Forgive yourself and others.

Heal your energetic space by using the Honopono Ho practice.

The main message of the 11-angel number is unconditional love.

Once again, the keyword here is – unconditional.

So, start with yourself and cultivate the feelings of unconditional love by loving yourself fully and unconditionally.

Radiate love, anywhere you go.

Fuse yourself with the Universal love and the feeling of immense peace it radiates.

Now, in terms of relationships, angel number 11 could mean the following:

-If you’re in a relationship, seeing angel number 11 might be a sign to start a new chapter together. This could be moving in, buying a house together, moving cities or countries, starting a family, or setting up a business together.

-If you’re single and want to manifest a relationship, angel number 11 wants to help you release your anxiety around “wanting to attract.” Instead, act as if – imagine you’re already with your soulmate and having a fantastic time together.

Make sure to tune into the vibrational energy of unconditional love by loving yourself and everything around you fully and unconditionally.

We recommend you use the following affirmations for self-love:

27 Self-Loving Affirmations to Stay Empowered

But remember, energy is everything!

So, you’re not just mindlessly attracting some self-loving affirmations to force yourself into attracting someone from a place of desperation.

Instead, you use self-loving affirmations to step into your greatness and discover the joys of bathing in the infinite ocean of unconditional love.

You use self-loving affirmations to express to yourself and the Universe how much you appreciate the gift of self-love and your spiritual development.

-Finally, angel number 11 is also an excellent sign for manifesting new, soul-aligned friends! If you’re wondering where you should hang out or which communities to join, the answer is very simple- follow your heart!

Focus on following your passion and fulfilling your own needs first.

For example, if you’re into music festivals, go to music festivals. If you’re into vegan retreats with yoga, go to vegan retreats with yoga and meet your people there.

Follow your bliss. Remember that the primary meaning of angel number 11 is complete, unapologetic self-expression.

Your self-expression is your compass. Your GPS.

It’s your alignment and will connect you with the right people and circumstances.

All you need to focus on is your alignment and releasing what’s no longer serving you!

11 Angel Number Meaning for Manifesting a New Career

By sending you angel number 11, your angels are letting you know it’s time to manifest a new career from a place of choice and alignment, not a necessity.

Allow yourself to be free from the opinions of others. But don’t resent them.

Everyone is free to express themselves.

When you’re grounded in your truth and aim to stay in balance, the opinions of others can’t shake you.

Even if some people are pessimistic about what you do, it’s not up to you to judge them.

Their negative energy will come back to them like a boomerang, and they will learn their lessons. That’s the Law of Attraction in action.

So, focus on yourself and your dreams.

By sending you angel number 11, your angels want you to focus on your new self-image.

These self-image affirmations will get you on the right vibration!

Once again, remember that alignment is everything!

What’s most important is your heart and its desires.

Your heart is always right because it connects to the Universal wisdom and something bigger.

So, follow your bliss.

But, at the same time, pay attention to how you show up and your leadership skills.

Even if you’re not leading others and are not in any leadership position, remember that you’re leading yourself!

You’re the creator of your life.

You’ve been persistent. Your work will pay off.

Keep going and believe in yourself.

Keep strengthening your belief in yourself with positive affirmations.

You’ll find more guidance on this blog!

Check out the following articles:

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

44 Affirmations for Happiness to Instantly Shift into Positivity

68 Positive Affirmations for Women – Reclaim Your POWER!

Finally, to fully unlock the magic of numbers and receive personalized guidance based on your unique energy, date of birth, and other important events in your life,

be sure to request your free numerology HERE 🙂


Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting