11 12 Angel Number – Manifest Your Desires Automagically!

11 12 angel number has a very powerful message for you! 11 12, or 11:12 is also called the Triple Mirror Hour and is associated with tranquillity and ease.

So, what could it mean for manifesting money, love, abundance, or whatever it is you desire? It’s time to dive deeper and decipher the meaning of 11 12!

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The Meaning of 11 12 Angel Number (11:12) Explained

11 12 angel number is associated with the wisdom of the guardian angel Lehahiah.

By making you see 11 12, he is letting you know that he wants you to be happy and fulfilled.

He is willing to assist you with manifesting your desires!

Combine his wisdom with your faith and aligned action, and you will manifest great things into your life!

Lehahiah is often associated with discipline.

Yes, I know, I know. Most spiritual and creative people fear the word “discipline.” How can it be spiritual?

I used to be like that too!

But then I took a look at everything that happens in nature, and I came to a simple conclusion:

We need structure and discipline for everything we do!

And…discipline can be combined with inspiration and aligned action.

Discipline can be joyful and fun!

It was thanks to diving deeper into the meaning of 11 12 that I was able to receive this timeless teaching…

Now, I’m committed to doing my daily tasks (such as writing) with joy and passion.

And, I give the rest to my angels. I feel like I’m co-creating with something bigger, and it feels so good to be a part of a beautiful team of angelic beings willing to support me!

Ask yourself if you can do the same? Can you trust yourself, your angels, and the Universe?

Daily structure, mindful and joyful discipline in a field you’re passionate about, backed up with strong spiritual beliefs and timeless manifestation principles, can only lead to positive things in your life!

If you keep seeing angel number 1112, your angels are letting you know you’re ready to manifest some significant changes in your life.

But, you must be willing to do your part and co-create with something bigger!

Angel Number 11 12

11 12 Angel Number in Numerology (Powerful Message)

The numerology message behind the angel number 11 12 is very positive and empowering:

Simply allow all your thoughts into reality.

Give yourself the gift of thinking beautiful, empowering thoughts.

Remember that your angels and the cosmos support you, and it is time to go out there and follow your dreams (or take it to the next level!).

Number 11 stands for:

-spiritual awakening

-inner wisdom

-high energy

-strong aura

-increased creativity

Number 1 stands for:

-new beginnings



-powerful creation

Number 2 stands for:


-positive vibrational energy

-service and openness




-powerful partnerships

-amazing relationships

Now, let’s decipher the angel number 11 12 even further: 1+1+1+2= 5

Number 5 stands for:

-spiritual growth


-passion and motivation to actualize your dreams and desires

Now, let’s take a look at the meaning of the 11 12 angel number for transforming all areas of your life…your career, finance, love life, health…whatever it is you desire to manifest.

In this post, I’m channeling the purest and most empowering 11 12 angel number messages to get you on a higher vibration and manifest your desires…automagically! (great word BTW, isn’t it?).

Angel Number 11 12 for Manifesting Money & Abundance

Hello beautiful Soul! We want to let you know you’re on the right path. Keep doing what you’re doing with a big smile on your face!

But never limit your abundance. Because we can always help you manifest more money through new channels and avenues.

Your main job right now is very simple….well, yes simple but sometimes not easy!

Kind of homework we love to assign to souls like you. Because we love you and want to make sure you’re spiritually evolving…

So, your main task right now is to think beautiful, positive thoughts.

Be mindful of scarcity thoughts filled with jealousy and resentment because they only block your manifestations…

Yes. We know, we know! All humans tend to have such thoughts sometimes, or something triggers them.

But don’t worry! Just don’t give them any power.

If you notice any negative thoughts simply say: cancel-cancel and leave the rest to us!

Then ask yourself…hmmm what would be a better and more empowering thought?

Play it as if it was a game. We are making you see 11 12 because we think it’s time for you to practice mental and spiritual discipline.

Fill your beautiful mind and heart with beautiful and positive thoughts. They will make you feel good and energized.

Even if someone hurt you in the past or didn’t appreciate you or your efforts, you can rise above them and approach everything from a higher perspective and magnificent energy!

Now, let’s take a look at the angel number 11 12 for manifesting love.

Angel Number 11 12 for Manifesting Love

If you’re already in a relationship and seeing angel number 11 12, it’s because your angels are letting you know they can see your efforts and how far you’ve come.

They’re also letting you know that you’re on the right path and that your relationship is moving in the right direction.

Remember to stay on this vibration of continuous growth and expansion in your relationship.

Have trust in yourself and your partner!

This could be a great time to make a big decision together, such as moving to a new location, making a purchase together, getting married, or having a baby.

Angel number 11 12 could be letting you know that it’s time to take a leap of faith and venture into the unknown. By having trust in yourself, your partner, and the Universe, you can create such an amazing life, that your current state of awareness may not even be able to comprehend yet!

If you’re single, seeing the 11 12 angel number might signal that it’s time for you to get involved with someone! Listen to your inner guidance and intuition and let it take you to new places.

But, more importantly, if you want to meet your soulmate, take a deep dive into your inner world.

Start embodying the traits you desire to attract in your dream partner.

At the same time, give yourself some well-deserved self-care.

Make sure your body, mind, and soul feel good!

And as you go into self-care and your favorite activities, start changing your thoughts and ask yourself: “Am I doing these activities as a single person? Or as someone who is seeing someone, or in a committed relationship?”.

Align your thoughts and self-talk with the new version of you – the version that is already having an amazing time with their soulmate!

Want to Unleash the Power of Numbers?

Get your FREE personalized video numerology report HERE!


Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting